In Serial

Topping the Alpha

8 155 28
Author: Type:Male
Worlds collide when Elliot Lockwood, an omega werewolf, moves into a different pack at 17 years old. Born of warrior parents, he was raised to believe his breed should have no bearing in his life or future. Determined to offer their son a better condition, the Lockwoods decide to move to a much larger pack, one that offers more opportunities for an omega.
Thrust into a new town, Elliot must navigate his senior year in high school facing all the challenges that come with it, including an unwanted attention from the future Beta.
But he is decided to make his mark in the world, even if he has to face an obnoxious future Alpha who is determined to make his life hell. Little does he know Elliot is not like other omegas and he will stop at nothing to succeed in this pack, even if he has to trample the boy Alpha to achieve it.
Buckle up people, this isn't like any omega story you've ever read!
Warning: contain gay sexual activity.
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