《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 23: Every Breath You Take


I have an (future) Alpha on my bed.

I returned with hot tea for us to drink and Felix was lying on my bed, sleeping comfortably in my linen sheets. Talking about a complete collapse.

I sighed, drank both of our teas and went to the kitchen to cook us lunch.

He's so peaceful sleeping like an angel, no one would've guessed he broke down right before my eyes. I mean, that was gut wrenching to watch, I'm not gonna lie.

It took everything in me to not say yes when he knelt. He begged. And ironically that's not what I wanted from him. I don't want him to humble before me wanting something.

I'd prefer if he did it voluntarily, though no one really does it willingly. But I don't need people humbling themselves at my feet. That's not my kink. No shade.

I prefer when I do the humbling myself. That's when I come alive.

Now, do I want him as my mate?

Not in a million years!

Do I reject him as my mate?

I can't. I wish that I could, but I don't have it in me to reject a mate. And I don't really care that he's going to be Alpha, as much as I didn't care about Simon's money. Though those things are completely different.

But that's not what matters to me in a mate. It never did. It doesn't hurt, I'm not gonna lie or be a hypocrite. But it's not the most important thing. At all.

I want someone to treat me like Simon did. That's it.

But be that as it may, I don't have it in me to reject a mate. I never did.

Do I care that it could cost him his Alpha?

Not really.

Am I going to reject him?

No, definitely not. He could be a beggar down the street. I can't reject my mate. I simply cannot!

"What?" - Felix gasped, staring at me confused.

"I'm not going to reject you!" - I reiterated in a serious tone.

"But you said before--"

"I was angry before! You accosting me in front of my house is not the answer!" - I exclaimed, interrupting him.

"I didn't have a choice! If you don't accept the bond my dad is gonna tell the Council he's choosing another successor!" - He admitted in a exasperating tone. I could feel the despair in his voice.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that." - I said, feeling guilty.

"I needed an answer by today or I'd lose my Alpha. I was desperate. I mean, still am." - He confessed in a vulnerable tone.

I'm not used to see this side of the Alpha. The human one. I like it, can't deny.

"You can tell your dad I'm not gonna reject you. Better yet, I can do it." - I volunteered in a good mood.

"Really? That's great! Do you want his number?" - He offered, so sweet.


- He replied in the mind link.

"We're werewolves, Hollingsworth. We don't need phones." - I smirked, so smug I couldn't contain it.

"Right. Thanks for the update. What changed your mind? Was it when you saw my--"

"I've seen bigger." - I cut him off, making him wince at the burn.

"Ouch!" - He gasped.

"You should know by now, you're never gonna win with me. Not ever. And no, it wasn't your penis that convinced me. There isn't a penis big enough to convince me to be mated to you." - I replied, causing him to grimace.


"You don't mince your words, do you?" - He cried out, feeling the burn from my brutal honesty.

"I don't. I just don't have it in me to reject a mate. No matter how ugly he is." - I snickered, making him glare at me.

"That's the last one of today, I promise. But I meant it when I said I don't have it in me to reject a mate. I don't wanna live alone for the rest of my life." - I admitted in a vulnerable tone. My face looked saddened at the thought.

He gasped at my honesty, though for once he's not glaring at me.

"I can relate. I never wanted a boy mate, but I can't reject mine either." - He agreed, looking at me with an empathizing gaze.

I served us some lunch before it gets cold.

He ate well. I guess he's hungrier than he lead on. So was I at this point. Afterwards, he helped me wash the dishes and pots. We cleaned the kitchen and went on to the living room.

"Thanks for lunch. It's great. You're such a good cook. Is it an omega thing?" - He asked me, curiously as we sat opposite each other on the sofa.

"No, it's a my parents work 12 hours shift thing. If I didn't learn how to cook for myself, I'd starve." - I snickered.

He smiled uncomfortably.

"I get it. I was blessed to grow up in the pack house as I did." - He noted, acknowledging his privilege. Wow. Mature.

"Yeah. But I have no complaints. My parents are the best." - I smiled at the thought of them.

"I'm sure they are. They raised you." - He flirted, causing me to grin wide.

"If I'm bothering you, you can kick me out. I don't want to put you off in any way. I mean, more than I already have." - He smirked, laughing mildly.

I giggled at this.

"It's fine. I'm not declining any offers by being here with you. I've already visited Liv on Monday and now I don't have a boyfriend anymore to keep me company and do other things." - I replied in a joking tone, though I said only truths.

"I'm sorry for that. But I can keep you company, if you want. I don't know about other stuff--"

"I wasn't asking for it! I'm just making a point." - I cut him off, embarrassed.

"I know you were. I get nervous around you." - He admitted it. It's very difficult to be mad at him when he gets vulnerable and honest like this. Damn!

"I'm nervous around you too." - I confessed, blushing.

"Really? Could've fooled me!" - He smirked, giggling.

"That's the point!" - I winked at him.

"Besides, it looked like you were asking for it." - I joked, looking down at his crotch for a second.

He blushed so hard he turned red.

"I wasn't, I swear! It's this fucking mate bond making me see you in a different light!" - He spoke in a sincere tone.

He's killing me today.

"I can relate, trust me." - I blurted, also blushing. He smiled wide and I swooned.

We spent hours talking to each other. It seemed like we could never run out of topics to talk about. Suddenly, it's dinner time and he had to go back to the pack house.

But he asked if he could come back tomorrow and before I could think, I said yes. He grinned at me and went on his way.


I've also told him I'd have his clothes ready for tomorrow. He picked up his belongings that were in his pockets before he left, including his car keys.

By the time my parents arrived late at night, diner was already in the stove ready to be reheated.

"Was your mate here today?" - Mom asked me while she microwaved the food.

I gasped. I knew she would pick up on the foreign scent. But how does she know it's him?

"Yes, it's a long story. But how do you know it's him?" - I asked genuinely intrigued.

"Sweetie, we work security for the pack house too. Do you think I wouldn't recognize Felix's scent?" - She smirked. Dad laughed at this.

"Touché, mom." - I conceded, impressed at my amazing mother.

"You can tell the long story over dinner." - Dad suggested, looking at me curiously.

I can see they're twinkling their eyes in curiosity. So, I might as well tell them.

Next morning, I woke up later than usual. My mom had already left. But my dad is off today. I served myself some breakfast while dad watched the news on TV.

Afterwards, I cleaned up my room and got our clothes from yesterday out of the drier. The good thing when one of my parents is here is that I don't have to cook. So I can chill.

The door bell rang and I rushed to open it, though my dad beat me to it.

"Good morning, Mr. Lockwood." - Felix greeted my dad.

"Good morning, Felix. Come on in." - He greeted him back and made way for him to enter.

Felix greets me and I direct him towards my bedroom. My dad stayed behind watching TV before making lunch.

We talk at length once again. We laugh, I tease him, he glares at me in shock. Honestly, I didn't think we had in us to get along so well, so sudden.

I'm gobsmacked at our chemistry.

He leaves just before lunch, not wanting to overstay his welcome or intrude. I tell him it's fine if he ate with us. But he said he needed to return home indeed.

Though he came back in the next day.

It's Christmas' Eve. But since warriors never stop, only my mom is present during the day. We spend all day cooking and getting the house ready for Christmas.

The doorbell rings. I go to open it and Felix comes in and greets my mom, who smiled politely at him. He volunteered to help us with the cooking and I gagged.

I told him he didn't need to do that, but he insisted. He doesn't have to do it at the pack house because the meals are professionally prepared, so he's eager to help.

NOT what I thought our day would amount to. But there is a lot of cooking to be done, even for a three people house. Not that he complained in any way.

He stayed with us helping until we finished in the late afternoon. Afterwards, we rested a bit in my room.

"Thank you for today. You didn't have to help us." - I said, smiling at him from my side of the bed we're sat on.

"Stop talking like I'm the King and you're the peasants. Of course I had to help!" - He smirked.

"Wow! Conceited much? At best, you're the prince!" - I snickered, making him laugh out loud.

"You get my point..." - He blushed.

My Goddess, he looks so cute right now I wish I could kiss him.

"You can." - He told me, making me gasp.

"What?!" - I yelled in shock.

"You can count on me to help out whenever you need. What did you think I meant?" - He looked at me puzzled.

I blushed hard, embarrassed at the thought. I laughed uncomfortably.

"Nothing. It's stupid. I got in my head for a moment." - I explained, stuttering in nervousness.

"You're so cute when you get flustered." - He observed, which in turn got me MORE flustered.

"Excuse me, I need to go to the restroom." - I said and left towards the bathroom.

My heart's palpitating. I'm blushing. I can't stop thinking about jumping his bones like I'm some horny teenager - which I am, I guess. But still... I was with Simon not a week ago, literally.

I returned to a somber looking Felix.

"Can I speak honestly?" - He asked me in a serious tone.

I sat back on the bed and looked at him expectantly.

"Yes, please." - I gulped.

"You don't need to hold yourself back on my account." - He said emphatically.

"What do you mean?" - I asked him, confused.

"Elliott, come on... do you think you're the only one who can smell? I can hear your heart racing, I can sense your stench exuding like you're in heat." - He spoke with a honest look on his face. But he wasn't bragging or lecturing me, no. He seemed worried about me for some reason.

I gasped at this. Though, I do deserve honesty. It's my brand. And those who can say should be able to take it. But it's hard. I'm gagging at his disposition, trying to put me at ease with my own feelings.

After I take several breaths to calm myself down, I begin to reply.

"Thank you for your honesty, I appreciate it. I get want you're saying, I do. It's just that..."

"You feel like you're cheating on Simon by being with me." - He interrupted me in a serene tone, as if guessing why I'm nervous.

"Exactly! Don't you feel the same about Ashley?" - I wondered, curiously.

He got uncomfortable for a moment while I stared at him expectantly. He inhaled my scent and opened his mouth.

"No. Both Ash and I knew the deal. All teen werewolves are aware of what will happen when we turn 18 or possibly even 17." - He started, calm and serious.

"So we all know how it goes. And Goddess only knows how many times I prayed for her to be my mate. But both of us knew what would happen if we weren't. It's part of life. We actually discussed it literally the day before my party. So no, I don't feel like I'm cheating on anyone. The only person I can cheat on now is you." - He asserted, so confidently, with such certainty that it made me gasp.

I was taken aback by his assertion. I'm shocked, honestly. And he sensed it.

"However, I don't want you to feel pressured into anything you're not prepared for. That's not what I meant by what I said before. I only meant you need not hold yourself back on my account. That's it." - He continued, surprising me the most by his frankness.

I'm so shocked I'm almost out of breath. It took me a minute to collect my thoughts. It's funny how usually I'm the one gagging him with my radical honesty and today I'm the one being gagged.

"I admit you've surprised me. I thought you'd be all 'I'm straight, don't touch me, fag or I will kill you!' and now I'm like... shook." - I said, going as far as making an impression of him when I spoke the words of my imagined response.

He laughed at this.

"You're terrible at impressions." - He snickered, making me giggle.

"I'd never use that word, for once. I can't kill my own my mate. And even though I'm very straight, the mate bond is turning me on to you even as I speak." - He continued, making me flustered again.

I blushed at his honesty. I'm so surprised by his open minded disposition, his willingness to make this work that I can't help myself. I jumped on top of him and kissed him.

He's not wrong in anything he said so far. The mate bond is making me look at him differently and it's been turning me on to him since Monday. Though the first month is the most intense phase - apart from when you complete the bond, then it gets really serious.

He used his hands to lift me up a little and place me sitting on his lap as we're on my bed. We continue kissing and he caresses my back with his strong hands. I'm in heaven, his mouth is so soft and his lips are delicious to kiss.

It's nothing like I've ever experienced. We make out intensely for a while. I rest my hand on his shoulders, touching the exposed skin of his neck, sending shivers down his spine. I giggle at the effect I have on him.

"This is nice." - He commented, once we parted lips. I smiled wide.

"It is." - I agreed. I can't lie, it's the nicest thing I've done all week.

"But I do need to go home. It's Christmas." - He informed me, causing a displeased moan to pass my lips. He laughed at my reaction.

"I'm sorry. But it's kinda mandatory." - He snickered.

"I know, of course I get it. Go spend time with your family. At this time next year, it'll be us at the pack house." - I surprised myself by saying that. Honestly, I don't know what came over me!

He smiled the widest I've seen so far.

"Yes, it will. Thank you for today." - He replied with a content grin.

I accompanied him to the front door. He said goodbye to my mom, who's at the living room watching a Christmas parade on TV.

"See you tomorrow?" - He asked sheepishly, once at my door.

"See you tomorrow." - I replied, blushing for some reason.

He came closer to me for a moment and whispered:

"You belong with me now."

Then, he kissed me. I gasped at his cheeky statement, but was too nervous to dispute it.

I spent a wonderful Christmas' Eve with my family. My parents got Christmas day off and we celebrated it. However, that does mean they're working New Year's, but I don't care. I'm used to it as I've said before. The important thing is that we're together as family.

Speaking of being together, Felix visited me every single day of the break. We kissed every time he came - because of course - and he even invited me to spend New Year's eve with him at the pack house, which is actually nice because both my parents were working anyway.

We kissed at midnight of the New Year and I nearly wept with happiness. I didn't think I'd be so into him this fast. But this mate bond is no joke. Honestly, I'm starting to get a little scared of when school returns and we have to share a group shower. Awkward.

After we kissed at midnight, I whispered to him:

"YOU belong to ME."

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