《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 10: Is This Love


I'm not new to this.

I don't like to brag, but I've made a lot of boys and girls happy in bed. Multiple times.

But for some reason, I feel like a virgin when I'm with Elliot.

I know this sounds like a clichê and it probably is, but that's exactly how I feel. He makes me feel giddy and silly. It's like nothing I've ever felt before. With anyone. Ever.

When I returned home, I couldn't hide my smile even if I tried. Not that I wanted to.

I arrived just in time for dinner, but my parents wouldn't let it slide. Specially not my dad.

"Where were you this afternoon? We didn't see you since you left this morning for school. Were you with Felix?" - Dad asked me as we ate dinner.

"No, I wasn't. Something happened today at school. There was a fight and Elliot was involved, so I went to check on him after school. He got suspended by the principal." - I explained, feeling a little bashful. But it's the truth.

"I see. And this visit took you all afternoon? You even returned showered. That's some visit!" - Dad smirked with a suspicious glance my way. Mom laughed at this. Johnny is too innocent to understand the ramifications of showering before coming into the house.

"He was nice enough to let me shower at his house. I was sweating after school." - I explained to him, blushing hard. Not that anyone would believe that bullshit excuse.

"Sure, son. And I was born yesterday." - Dad wouldn't leave it alone. Mom laughed louder.

"I did nothing wrong." - I stated confidently. I'm not apologizing to him if that is what he's angling at. He better not hold his breath.

"I hope not. Because if he falls pregnant, I'll have your child support docked from your Beta paycheck. That's a promise." - Dad jabbed at me, not missing a beat. Mom gasped at this.

"You know they invented condoms, right? It's not the 19th Century anymore?" - I spat at him, angrily.

"What is condoms?" - Johnny asked me with his innocent face.

"Thanks for that, Simon. Very mature." - Dad reprimanded me, looking furious.

"I'm sorry, mom. I didn't mean for it come out like this. Your mate makes me loose my temper." - I told her with an apologetic glance. Dad lost it.

He slammed the table so strong I thought it would fall apart.

"You make me loose my temper!" - He yelled at me, startling my little brother and mom. I'm glad the baby isn't here or she'd wake up.

"Who do you think you are to talk to me like that? Show me some respect if you wanna live inside my house!" - Dad was fuming at me. His eyes are glowing in anger.

"I'm sorry, dad." - I apologized, lowering my head. If I antagonize him anymore he's gonna go overboard. And it wouldn't do anyone any good.

"I don't mean to make you feel bad, Simon. But if you turn up with an unmated pregnant omega, the Council might not let you become Beta of the pack." - He elaborated in a much calmer tone. Though his face looked worried sick.

"What?!" - I shouted in surprise, looking wide-eyed at him.

"Imagine the scandal... the future Beta of the pack with an unmated child. And from an omega at that. They can demand Felix to choose another Beta. It's not guaranteed." - Dad reiterated in a somber tone. Mom gasped at this. Even Johnny got scared looking at me, though he's too young to understand some of the stuff we're saying.


"I'm sorry, dad. I didn't think this could happen." - I gasped genuinely in shock.

"Even Felix could be blocked from Alpha if he showed up with an unmated pregnant omega." - Dad affirmed, making me gag with the twist.

"I know you think I'm prejudiced against you dating the omega. I'm not. Even if he turns out to be your mate, he will be well received in this house. But that's not for another 3 months. So... reign it in a little." - Dad spoke with genuine concern for me. I could tell by looking in his eyes.

"Thanks, dad. I really appreciate you looking out for me. But I promise you that's not gonna happen." - I assured him in a sincere tone. I placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled softly at him.

"It's my job to look out for you, son. And I hope you're right. Because it would break my heart if you were precluded from following in my footsteps." - Dad said in a deeply emotional tone. He held back the tears but I couldn't. Seeing his vulnerable side brought me down like nothing else.

I stopped eating and went to the bathroom to recollect myself. When I returned, everyone had already finished dinner but they waited for me.

"Is he okay? Elliot, I mean. You said he was in a fight." - Mom asked me after a minute of silence.

"Yeah he's fine, mom. You should've seen him. It was like a scene from a movie. He took out 5 juniors at the same time!" - I replied with a boastful smile. I'm proud of him. I don't like to start fights but if I have to, I sure hope I'm the winner.

"Five? My Goddess! Who trained this kid?" - Mom gasped.

"His parents. You didn't see them at their try out. It's nothing like I've ever witnessed!" - Dad spoke in complete awe. His eyes were absent replaying it in his mind.

I smiled at this as I finished dinner. Later, I helped my mom with the dishes and went to do my homework that I haven't done because I was away at Elliot's. Not that I regret it in any way.

In the next morning at school, I was dying to tell Felix about my visit to Elliot yesterday.

"It's like nothing I've ever felt before, Felix. Honest to Goddess. He makes me feel like..." - I'm in awe of him. Felix smiles at me. Ash is by our side but I don't mind it, I'm used to share my best friend at this point. Plus, she's my friend too.

"Like a virgin." - He joked, causing Ash to giggle.

"I didn't want to say it, but yes. He's so special and he was really happy with my visit." - I grinned boastfully.

Felix and Ash smile back at me.

"I bet he was. I'm sure you're very good at... visiting people." - He snickered, making both me and Ash snort like idiots.

"I am, but he makes me even better." - I grinned wide thinking about him.

We started walking towards the classroom when I scented Elliot inside the place.

"Oh my Goddess! Aren't you suspended?" - I gasped once I saw him inside. Felix didn't look so surprised, but Ash did.

"The principal lifted my suspension after SOMEONE told him of the exigent circumstances." - He replied, looking at Felix when he said that. I turned to him confused. He didn't tell me he talked to the principal.


"You talked to the principal? Oh my Goddess, I love you!" - I hugged my best friend, who honestly looked bothered that he got found out.

"It was the right thing to do. No one should hear what your friend heard yesterday. Not even an omega." - Felix spoke, causing Elliot to frown a bit.

"Well, thank you Hollingsworth." - Elliot said, looking at my friend with a sentiment I'm not used to see towards him: affection.

"You're welcomed. Plus, it's not fun if you're not there during practice. There's no one else at my level." - Felix bragged, making me wince at the indirect burn.

"Okay, people. Let's go back to our places before Felix thinks he's better than everyone." - I snickered.

"Am I not, though?" - He winked at me.

"NO!" - Elliot raised his voice but in a joking manner.

We laughed at this and the teacher starts the class. This is the best news I got all morning. Elliot is here and we can continue kissing.

In the second period, the class had just ended when the school speaker system sounds off.

"Attention students, this is Principal Andrews speaking. I'm instituting a school wide zero tolerance for physical violence. Any student caught assaulting another one will be expelled from the school. Be aware!"

All the students stared at Elliot immediately. He blushes at the unexpected attention.

"Furthermore, I reiterate that this school is a safe space. No one is allowed to touch another student without their explicit consent. If anyone is caught acting inappropriately with another student, be they male, female or heat stricken omegas, this individual will not only be expelled from school. But I'll refer the case to Beta Cortez for expulsion of the pack. Be warned!"

Everyone turned to look at me as soon as they heard my last name. But I'm too baffled looking at Elliot, who's gobsmacked at this. So is Olivia and the other senior omegas of the class.

Because my dad is the Beta of the pack, he acts as prosecutor in any sort of punishment scenario that doesn't involve the Alpha or his family directly. Which means that if someone breaks pack law, it's the Beta's responsibility to gather evidence to prove their guilt. He can also order the person to be incarcerated if they pose a danger to the pack or to a victim. It's a big responsibility being Beta, specially considering all of our 100 warriors plus the Delta answers to him, following his lead.

However, only the Alpha can pass judgement on any pack member. But he acts on the recommendation of his Beta. And since Beta is a trusted position, his word carries a lot of weight.

All the students talked about what the principal just said in the corridors.

The school is buzzing louder than when a juicy gossip gets around. And everyone knows of the incident that happened yesterday. Yes, they know what that Junior told Elliot and Nickolas too. Wolf hearing. The people who weren't at the hall got told by those who were.

"I've never dated anyone who caused the school to change its policy." - I smirked, looking at a really shocked Elliot, who's still very gobsmacked at this.

"I've never caused one either. Not that I'm not handy with a petition." - He replied with a bashful smile that simply enchanted me.

"Oh my Goddess. Leave it to you to be sexy even when you say the word petition." - I flirted shamelessly, causing him to giggle and Felix to pretend he's trowing up.

"You're the sexy one. I'm still recuperating from yesterday." - He told me with a playful grin my way that had me smitten.

"What did he do to you yesterday?" - Olivia asked him, startling the both of us. We stared at her for a moment in silence until she blushed hard.

"I'm sorry, that wasn't meant to be said out loud. Please continue." - She apologized and Elliot and I laughed our asses off at her embarrassment. Then, we kissed before we went on to the next class.

By the time we got to wrestling practice, people were still talking about the principal's announcement. In fact, it's all everyone would talk about til the final bell and beyond.

"Lockwood, I heard about what happened yesterday and I'm sorry that happened to you and your friend. You should know that I spoke with the other teachers and we're gonna keep an eye out for Nicholas. He won't be bothered by those kids again." - Coach told Elliot as soon as he saw him. He smiled widely.

"Thanks, coach. I really appreciate it. I want you to know I prefer my fighting to be done in here. I don't like violence, but that kid really messed me up when he said that." - Elliot spoke in a sincere tone.

"I know, son. Don't worry about it. I never said this to anyone, but my nephew is an omega. And he could be easily in that kids' place, so I appreciate you looking out for them." - Coach said with an emotional tone I've never heard before.

Man, Elliot is on fire today.

We got inside the locker room to change into our singlets before practice and I'm swooning hard.

"Man, you're crushing today, Elliot. It's gonna be difficult to concentrate on practice with you there." - I flirted, making him giggle as we change clothes.

"Then quit the team, avoid the embarrassment." - One of the boys joked, looking at me.

"The only embarrassed person is gonna be you when I block you from becoming pack warrior, motherfucker!" - I snarled at him, who grimaced sharply.

All of the boys who laughed at his joke gasped and continued on without a sound. But Elliot is freaking out.

"Wait, you can block someone from becoming a warrior?" - He gasped in shock.

"Not now, but when I become Beta of the pack, yes of course. All the warriors answer to the Beta. Don't you know that?" - I frowned in confusion. That's basic knowledge.

"Yes, of course I know. I just didn't realize you could block someone from even becoming a warrior. Because you're not blocking me. Even if I'm your mate." - He stated, defiantly.

"I'd never dream of keeping you from becoming a warrior." - I told him with conviction and he melted, smiling wide at me.

"Speaking of blocking someone, you're not gonna believe what my dad told me yesterday, Felix." - I turned to him as we finish getting ready.

"What?" - He asked, looking at me curiously.

I turned around and realized everybody was curious but I couldn't say that in front of Elliot, so I told what happened yesterday to Felix in the mind link.

"Get the fuck outta here! He said that?" - Felix gasped once I finished telling him.

All the boys plus Elliot are curious about it, but I'm not saying that out loud.

"He did. He said that even you could be blocked." - I replied, making Felix almost faint.

"Fuck! Si, please... don't get blocked. I mean it!" - Felix looked at me with a painful expression.

"You should have seen my dad's face when he told me how it'd break his heart if I couldn't be Beta. He cried, Felix. Not even exaggerating." - I told him, making him gasp. My dad never cries.

"Oh my Goddess, what did he say to you? What can get you blocked?" - Elliot couldn't resist asking me.

"Not now, please." - I spoke softly, almost pleadingly at him. And he understood that I couldn't speak about it just yet.

We turned to practice as usual. I even faced Elliot today, but he's not holding back because it's me. No, he demolished me all 3 times and move on to the next one. He didn't even blink. Not that he ever loses, except from the other day with Felix.

After we finished, we got back to the locker room for a much needed shower. Sweaty werewolves are the worst. Unless you're into that kinda thing, but I'm not.

"Are you okay? I mean, are you worried about... being blocked?" - Felix asked me as we got undressed.

"No, I'm not. It's not going to happen. We have other plans. Ironically, there's a better chance of you getting blocked than me." - I snickered, but Felix didn't like the joke.

"Now, that's really impossible! I'm careful." - He grinned smugly.

"I know, dork. I'm joking. But don't worry about it. It's not gonna happen, I promise you. We're making other arrangements." - I smiled mischievously.

Felix laughed at my words.

"You don't say! Well, good luck to you. As long as it's consented." - He winked at me. But now I didn't like the implication.

"Don't even joke about it. I rather die than make my dad face my expulsion." - I spoke in a grim tone. But I'm not exaggerating.

"Wait. Does this mean we can't slap the omegas' asses anymore?" - One of the boys joked, laughing and causing most of the other boys to laugh as well.

Elliot turned to him with glowing eyes.

"Please, go ahead. I'm itching to kill someone today." - He threatened with a deadly stare.

"I'm just joking, Lockwood! Jesus!" - The boy gasped in shock. We picked our towels, shampoos, soaps and directed ourselves to the shower area.

"Yeah, we omegas love jokes about people grabbing our asses. So much fun." - He snickered, making all of us wide-eyed.

As we walked towards the shower, Elliot slaps my naked ass. I gasped at this. Even Felix blushed at the act.

"Damn, you're so hot!" - He winked at me with a naughty grin.

Okay, it's official. I'm in love. *swoons*

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