《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 11: Burning Up


It happens when we least expect it.

One moment you're dodging his attentions like he's the grim reaper, the next one you can't stop thinking about him. No matter how hard you try. Not that I try very hard, to be fair.

Plus, it's difficult to argue a case against him when no one else has ever given me pleasure the way that he's done. I mean... it keeps getting better.

In the days that followed, Simon and I got into a nice groove. He kept his kisses coming and I couldn't keep my hands to myself. Not that he complained about it.

Since I dodged suspension, my parents didn't ground me that time. Not that they were particularly happy with me for what happened on my suspension day, but they didn't nag me over it. Anymore.

But when they got word of school policy changing, they were perplexed, happy and mad about me causing it. But mostly proud of me for standing up for my friend and a fellow omega.

I don't like violence, as I've told coach. But enough is enough. Fortunately, Nick - that omega I was defending - is well cared for and have not being bullied ever since. Yay!

Felix still glares at me. But mostly because he hasn't been able to beat me again at wrestling practice. We don't get each other much to spar, but when we do, he loses to me.

In fact, I never loose. To anyone. But it is what it is. I'm that good.

Because of my reputation - there are memes made about me fighting those juniors and the (future) Alpha that second time, when we had an audience - no one at school messes with me. Not really.

And since everyone knows I'm an omega and I stand up for my people, the omegas from the club are riding a high like never before. They feel the safest like they haven't in a long time, which is the best.

It was definitely worth all the trouble.

Olivia started a flirting / tutoring relationship with one of the boys from our wrestling team. She's happy about it and I hope he treats her well.

Because if he doesn't, I'll be there.

The following Saturday, I spent with Simon back at our drive in. I told him I had so much fun that we needed to do it again. He happily complied.

But unfortunately there wasn't enough space or comfort for us to do what we did in my house. Still, we had plenty of fun.

And by fun, I mean...😏🤤

"Damn, you're so good at this. You're making me addicted to oral sex." - I snickered, making him gasp at my honesty.

"You're not so bad yourself." - He smirked, as we cleaned ourselves. We finished each other off before pulling our pants and underwear back up.

"However, I can't deny that I want what happened in my house again." - I admitted, blushing at the thought.

"I want that too. Speaking of which, I have been thinking..." - He started, causing me to furrow my eyebrows. That's never good.

"And I think I'm ready for what you suggested the other day." - He continued and I gasped in shock. I didn't see that coming.

"Really? Are you okay being the bottom? Because you can't change your mind and decide to top on the fly. That's not how it works. I mean, not with me." - I double checked with a suspicious glance his way.

He laughed at this.

"Yes, I'm okay with it. I know I sometimes exude this big top energy, but I'm confident in my sexuality. And I'd like to try it with you, if you're up for it." - He spoke with a sincere tone.


I swooned looking at him.

"I'm definitely up for it. In fact, my parents' shift lasts until 10 p.m on Tuesdays." - I informed him with a naughty grin.

He smiled wide at this.

"Oh really? You don't say!" - He looked at me so naughty that I almost wanted to unzip his pants again.

"I do say. And you're cordially invited to my house next Tuesday for a snack." - I grinned widely, our eyes glowing with desire.

We hungrily kiss each other for a good time, before a text message from my parents appears on my phone, telling me to come back. Even though it's Saturday. Parents, am I right?

Simon drives me back after I grabbed another soda for the travel. It's amazing how he kept the mini fridge stocked.

After he dropped me off, I entered my house to find my parents sat at the couch watching TV. Old people are so boring...

"Did you have a nice date, sweetie?" - Mom asked me from the couch. Dad looked at me as well.

"The best, mom." - I replied with a content grin.

"Good. Are you hungry? There's pizza if you want." - Dad said, pointing at the leftover pizza on the kitchen table.

"No thanks , dad. I already ate. I'm going upstairs. Good night, guys." - I waved them off and went to my room. I took off my clothes, took a quick shower, got into my pajamas and drift off to sleep in my bed, dreaming about the upcoming Tuesday.

I wanna a repeat of what happened last time, but I also want to fuck him. I'm so looking forward to it.

Both my parents had Sunday off - which is rare - so we had a nice family time together. I love my parents and though I'm old enough to pursue other endeavors, it's nice to spend time with them. Specially with both of them at the same time.

Simon also has his own family, so he spends his Sunday with them as well. He's a family boy after all, as most werewolves are. We're family oriented creatures.

On Monday, I was welcomed to school with a hot kiss. It never gets old, though we haven't been dating for that long. But I love it.

He still hasn't told me about what would cause him to be blocked from Beta, but I didn't press the issue. I get that not everything is fair game to talk to me about it, some things you just wanna tell your best friend.

Maybe he's embarrassed about it. Anyway, classes go by normally as we prepare for the midterm exams. I steal a kiss or two whenever I can from Simon and we get by.

At lunch break, Simon insists on me joining him at his table. But I told him I couldn't leave my friends hanging. Plus, I don't wanna get on a stare competition with Felix.

No, thank you. I'm good in the friends department.

"So, when are you going to let him--"

"Guys, that's not what we're about. I'm not doing that before mated, period." - I cut Rachel off. Liv laughs at this awkwardly.

Brandon blushes. So does Nickolas.

"Good for you." - Liv told me with a smile.

"I'm not saying no one should do it. Not at all. But I don't have enough confidence in me to enjoy it if I do." - I admitted, blushing at the realization.

They all looked at me with various pity / empathetic glances.

"But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy a little action. He did something to me the other day that I thought I was gonna fly. He's so good at sex it's incredible he's the same age as me." - I gasped, blushing at the memory.


They laugh at this. Liv updates us on her crush with her tutored pupil. I don't know if they're moving in a good direction or if she's friend zoned. It's too close to call at this point.

But I'm hoping she gets some action too. All omegas are deserving of love.

Nicholas told us that the boy from that day apologized to him and he told him he was grandstanding. He'd never actually take advantage of him in the shower.

I sighed in relief. We all did. And all of them thanked me for getting the school to reinforce its policy on unconsented touch.

They literally clapped for me, but I told them there's no need and a victory for one is a victory for all of us.

On Tuesday, I went to school with purpose. I'm finally getting my wish to...

"Are you okay?" - Simon asked me after the first period ended.

"I'm great. I can't wait for later." - I smile mischievously at him, who batted his eyes bashfully.

"Me too." - He grinned back at me.

I took a bottle of water as I'm thirsty like I've just been to the desert.

After the third period, there's wrestling practice. And I'm eager to blow off some steam. I'm good to fight someone.

"Is your friend okay? He looks rabid." - Felix asked Simon, making me enraged.

"Friend? Really? I'm good, Hollingsworth. I can't wait to crush you on the mat." - I barked at him, furiously.

Simon gulped at this fearfully. But Felix just smiled boastfully at me.

"Bring it on, omega!" - He challenged me with his over confident smug.

Oh I will bring it like never before, turd. I'm gunning to face him today.

After we change clothes and went to the mat, all the boys took turns sparing like always. But it's not always direct confront.

First, we practice positions and moves. So, Felix and I just stayed in close contact to each other, hand in hand in an aggressive stance, trying to overpower the opponent.

That's when it happened.

My eyes glowed with a fever like I've never felt before in my life. It instantly affected Felix as he was the closest to me of all the boys.

His eyes started to glow, drunk in a lust that tried to match my own. I look at him as he stopped confronting me and abandoned his aggressive position. Then suddenly he licks my neck. A few droplets of sweat permeate his mouth and he wants more. Much more.

He goes for my neck again, licking me. After, he kisses my lips voraciously. I don't have the willpower to fight him off. In this moment, it's everything I ever needed. I'm conscious about what I'm doing, but everything in me wants him to get closer to me, to fulfill my need. And he's too drunk in a lustful daze to deny me.

As he continues ravishing my mouth, his hands roamed my whole body and I feel the both of us hard and ready to go.

He starts tearing off my singlet, desperate for more skin contact, when I hear a scream.

"Oh my Goddess!" - Simon shouted not far from us, utterly gobsmacked at the scene.

"He's in heat!" - Coach shouted as soon as he saw Felix tearing my singlet off to get me naked. He nearly succeeded when the boys and coach pulled us apart. Fortunately, there're only the boys at the gym to see me down to my underwear.

I whimpered from the loss of contact with him. He growled in desperation for me. Luckily, there are plenty of boys in the team. Enough to pull us apart and help the coach get me in a cold shower.

I showered in underwear because the coach didn't want to strip me off. Afterwards, he dried me off quickly and clothed me.

I can see that the boys are affected as well by the heat. All of them are lusting after me. But they manage to help coach and keep their distance from me. It's when our skins touch that it intensifies.

Not that given the chance they wouldn't take their shot at me too. But fortunately heat doesn't affect mated people the same way it affects the unmated.

That's why coach isn't having a problem with me. He's long mated. After he dressed me, he took me to the vice-principal's office to be taken home. Like Liv said, there's a protocol for omegas in heat.

Soon enough, I'd be back home. My parents were notified immediately as it's not recommended for omegas to be left alone in the first hours of the heat. Specially considering it's my first one. First ones are always more powerful.

The school guidance counselor - coincidentally or not an omega herself - took me home. She's mated as well. But even if she wasn't, omegas aren't affected by others' heat. It's a natural immunity, also why we always feel so safe around people like us. I mean, it's one of the reasons.

We got inside the house and she handed me a glass of water. My mom arrived shortly after. She thanked Mrs. Jones, who left me to my mom's care.

"I'm sorry you had to leave work." - I apologized to her, feeling guilty that she had to leave in the middle of her shift because of me.

"Don't be silly, Elliott. You'll always be my number one priority. Your dad wanted to be here too, but I told him I got this." - She scoffed.

I went to my room to rest as there's literally nothing else for me to do while mom started making lunch for us. We never have lunch at the house on weekdays, but at least I get a home cooked meal out of my embarrassment.

"How are you feeling, sweetie?" - Mom asked me while we eat lunch.

"Embarrassed." - I replied, sheepishly.

"You have nothing to be embarrassed for. It's part of your nature." - She consoled, looking at me with affection.

"I know, mom. That's not why I'm embarrassed about. I was wrestling when it hit me. Then..." - I trailed off, blushing at the memory. I have never felt so ashamed in my life.

If I weren't with Simon, I wouldn't care that much. I'd still be embarrassed, but I wouldn't feel as bad as I am right now. Like somehow I cheated on him. And with freaking Felix.

"Then what?" - Mom asked me, curiously.

"Then my opponent stopped fighting me and started doing something else entirely." - I replied, blushing. She gasped, dreading at the implication.

"Did he... I mean, did they get to you in time?" - She asked nervously. I could see she's fearful of having to ask me that question.

I sighed in relief.

"Yes, they did. But it happened right in front of the entire wrestling team. I feel so embarrassed." - I told her, barely managing to eat thinking about it.

"You have nothing to feel embarrassed about. This things happen. But at least you were rescued in time." - Mom tried to comfort me.

"I know. Thank Goddess! I wouldn't be able to live with myself if they hadn't. Specially considering who I was with." - I confessed, blushing hard.

"Who were you with?" - She asked me immediately, staring at me in curiosity.

"Hollingsworth." - I replied, then I took a drink of water.

"Oh. I see." - She gasped in shock.

Some time later, I'm back at my room resting.

I texted Simon a mortified apology and he replied it wasn't my fault. I didn't have the willpower to reject any advance and that he didn't blame me for what happened.

That's nice of him. I wish I felt the same and stopped blaming myself. I really do.

In the days that followed, Liv came to visit me every single day, bringing me homework. She also live streamed classes so that I didn't miss any explanation from the teachers.

Honestly, she's the best.

Brandon also came to visit me. He told me my heat affected a lot of people. He even shared that his crush made out with him inside the male restroom. I giggled at this and was happy for him.

But he also told me how the school was buzzing about my run in with the (future) Alpha. Not that I expected it to remain a secret. Although, there were only the wrestling team boys at the time, but we're more gossip than girls, apparently.

I blushed at the thought regardless.

But at least with all the effort from the members of the omega club, I didn't feel so isolated. And I'm so thankful for them. Honestly, I didn't think I'd build such a family in this pack so soon.

But it's been a gift, to be perfectly honest.

That being said, Simon didn't speak to me much while I'm quarantined. He couldn't visit me, obviously. But he didn't text or called me.

In fact, I wouldn't hear from him unless I texted him and got a quick dry reply. This is bad. I know he said he doesn't blame me, but I'm guessing it's not that easy as he pointed out.

I'm starting to wonder if we'll be able to get passed this. Or are we doomed before we even start?

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