《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 9: Pillow Talk


I'm embarrassed about it.

My parents always taught me that violence is never the answer. Always the last recourse. I knew that. But what those boys said to me, to Nicholas - the omega being bullied at the time. He's part of the club too.

At that moment, all I saw was red. I was lucky I didn't shift into wolf I was raging so hard. Actually, they were lucky all I did was hurt them. I could've done much worse.

Regardless, I shouldn't have done anything.

My parents had to pick me up from school and they talked my ear off from the moment we got in the car to when we reached home and then some.

But I knew better. Or at least I should have known. But I can't feel any worse than I do now. I just hope Nick is okay and he doesn't suffer retaliation over this.

If anything happens to him because of me, I'd die. Especially anything that can compromise his mating. Though I don't think they'd get that far, hopefully.

It's bad enough that someone can take advantage of our heat, but to do it on purpose it's psycho. My parents got back to their shift because both of them were working when they got the call from the principal.

I made myself some lunch, ate, cleaned the dishes and went to my room. I almost wanted to study a little but I was too distraught to concentrate on anything, to be honest.

I lost track of time until the door bell rang.

I got startled by it because I'm not expecting any visitors, but I opened the door to see who it is.

A worried looking Simon greeted me at the door and my heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. I still had our wonderful date fresh in my mind, plus our kisses earlier this morning.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry that happened to you." - He started, once he got inside the house.

I didn't even realize how much time had passed and it was already past school hours.

"I'm fine. I'm worried for Nick's safety, not mine. If anything happens to him..." - I replied in a concerned tone.

"Nothing will happen to him. I mean, nothing like that, no. Felix talked to those boys. They're not gonna bother him anymore." - He told me and I sighed in relief.

"He did? Wow! I confess I didn't see this coming! I didn't think he cared about us." - I admitted in an amused tone.

"There's a difference in caring and standing up for what's right. What those boys said to you no one should have to listen." - He spoke in a dead serious tone. I gasped at this.

I took a glass of water and offered him some, he accepted it, so I poured him one too.

"I agree. Honestly, when they said they were gonna do that to Nickolas, I lost it completely. I just couldn't handle it. I mean, omegas are already at the highest rate of rejection within werewolves. But to do that on purpose, I just..." - I trailed off, thinking about it. Rage creeps in my core just at the thought of it.

"I would never reject you!" - He exclaimed, making me swoon.

I smiled at this. I couldn't help it, though that's not exactly breaking news. He already calls me his mate.

"I know. But you could feel different if I were compromised. God I hate that word! It feels like I'm in the 18th century and not right now when I hear about unmated teens fucking like bunnies throughout the pack." - I speak with an angry tone.


He gasped at this.

"I feel you. And I've heard what you said this morning to your friends when they asked if we..." - He trailed off, making me blush.

"You heard that?" - I'm baffled.

"Yeah. Wolf hearing. It's a drag, ain't it?" - He snickered, making me giggle.

"But what I mean is: you have nothing to worry about that from me. I wouldn't care if you had sex before. And I don't care if we don't have sex before mated. I like you for you. Period." - He stated clearly, making me wide-eyed at his assertion.

"I hear you. And I appreciate it. But that doesn't mean we can't have sex." - I spoke more openly than I expected at this point. But at least we're alone, so it's fine. It's like the continuation of our date.

"It doesn't?" - He gasped loudly. His face is totally shocked.

"No. There are more than one way for us to have sex. If you're open to it." - I smiled mischievously at him. It took him a minute to grasp my meaning. But once he did...

"Oh!" - He was gobsmacked. - "I've never done that." - He admitted, though I'm not particularly surprised.

"Me neither. But there's a first time for everything." - I smirked, making him blush.

"OK, I didn't see this coming from you, I must admit." - He spoke after a minute of silence.

"Why? Because I'm an omega?" - I spat at him, who was gobsmacked at my attitude.

"No! I mean... yes?" - He spoke sheepishly. I can tell he's embarrassed about saying it and fearful of my reaction. But hey, join the club. I've never had this conversation with anyone before.

"I know people think omegas are natural bottoms. But we can be more than one thing. But if you're uncomfortable, we don't have to talk about it. It's okay to say you don't like stuff. As much as it is for me." - I explained, trying to make him feel at ease.

"You're right. It is. But I can't say I don't like it if I never tried. Maybe with you, I would." - He surprised me the most so far. OK, now I'm shocked.

"Really? I thought you'd be running for the hills at the mere mention." - I snickered, making him laugh out loud.

"Yeah, me too. But there's something about you that puts me at ease. Like I could trust you with..." - He replied and I swooned.

"Your flower?" - I joked, making the both of us laugh.

"I'm sorry. Who says flower anymore?" - He poked fun at me.

"Hey, I didn't always have an omega club to befriend. In my pack, omegas weren't always seen in the best light." - I confessed, making him grimace.

"I'm sorry for that. But I'm glad you came to ours." - He stated and I melted. I looked at him with my heart full and affectionate gaze.

"Plus, if you haven't come here, I'd have to wait forever for my mate." - He flirted with a playful tone.

"Hey, you promised." - I demanded, reminding him of the commitment to never mention that we're (possibly) mated.

"That was an one off. I swear." - He replied, playfully. I couldn't resist the urge to kiss him.

I just couldn't. Not that he put up much of a fight. Let's be honest.

We spent the better part of an hour making out in the couch. Our hands went everywhere and anywhere they wanted. Somehow, I felt at ease with him. Comfortable and safe. I didn't think I could get in trouble if we passed the mark a little.


Somehow, he convinced me that his feelings are genuine and he really is interested in me.

That really drives me crazy.

Not that I think I'm not deserving of love or anything like that. On the contrary, I know I do. I don't have an inferiority complex. I just have a need to protect my sexual integrity because it was drilled into my mind that this was intrinsically connected to my chances of getting a mate that won't reject me.

It's such a double standard.

No one would reject a girl if she's not a virgin. Not since before my parents' time, to be accurate. So why would I need to be one to get mated? Why does it have to be different with me?

And I'm not talking about me being pregnant or having an unmated pup. That would get you rejected omega or not. But why should I refrain from having amazing sex with a hot guy if I want to? Besides, I'm not holding my breath for my mate. I'm pretty positive he's not here in this town.

But even if he were, I don't feel that I should wait for him just because. And I have a hard time believing he's gonna wait for me. Who waits anymore? Apart from scared omegas with giant complex that society has placed upon them?

An hour later, we're both naked on my bed inside my room. I didn't think we'd get here this soon, but who can resist it?

We lick each other's bodies and went on a lustful daze, roaming our every inch of skin. We take turns sucking each other's cocks. I moaned loudly at my turn. Our eyes glowing with desire. But as good as he is at this, I made sure he enjoyed when it came to his turn.

I licked from his base to the tip, making him tremble from my touch. Only to return licking my way trough his length. I engulfed his cock while fondling his balls that had him shouting so loud I was worried for the neighbors to hear us.

But I was insatiable. My tongue roamed his cock with pleasure, I sucked him with purpose. He gasped again and again at how good I was. When it came to finish him off, I kept sucking until there wasn't a drop left. His moans got louder as he came. But I didn't mind. I was having the time of my life.

After we finished, he looked at me with a naughty grin.

"You're so good at this I can't believe this is just your second time. I think you're holding out on me." - He snickered, making me blush.

"I swear, it really was." - I reiterate, blushing hard.

"I know, I was joking. Listen, can I try something? Do you trust me?" - He asked me and it gave me pause. But honestly, I'm too dazed and confused to deny anything at this point. Except for...

"Maybe. Yes, I do." - I spoke a little hesitantly.

"It's not that, I promise you." - He assured me. But I didn't think it was.

"Relax your body." - He asked me as we're both laying naked on my bed. Except I was turned with my belly up and he was the opposite.

"Okay." - I replied, doing as told. I stretched out my legs and got comfortable.

Simon kissed my belly, making me giggle uncontrollably. He then kissed my leg, spreading them apart as far as they could go. He then licked my balls, which made me tremble with pleasure. He continued licking his way, caressing my leg. And when I was well into it, feeling the pleasure...

He put his index finger gently inside of my hole, making me gasp at the intrusion.

"Are you okay?" - He asked me as soon as a shriek passed my lips.

"Yes. Continue." - I replied, blushing. I had never allowed myself to be this comfortable with anyone, but I knew he wouldn't cross the line.

He put his finger again, slowly. My slick drips from his finger, making me gasp at how horny I am right now. And how much I wanted this, though I wouldn't even think to ask him for it. Not ever.

He continued fingering and licking me at the same time. Then, he stuck two fingers inside me, making a shiver run trough my whole body in pleasure. My cock is already pulsating it's so hard.

Then, he engulfed my length with his mouth while inside of me, moving in and out of my hole at the same time he's sucking me off; that's when I see heaven.

The loudest moan it ever passed my lips happened. It startled him, but he continued on. He knew what he was doing. And he was doing it so well I came in seconds. He didn't stop sucking me until I spilled the last drop, getting every bit for himself. I have never felt such pleasure even remotely like this before. I'm in complete awe.

Afterwards, he smile at me with a mischief I have come to love already.

"Did you like it?" - He grinned naughty at me.

I was so drunk in pleasure, my body trembling more than it ever did before. I'm static.

"I accept you as my mate." - I replied to him, making him grin the widest I've seen so far. And that's saying something. The boy has smiled at me more times than I can count.

He kissed me enthusiastically. I returned it with pleasure.

"Wow. You're so good at this. I admit that I would never even thought of asking you for any of it. You're the best." - I melted. I'm completely in awe. This is the happiest I've ever been in my life. If it weren't for the fact that I'm suspended.

"I'm glad you liked it. I wouldn't suggest it so soon, to be honest. But there's something about you that makes me wanna please you. Make you happy." - He replied, making me smile wide.

"Thank you! And just so you know, I don't get this comfortable with anyone. I never allowed myself to be this relaxed before. Not with any boy whatsoever." - I confessed, not that he seems surprised.

"I get it. You always had to be on guard about your... sexiness. But you don't have to worry about it with me. Not ever." - He told me with a sincere tone. I kissed him again.

"If this is the preview, I'm scared of what it'll happen when I actually do it with someone. I think we need to rent a cabin in the woods because I'm gonna scream so loud when we complete the bond." - I confessed, making him gasp. But he grinned wide at me.

"Louder than you did just now? Because I think you might have alerted the neighbors you were being attacked." - He snickered.

I laughed out loud at this.

"Hey, it's not my fault you're a sex god. Damn, you're so good!" - I told him, blushing.

Not long after this, we took a shower together. After we got dressed, I offered him something to eat, but he told me he had to eat dinner with his family.

"I totally get it. Thanks for visiting." - I said, smiling at him. He kissed me one last time before I opened the door and we parted ways.

I begin to start dinner as I'm already late, to be honest. Not that I care right now. I'm on cloud 9.

"You look too happy for someone suspended from school." - Dad told me with a suspicious glance my way. I am happy. I can't deny it. And I simply can't hide.

We're eating dinner together at our house. All three of us are sat in the kitchen and mom looks at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"I wonder if your happiness have anything to do with the strong scent of Simon in this house." - She accused me, not in a happy tone.

Though we can listen very far, a werewolf's strongest sense is their smell. That's what allows us to sense when someone is horny, hurt, even pregnant if you've been around pregnant people before. Our body emits odors that the human nose can't pick up, but we can. No wonder werewolves are so clean, because if you're not people will scent your business in no time.

And yes, we can sense if you had sex too. Like I said, it's all about the smell. And since Simon has been here not long ago, my parents can pick up on his scent easily. Specially considering it's usually only the 3 of us here. So, any foreign scent is highly distinguishable.

"Yes, he came to visit. He's worried for me." - I explained, sheepishly and blushing.

"Right. How nice of him. And you also had to shower after his visit?" - Mom asked me point blank, making me gasp. My hair wasn't wet anymore, but damn werewolves and their noses.

"Mom!" - I gasped, blushing hard.

"Son, do you think we're born yesterday?" - She spat at me in her accusatory look.

"I didn't do anything wrong. I mean, apart from the school thing. But that was unforeseeable circumstances." - I defended myself. Though I'm not apologizing for what transpire between Simon and me.

"About that, the principal called me and said that given the extreme situation you're in, he's lifting your suspension this time. But if it happens again, it'll be much worse for you." - Dad informed me, making me gasp in surprise. This is the shock of the century.

"Oh my Goddess! This is the best news ever! Thank you! Why did he change his mind?" - I yelled, completely gobsmacked.

"I don't know, he didn't say. But I'm guessing someone of consequence spoke to him about what happened." - Dad conjectured as he finished his stake dinner.

"I wonder if it's Simon, but why wouldn't he tell me if it was..." - And then it hit me.

"Oh my Goddess! It was Hollingsworth! Can't believe it! Simon did say he spoke with the boys about what they did, maybe he spoke to the principal as well. If that's the case, I'm shook." - I'm in awe just contemplating this. Today was the most surprising day of all time.

"Good for him. He should step up and do what's right. But that doesn't excuse your behavior. Not at school and specially not in our house." - Dad declared in an annoyed tone. My parents weren't happy about this.

But honestly, I couldn't care less. I make no apology. I only wish we had time for more. But I'm sure this is only the beginning of us disturbing the neighbors.

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