《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 8: Stand Up


I don't know why anyone is surprised, really.

I was bound to defeat the omega, I'm the future Alpha after all. It was just a matter of time. And I succeeded.

However, I did owe an apology to my best friend. Not because I was wrong, but I shouldn't be against his relationship with the omega, even if I wouldn't be caught dead with one in my life. But he deserves my support. And I shouldn't have said that, specially agreeing with his dad.

I mean, we are right and he does deserve better. But that should never be spoken to him out loud. Plus, what's the point in ruining something for him now when the Moon Goddess is gonna do it for us when Simon gets mated away from Elliot coming next February.

I mean, it's only November. But he deserves to be happy too. I just wish it could be with someone else. Regardless, let's not dwell on the issue. The important thing is that I fought him and I won. It feels like I've won a championship, not gonna lie.

No one can take this smug grin out of my face today.

"You've been happy all day. What happened?" - Mom asked me during Friday night dinner.

"He won--"

"She asked me, brat!" - I shouted, interrupting Jessica. I glared at her and she did the same to me.

"I won a fight against the omega at wrestling practice." - I told her with a boastful grin.

"You shouldn't have lost it in the first place!" - Dad interjected, making me grimace.

I spoke too soon, didn't I?

Mom glared at dad, while I sulk in his disaprovement.

"No one in the entire school has been able to win a single round against him. It took me almost two months to do it. But sure, dad. Thanks for the support as always." - I jabbed at him, feeling my rage creeping in.

"Son, I do support you. I'm just saying... if an omega can beat you, than your coach is not doing enough to teach you boys how to fight." - He spoke, looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"That would be true, except by all accounts none of the warriors could beat his parents as well. So either we don't have a single warrior who knows how to fight, or his parents are exceptional warriors, the likes we've never seen before and they've trained their son to follow in their footsteps." - I argued, fiercely. I'm mad. And he's not taking this away from me this time.

My parents and siblings gasped at my words. My dad was about to say something back to me, but stayed quiet. For once.

"You do know neither his parents are omegas, right?" - Zach chimed in with a smug grin.

"Of course I know. But fighting is not about strength. It's about skill set. At least, in human form. In wolf form, I would destroy him. But that's beside the point." - I rebuked, annoyed at him.

"There are skills to fighting in wolf form too, honey. But you make an excellent point and not even your dad would win a fight against the Lockwoods." - Mom stated, making dad gasp in shock at her words. Both my siblings also gasped at this. But I smiled at her the biggest.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm the daughter of a Beta. I know about fighting too. I just choose not to pursue it." - Mom defended herself from her mate's glare.


"Thanks, mom. You're the best." - I winked at her. My grandfather is the former Beta of the pack, as she pointed out. And since my mom only have younger sisters, my dad had to choose a person from another family for his Beta. His best friend, Simon's dad.

And I'm glad he's gonna be mine. As both our dads want it. Plus, there's literally no one else I'd rather choose. Simon has been my best friend since forever. And I'm glad to have him.

My Saturday was spent with Ashley. The highlight of my weekend. It's the only day we don't have a curfew. I mean, there's Friday but we rarely see each other on Friday evenings.

I took her out on my car, went to the mall, sightseeing a bit. It was great. We also had some intimate moments together because we're only teen werewolves.

And after the week I had, I do need a little love in my life. There's something to be said about being with the people you love. And they're absolutely right.

However, we couldn't use my bedroom nor hers. And I can't check myself into a hotel either as both of us are minors. So, we had to get creative. But we're used to it by now.

There're empty spaces we can go in town. Plenty, actually. And we just need a good place to park my car. We spent almost an hour alone doing boyfriend and girlfriend stuff.

And I do love me some girlfriend stuff. When we stopped, it was nearly 10 p.m. it's late but not over the top. So, we grabbed some sandwiches and ate before I dropped her off at the Williams' house.

By the time I returned home, it was nearly midnight. But my parents were up. They asked me if I had a nice time and I said that I had the best.

I went to sleep happy. Honestly, it's the best sleep I had in a while. On Sunday, Simon came in early right after breakfast like he always does.

He came to tell me about his date with the omega. I hope it went well...

Mine certainly did. Better than well.

But by his smile greeting me and my family, I already knew how it went.

"Wait. You built your own drive in? Damn boy! You brought your 'A game', didn't you?" - I gasped in shock after he told me.

"Hey, I had to impress him. And I certainly succeed in that." - He smiled boastfully.

I could tell he was really happy. Like I haven't seen him in a while and it warms my heart.

"Wow. I'm shocked! Did he let you explore his cave?" - I snickered.

"That's not what this was about, Felix!" - He glared at me, angrily.

"Sorry I asked." - I put my hands up in a 'give up' stance.

"I mean, we did some stuff and it was wonderful. But nothing involving any cave." - He smirked. I could tell by his radiant smile that whatever they did it was fantastic.

"Good for you, brother. I'm really happy for you. Truly" - I said with a happy tone and smile.

He looked at me in contemplation for a second before replying:

"Thanks, Felix. I really appreciate it. I know you don't like him, but it's fine." - He spoke with the first scowl I see from him today.

"Hey, it's not about me. The important thing is that you like him. And you deserve to be liked too. And to be happy as you are now." - I spoke with a firm tone.


It really isn't about me. Sometimes people just need you to be there for them. Even if you don't approve of their relationship. It's his choice. And judging by his gleeful state, he's choosing right.

"Is your dad happy now that you beat him?" - He asked me, changing the subject.

"Right. My dad? Happy with me?" - I scoffed with knitted eyebrows.

"When was the last time that happened?" - I continued in a sour mood.

"Really? Didn't he congratulate you? No one won against him yet." - Simon gasped in shock.

"Thank you!" - I shouted in vindication. - "No, he actually said that I should never have lost to an omega in the first place." - I told him in a disgruntled tone.

"Man, no wonder we're so fucked up. Our parents raised us with this screwed up concept that omegas are somehow less than us. Now, when someone finally proves them to the contrary, no one can accept it." - Simon speaks sounding defeated.

"Sorry, Si. You shouldn't let anyone jeopardize your happiness. If he makes you happy, than you're more than entitled to be happy. If he's your mate, then I'm sure he'll make for a wonderful partner." - I reassured him with a soft smile.

"Thanks for saying that, brother. I know you don't believe he's my mate. But it's fine. The important thing is that I do. Like you said." - He replied with a content grin.

I smiled back at him. There's no point in lying to someone who knows us so well. But my silence is the best that I could do.

We spend the rest of the morning talking and playing games. But after lunch, I went to see Ash again. We didn't go very far. But just to spend time with her, even in her house is great.

Plus, her parents love me.

On Monday, I was ready for a great start on the week. Maybe squeeze in some more wins against the omega, just for fun.

"Girl, he build a drive in just for us! It was magical! He even played my favorite film of all times."

I heard the omega telling his friends about his date with Simon. I wasn't near him at school, but the funny thing about being a werewolf is that we can hear really well. Anything from about half a mile in any direction.

"How did you know what his favorite film was?" - I gasped at this. But I whispered so that they don't hear us.

"Elementary, my dear Alpha." - Simon replied in such a smug tone I wanted to punch him.

"You googled him and you found out." - Ash interjected, making Simon grimace.

He nodded along to her and we all laughed.

"So, did you let him play with your--"

"No! Are you crazy? No one is playing with that unless we're mated. I don't need to tell you guys what would happen to me if I let him."

We continued to hear their conversation and I could hear the dread in the air at the insinuation. Simon grimaced at this. And I felt bad for him.

I guess I'm privileged in a way that I don't realize. I mean, I use a condom with Ash every time. Plus, she's on birth control pills.

But ironically, there's no safe birth control pill for male omegas. I heard there are certain herbs, but they can interfere with an omega's fertility. So that's not an option.

Of course, condoms are still available. But not infallible.

"Are you going to see him again?"

"Goddess yes! He's the best kisser I've ever met!"

Simon opens the biggest smile I've ever seen on him so far. Honestly, it's so infectious even I grin too. The bell rings and we go to class.

"Well, Simon. The best kisser, huh? I take it the date went well." - Ash snickered.

"Oh didn't you hear? It was magical." - He replied to her with a wide smile.

Classes go fine this morning. The tough part is to see Simon kissing the omega in between periods. But I guess this is the new normal.

But trouble is never that far away, apparently.

We're in the corridor. It's a break between classes and I'm talking to Ash and Simon when I hear a commotion at the far end.

"Move it, omega!"

5 junior boys who always walk together are standing in front of a small build omega, who by all accounts was already standing in the hall before they arrive.

The small omega was about to move when Elliott came to his side.

"Is there a problem here?"

"No one asked you here, omega. This one was in our way." - One of the juniors said.

"It's a big hall. Walk around him. He was here before you and he shouldn't leave just because you want to pass." - Elliot stood his ground.

"He should know better than to stand in our way!" - The boy insisted. I can see the omega getting annoyed at this.

"No one is standing in your way. You're free to walk along. But unless you're the Queen of England, no one should move so you can pass." - Elliot is fuming.

"Who do you think you are, omega? Just because you won a fight against Hollingsworth doesn't mean you can take on 5 of us at the same time!" - The boy whose eyes are now glowing threatened Elliott.

Elliott smiled at this.

"Well, I do love a challenge." - He grinned boastfully.

"If you don't move now omega, we're gonna get you alone and fuck you up!" - The junior looked at the small omega with a dangerous grin.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say to him?" - Elliot asked, livid.

Oh fuck. I can see Simon gearing up to rescue him but I don't let him.

"Move now, or the next time I catch you in the shower, I'm gonna--"

He didn't finish the sentence.

A possessed Elliot took out 5 juniors all at once. He punched one, kicked another, and when the third and fourth went for the attack he used one against the other to fight.

It looked like one of those scenes from martial arts films where the main character has to fight a lot of bad guys at the same time.

I've never seen anyone fight like that in my life. Honestly, it was vicious. But it didn't take long for them all to be dragged to the principal's office.

Though by the time he arrived, all 5 of the juniors were lying on the floor in pain. The small omega was terrified. And Elliot looked deranged, but vindicated.

I mean, damn! Those boys never stood a chance. Simon looked completely devastated at the turn of events. Worried about his omega.

We went back to class but I didn't see the omega anymore. My guess is he got suspended for fighting. Though if I'm being honest, I would fight too if someone threatened a person I care about in that way.

I may not like him. Perhaps I would much prefer if he never left his own pack. But to threaten someone with sexual assault is the worst possible offense in my book.

Specially to an omega. This is a new low, even for the terror patrol, which is what those juniors are called by other students.

I don't interfere in other people's business. I live and let live. But I cannot stand idle this time. And that's not even taking into consideration the state my best friend is in.

Simon is miserable after the omega got dragged out and left school. And I really mean miserable. I think he might have cried at one point. Gosh, it breaks my heart to see him this way.

At lunch break, I walk up to the junior boys' table and address them all at once, since they eat together.

"Hi, there. I just wanted to say I heard what you said to that omega and even though I don't like him, what you did is unforgivable."

All the boys gasped at this in shock.

"It's against pack law to rape anyone. Even an omega. Even in heat, which is not even the case here. So if any of you boys touch that omega in any way, I'll make sure you get expelled from the pack."

This got everyone in half a mile radius gobsmacked.

"We were just messing with him, Hollingsworth. We're never gonna do that. None of us are rapists. I just got carried away." - The junior boy spoke with a remorseful tone.

"That's good. Because we don't treat people like that in our pack. I hope you learned your lesson. Omegas are werewolves just like us."

I concluded and left their table towards mine.

We can't lose our humanity. We're werewolves but we're humans too. It can't always be about the strong preying on the weak.

We need to be better than that. Our strength lies in numbers and the plurality of voices.

This is the Regency Falls pack. And we don't treat people this way. Not even omegas. And if I don't stand up now, then when?

I also went to the principal's office and told him what I'd heard them saying. Not that witnesses are in short supply. I made a point to say that anyone would react the same way Elliott did. And he promised to take it into consideration.

We're all entitled to disagree. But the minute people start to feel superior to others, that's when the real danger starts. And I for one will not let that stand here.

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