《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 7: Light My Fire


I got too confident.

That's the only explanation for that Alpha turd win against me. I got too confident and let him beat me.

Damn it!

Anyway, it's not a competition. I just needed to humble him a bit - though that seems like a mission impossible now that I come to think of it.

But that's not important. The only relevant thing is that I'm part of the wrestling team and no one can distract me from my objective to become a warrior.

Plus, I have a date to go on. I'm so looking forward to it, as much as I hate to admit it. That fucking Cortez really got to me with his unbreakable spirit. And that everlasting smile he has plastered on his face every time I see him. So cute.

"Are you all right, sweetie? You look distracted." - Mom asked me during Friday night dinner.

"I am, mom. I mean, I lost my invincibility. But I'm not worried about it. It's just bound to happen, I guess." - I mumbled with a bitter tone.

"Oh sweetie." - She caresses my face with her sweet touch. - "It's totally fine. It happens to the best of us." - She comforted me.

"Son, no one expects you to be unbeatable. It's not what warriors are about. Our strength lies in numbers and skills." - Dad told me with an empathetic tone, looking affectionately at me.

"I know, dad. But I'm not bothered by it. Really. I wasn't even thinking about that. I was actually thinking about my date tomorrow." - I explained, making them both gasp.

"Really?" - Mom was gobsmacked, sounding surprise. Though the real surprise comes next, I guess.

"With whom?" - Dad asked, intrigued.

"Simon." - I replied and watch their reaction.

"The kid who's been asking you out for a month?" - Dad gasped in shock.

"Yes, dad. The one and only." - I confirmed, bashfully.

"Didn't you say he was the player of school?" - Mom raised an eyebrow to this.

"I'm pretty sure the school has more than one player, mom. But yeah, I did. What can I say? He won me over finally." - I replied, blushing more than I anticipated.

"Just be careful of him, son. You don't wanna--"

"I know, dad. I know, okay? You don't need to remind me of it every single day. I'm not defenseless. I can take care of myself." - I snapped, cutting him off, sounding really annoyed.

"I know you can, son. But it's my job to worry." - Dad spoke with a stern tone.

"And it's my job to have a life. I can't sit around waiting for a mate that is not gonna come or worry that every boy I see is out to rape me!" - I shouted, deeply irritated. Both my parents were gobsmacked by my words.

"Calm down, Elliott. That's not what your father is suggesting. No one is saying that you shouldn't have a life. We just worry, that's all." - Mom interjected, looking at me with sorrow on her face.

"I know, mom. It's that I already live in fear of going in heat every day. If I have to worry about my date on top of it all, I won't be able to function. I need a break." - I blurted, making them frown at my despair.

"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry that you have to suffer through this." - Mom moved to hug me. I bask in her soothing warmth.


"I'm sorry, son. I know this isn't easy on you. I apologize if my words played a part in it. Of course, you should enjoy your life. But you're wrong in thinking your mate will never come. He's coming. I'm sure the Goddess won't leave you hanging." - Dad said with a soft smile at me.

"Sure, dad. Whatever you say." - I smirked, not wanting to dwell on the issue.

Not long after that, I'm resting in my room.

Unfortunately, I couldn't shake the words my parents said out of my mind. But that isn't the first time they said that. In fact, I grew up scared of my own body most of the times.

Terrified of the implications should I decide to go all the way with anyone. But I do want to. It's not like I haven't thought about it a million times. I have desires just like the next teenager. And I don't need heat to be horny.

Ironically, heat is not about being horny at all. No, it's about reproduction for omegas. It's peak time when our bodies get ready for conceiving a child. Which is why it's so dangerous to have sex while in heat in the first place.

Because it's guaranteed you'll conceive if you do. It's fine if you're mated. But for people like me it means clear and present danger.

Not that you can't conceive outside of heat, but it does complicate things for us. In other words, I'm fucked. Just not the way I wished I was.

Simon rings our door bell and I rush to open for him. It's Saturday afternoon. Only my mom is here because my dad had a shift. They almost always work on weekends but never together. One of them is always keeping me company, which I appreciate.

Plus, you probably shouldn't leave a teen unattended for too long.😏

"Hi, Simon." - I greeted as I gesture for him to come in.

"Hi, Elliott. How are you doing?" - He replied, then he entered my house. He's looking absolutely gorgeous with his long hair draping his shoulders. He's wearing a jeans jacket, white t-shirt and jeans pants to match. Simple, but effective.

I'm wearing a long sleeved black shirt, which hugged my body and muscles just right. A navy blue jeans pants and black sneakers.

"I'm fine, thank you. Did you have any trouble finding the house?" - I asked once we're settled inside.

"Not at all. It's not that far from the pack house." - He said. My mom came into the living room to greet him. They exchange pleasantries.

"So, where are you taking my son, Mr. Cortez?" - Mom asked after a minute.

"Mom, chill!" - I frowned at her in annoyance.

"It's fine, Elliott. We're going to the movies. It's pretty straight forward, Mrs. Lockwood." - He explained without missing a beat. Mom smiled softly at us.

"Well, have a great time you two." - She spoke with a pleasant tone. I took the opportunity and left with him. We get into his car and he starts driving.

"I gotta admit I didn't think you'd be taking me to the mall for our first date. You surprised me." - I spoke once we're on the road.

"Oh, we're not going to the mall." - He replied with a firm tone.

"No? You said we're going to the movies. Is it not located inside the mall?" - I gasp in confusion. Our town is small, so there's not exactly a multiplex movie theater in here. The only option is going to the mall.


"Well, it is. But we're not going to the mall. I mean, we're going to a different location." - He explained, but it only confused me more.

"Wait. Don't tell me we're going to watch a film in your house?" - I gasped at this. This is NOT what I had envisioned for the first date.

"No, Elliott. Relax! We're not going to my house. I'm not that lame." - He snickered, making me sigh in relief.

"Well, if we're not going to the mall. And we're not going to your house. Where is this movie theater you're taking me? Is it in another town because I have to text my parents if we're going to leave the city." - I spoke, sounding fearful. OK, I'm not projecting much confidence on this date. It's a bad start already.

I sound like a choir boy. Texting my parents if I leave town, who says that?

Simon laughs at me.

"We're not leaving town, don't worry. I'm not ruining my image with your parents before we begin." - He smirked.

I sighed again. Then I swooned over the fact that he's worried about my parents' opinion of him. I wished I didn't care, but that's sweet.

After a few minutes of silence, he stops in front of what it looks like an abandoned parking lot. He opens the lock with a key he pulled out of his front pocket.

Then, he opened the gate wide, returned to the car and drove us inside of it. Afterwards, he closed the gate again.

I stepped out of the car and saw an empty place with just a giant screen ahead, a projector hooked to a laptop on a small table.

I baffled at this for a minute.

"Is it okay that we're here? I mean, I saw that you had the key..." - I asked, still shocked at all this.

"Yes, it is. We're not breaking and entering if that's what you're worried about. My family owns this place." - He clarified, making me gasp. Though I already knew he's rich.

"When you said you're taking me to the movies, I didn't think you'd build your own drive in." - I'm mesmerized, honestly. I didn't see it coming at all.

"Well, I wanted to impress you. So, I couldn't just take you to the mall." - He smirked, as he set up the movie to be played.

"You certainly succeeded in that. I'm legitimately impressed. But what happens when we get hungry?" - I asked him, curiously. Not that I'm any hungry now. But maybe after the movie.

"Oh right. Are you hungry?" - He asked with a worried tone.

"No, not now. I meant later." - I explained, feeling a little guilty to rain on his parade. He looked so pleased.

"It's not a problem. If you look in the back, there's a microwave ready with food for us." - He informed, making me turn back to see a small fridge and a microwave at the lower end of the place. He really thought of everything.

"Wow. I'm gobsmacked at how thorough you are." - I'm in awe. Can't hide it.

"Thanks, Elliott." - He grinned at me widely.

Simon microwaved us some popcorn because of course. He offered me a soda and popped the ceiling of his convertible for us to watch the film.

"What film did you pick?" - I asked him, intrigued.

"Oh, I hope it's okay with you, I'm playing Beauty and the Beast." - He told me and I gasped.

"That's my favorite of all times!" - I yelled in shock.

"I know." - He grinned at me smugly.

OK, I'm in trouble. Officially. What the fuck!

Who goes to this much trouble for a date?

And how the hell does he know what my favorite film is? Damn! I'm thoroughly impressed.

We eat our popcorn as we watch one of the greatest classics of all times. I'm talking about the cartoon film, of course. Though I love Emma Watson as much as the next Potter head.

Meanwhile, we talk extensively about various subjects from school to mating. He told me about his dad's concern for me, which I found it endearing. Though he blushed hard at the moment.

But it was nice to have this moment with him. Really nice.

"So, do you always bring your dates to this exclusive drive in?" - I inquired, curious about his response.

"Goddess no! You're the first person that I wanted to impress that badly." - He admitted without difficulty. Actually, he sounded relieved. I totally believed he's not used to putting this much work.

"Well, I'm impressed. Mission accomplished." - I admitted, giggling like a little boy.

"Good. I hope you know that I genuinely like you. This is not about some notch in my belt." - He stated in a very serious tone.

"That's good. Because your belt will stay intact for the duration of our date." - I snickered.

"I'm serious, Elliott." - He frowned at me.

"I know you are. And I do appreciate it." - I replied with an enamored tone.

"Good. Can I kiss you?" - He asked, looking at me with a naughty grin.

"No." - I replied, making him grimace in disappointment.

"But I can kiss you." - I offered instead, causing him to open the biggest smile I've seen so far on him.

We make out for a while. He's very good at this, not that it surprises me.

I ran my hand to his side as he placed his at the nape of my neck, bringing us closer. I completely forgot how I like kissing someone. And how good it feels. Hot damn!

His lips are delicious. He moves down to kiss my neck and I moan in delight.

"Is it okay if I take your shirt off?" - He asked and I practically shouted 'yes'.

He then kissed my naked torso, my exposed neck, down my chest. My Goodness, he's so good at this. He licks my nipples and a shreak escapes me. He gets startled at this for a moment, then he grins mischievously at me.

He returns to licking and I gasp in pleasure. Our eyes are so drunk in lust that they are glowing right now. He moves down to lick my navel, only to climb his way back to my lips.

We kissed for a good minute, before I expertly took off his shirt and darted for the attack.

I kiss his neck as well, licking my way down to his nipples. He gasp at the pleasure just like me and I grinned in contentment. All the while, he caresses my back softly.

As I move further down, I can see his cock pulsating in his pants. A large bulge keeps twitching at the contact of my tongue with his skin, which only ignites my fire.

I move back up to his lips while I feel his bulge with my hand, causing him to moan loudly. His body shivers at the contact.

"I don't want you to feel pressured into anything. I'm good as long as you are." - He informed me after a moment is passed.

I smiled wide at this.

"I get that. But I don't feel any pressure, so it's okay." - I told him and he smiled in contentment.

"Is it okay for me to open your pants?" - I asked him promptly.

"No." - He replied, making me gasp in shock.

"But I'm okay to open yours." - He then told me, causing me to laugh.

"I see what you did there." - I laughed at his cheeky disposition.

He unzipped my pants, pulled it down, my underwear too as we're sat in his car, exposing my very hard dick to him. I thought he'd use his hand to jerk me off but he completely surprised me by going down on me.

He unceremoniously sucked me off and as soon as his mouth touched my cock, I moaned loud at the pleasure.

I'm a virgin at this. Well, at everything in fact. But my goodness, I've been missing out apparently. I was so turned on, he's so good, it took me barely more than a minute before I was good to go.

"I'm coming." - I warned him and he finished me off by hand. My body trembled at the pleasure he proportioned me. He opened the glove compartment and handed me tissues to clean myself up. He cleaned his hand as well.

"Oh my fucking... I can't believe I've never done this before. You're so good!" - I gasped. I'm in such awe of him.

"Oh it's your first time? Sorry, I didn't know that." - He apologized, though he doesn't have anything to apologize for.

"Please, you have nothing to be sorry for. I'm glad you did. I've been missing out." - I snickered. He laughed at this.

I moved to unzip his pants and he stopped me, causing me to stare at him in shock.

"Don't feel obligated to reciprocate. I did what I wanted but you don't have to. You can take your time." - He reassured me with a worried look.

"I know, but I want to." - I insisted. Then, he let go of my hand and I pulled his pants and underwear down.

His length is way bigger than mine, though I already knew that since we shower together almost every day. But I haven't seen it hard yet.

Nevertheless, I persevered. I took him to my mouth and he gasped in pleasure.

I licked from the tip to the base, working my way backwards. His body shivered at the contact. I engulfed what I could of his length and he quivered in pleasure.

I went in and out, making him moan louder each time I returned. I fondled with his balls and he trembled with pleasure.

After that, he warned me and I finished him off by hand. He kissed me as soon as I lifted myself up and I melted under his kiss.

We cleaned ourselves again and kissed some more. By the time he returned me home, I was basically floating my way back.

I had the best time with him. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect from the date. But it couldn't have gone more perfectly. At least for now, I'm in heaven. Also, I need to do THAT again.

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