《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 6: I See Red


Was I dreaming?

Because I swear he said yes to a date with me. I said he's going to be mine. I did say that, didn't I?

Persistence is everything. If you don't give up, you can never lose. Though I'm guessing it had more to do with him seeing me vulnerable about Felix.

I'm not gonna lie, there was a brief moment when I thought about Ashley "in that way". But that was years ago and before she and Felix started dating.

Since we all know each other since kids, eventually we hit puberty together and feelings change or better yet "awaken".

But it was just for a brief moment and I've never thought of her like that ever since. Honestly, now I think of her more like a sister than a potential mate. It's the Goddess honest truth.

However, I did have "nightmares" about she being mated to me. And yes, I mean AFTER they've started dating. I know how much Felix loves her and it would destroy him to see she being mated away from him, most especially to me.

Honestly, I don't know if our relationship can withstand this. So yeah, it really freaked me out when Elliott said what he did. Especially considering they listened to it too. Felix is so confident that she's his mate that any suggestion to the contrary burst his bubble in an aggressive way he's simply unequipped to handle.

By unequipped I mean unwilling. He refuses to acknowledge any other possible pair for him. Even though we are the largest wolf pack in the country with almost 20 thousand members. That's a lot of people and possible matches.

Of course, only teenagers count. He can't be mated to anyone older or younger than him by more than 2 years, nor to anyone sharing his blood, obviously. Those are the Moon Goddess' rules that we learned over thousands of years of having no choice in who we get paired with. Honestly, it's crazy that this happens to us by any standard.

How does one deity have time to match every living werewolf in existence? Yes, because we've learned over time that it doesn't happen just in our pack. It happens to all werewolves. All over the world. Though, to be fair, no one is guaranteed to find their mate in life.

Still, there are a lot of possible combinations. His mate can even be already in college by now.

Anyway, that's the least of my worries. I personally have no anxiety over my mating anymore than the average teen wolf. But that is mainly because I'm not sitting around waiting for them to arrive. I'm actively pursuing my goals. And my main goal right now was just achieved.

I'm going on a date with Elliot Lockwood.

"Did something happened at school today? You haven't stopped smiling since you got home." - Mom asked me during dinner. She had already fed the baby, so it's just the four of us at the table: she, dad, my little brother and me.

Dad laughed at this. So did Johnny.

"Nothing much happened. But if you must know, someone I have been asking out for a month straight has finally agreed to go out with me." - I replied, both bashfully and proudly.

"Wow. A whole month? That's gotta be a new record for you. Who is the latest conquest?" - Mom asked me in an amused tone. Dad's giggling at this.

"He is not a conquest. I genuinely like him. I just have to convince him of that." - I informed her in a slight peeved tone. My parents know I'm bisexual. It's not a problem for them whatsoever.


Actually, it's never been a problem for anyone I know. Fortunately, though we live in a conservative society, werewolves tend to be a bit more open minded regarding gender. Mainly because some men have the ability to conceive children; if that doesn't open your mind about it, nothing will.

"And who is this boy you like so much?" - Dad asked. Curiosity dripping from his tone.

I frown at this for a second before revealing his name. I don't know how my dad is gonna react. But it's not like I can keep this a secret. I mean, I don't really want to. I never have.

"Elliot Lockwood." - I replied, studying his face for a reaction. Mom was gobsmacked. Dad got in his head for a moment.

"The undefeated omega? Wow!" - Mom gasped. She looked shocked. Even Johnny was, though he's too young to understand the repercussions. Or why mom is surprised.

"He's not undefeated. He just hasn't lost yet..." - I argued, making my mom laugh out loud at my logic.

"Do I need to install a dictionary app on your phone? Because that is literally the def--"

"Yeah I got it, mom!" - I cut her off. - "I regretted as soon as I said it." - I blush in embarrassment. Johnny laughed at me. Dad says nothing.

"Dad, say something. Do you disapprove of him? I know he's an omega but--"

"It has nothing to do with him being an omega. You know I don't care about that!" - He interrupted me, raising his voice. I get startled by it.

"My only concern is that you don't compromise the boy." - He explained in a stern tone. He looked concerned. And not for me, per say.

"Compromise him? Dad, it's not the 1950's." - I snickered, making Johnny giggle.

"I'm not joking, Simon!" - He shouted, frightening me and startling Johnny and mom.

I looked at him in shock for a minute, fearful of his reaction.

"You know that as Beta, I conduct the interviews when people apply to join our pack. We just don't let anyone join at random..." - He started in a more calm manner.

"Yeah, of course I know." - I replied in an annoyed tone.

"So you know that I had to ask them why they decided to move away from their pack, specially considering both of them were so highly regarded by their Beta. Did you know his dad was on track to become Delta of their pack? He was months away from the promotion." - Dad informed us. I could tell he really admired the Lockwoods. Though for what he already told me, so do I.

"No, I didn't." - I replied with a surprised look on my face.

"Yeah, I was baffled too, but not exactly surprised. I mean, for what I know so far, anyone of them could be Delta easily. But my point is: their number one concern, their reason for abandoning a well respected career in their former pack was their son. They didn't ask me what the pay was, negotiated a promotion or any advantage for them." - He explained in a moved tone.

"All they asked me about was how this pack treated its omegas. And what opportunities they had at their disposal. Honestly, it was very touching. But I assured them that our omegas are afforded every opportunity available to any other pack member, including to become a warrior, which is not something possible at their former pack." - Dad continued in an emotional tone.


"Now, I know kids these days don't save themselves for their mates. I'm not telling you how to live your life or who to date. I'm just saying: be mindful that the stakes are different for you than they are for him. Very different." - He concluded. Mom put her hand over her mate's, then smiled proudly at him.

This gave me pause. I know that there had to be a strong reason for them to leave their former pack. And judging by his reaction on the day that we met, I'm guessing people in his pack aren't as respecting of omegas as we are. I mean, there's prejudice. I count myself among those who have discriminated against them, it's sad to admit it. But we don't "compromise" anyone in our pack. Not against their will anyway...

"I take your point clearly, dad. I know it's not the same for him than it is for me. But I promise you I do like him. This is not about "compromising" anyone." - I choose my words carefully as I speak to him.

"I'm glad to hear it, son. All I ask is that you keep in mind: when the both of you get mated away to other students, his mate is gonna have a different set of expectations for him than yours will." - He advised me in a serene tone. Mom smiled softly at me, nodding along her mate.

I frowned at this.

"How do you know we're not gonna be mated to each other?" - I asked in an annoyed tone, furrowing my eyebrows at him.

He laughs at this.

"Son, come on. You're not gonna be mated to an omega." - He said and I snapped.

"Oh my Goddess!" - I shouted at him, angrily.

"You really had me convinced for a moment there with all this speech about what's best for him and how I should be respectful and now you pulled this? What the fuck!" - I was gobsmacked. My eyes are glowing in anger.

"Simon, language. Show me some respect!" - Dad demanded in a raised voice.

"Respect is earned, dad. Excuse me." - I got up and left the table, all the while my dad is berating me for disrespecting him in his own house. But I'm not listening to it.

I can't believe he said that, honestly. After he just said he doesn't care that I date an omega. I mean, seriously... what the fuck?! I can certainly see why I discriminated against omegas thus far.

I brushed my teeth and locked myself in my room. I didn't speak to my dad in the next morning either. Not that he was eager to talk to me. Mom was bothered by it, but she didn't intervene.

When I got to school with Ash and met Felix, I told him what happened and everything my dad said, including the last part.

"I mean... what the fuck, right? Hypocrisy much?" - I ranted to him, feeling so annoyed at my dad. Specially after all that talk. He really had me going.

Felix looked at me silently, as if choosing his words carefully.

"What? Why aren't you saying anything?" - I asked in a suspicious tone while I stared at him.

"I just think your dad might have a point there..." - He replied in a low tone but I lost it.

"Oh my Goddess!" - I yelled at him angrily. - "You don't think he's good enough to be my mate just because he's an omega!" - I spat at him, livid.

At this, Elliot walked by us towards the classroom with a distraught look on his face. Both he and Olivia, who's next to him. I gasped at this, which only made me more furious.

"Thanks, Felix. Thank you very much!" - It's all I can muster before I darted at Elliot's direction.

I don't know why I'm so shocked, to be fair. None of our friends ever considered having anything to do with an omega. Honestly, they're barely a blip on our radar so far. And since omegas only got struck by heat after 17 nowadays, that small boy was the first case I've heard about it in a while.

Still, I can't help the rage that is consuming me now. I have been nothing but supportive to Felix, even by not speaking about the possibility of him being mated to another girl. I'm furious that he still thinks that way. Even if I did, not too long ago.

It's not my fault I've never met an omega like Elliot Lockwood.

"I'm sorry for what you've overheard." - I apologized to him as soon as I got to class.

"Your friend is not the first person I've met who thinks we're an inferior specie." - He replied in an deeply hurt tone. I could tell this was getting to him and it killed me.

"You're not inferior to anyone." - I stated, raising my voice.

"I didn't say that I was. I said he's not the first person who thinks that way. I'm just sorry that this pack's leadership is gonna fall to such a spoiled entitled brat." - He spat at me. And he knows Felix is here listening to this because he entered the classroom with Ash right behind me. The entire class breaks out in laughter at his words.

"You should learn to show some respect, omega!" - Felix shouted from his seat in the front of the class. I can tell he's really pissed.

"Respect is earned, Hollingsworth. I have told you this before." - He rebuked, not backing down.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. This is bad.

"One of these days I'll show you who the spoiled entitled brat is." - Felix threatened, looking at him with a scorn I've never seen before.

"Yeah? You and what army? We both know you're not man enough to take on me by yourself!" - Elliot boasted with a smug grin.

Holly shit! Are you trying to get yourself killed, mate? Everyone knows he won the fight(s) against Felix. But as the students broke out in whispers about it, my best friend gets livid.

Felix's eyes are glowing the brightest I've ever seen in my life. He lets out a growl so loud that startles the entire school. All of the students bow in submission to him.

I mean, except for one person. Take a wild guess?

"Mr. Hollingsworth, please go to the principal's office." - The teacher demanded of him, seconds after he entered our classroom.

"Why? I didn't do anything wrong!" - He retorted, sounding annoyed.

"If you delay, we will call your father." - He threatened with a serious look on his face. I gulped at this and returned to my seat discreetly.

"Fine, I didn't want to watch this stupid class anyway!" - Felix spat, making the teacher scowl as he gathered his belongings and left.

I lost my nerve to talk to Elliot after class ended. But I didn't want to talk to Felix either. Elliot may have run his mouth but Felix was wrong in the first place. However, I fear for Lockwood's safety. If he keeps antagonizing him for much longer, he's gonna get the full "Alpha treatment". And it's not nice, trust me.

Anyway, the day is only beginning. Felix was back in the second period, looking enraged. I'm guessing the talk with the principal didn't go over so well. Regardless, I kept to myself until wrestling practice.

"Coach, can I get Lockwood first?" - Felix asked him as soon as we changed clothes to start. Elliot smiled mischievously at this. But the coach frowned.

"Hollingsworth, this is not your personal ring. You lost. Get over it!" - Coach reprimanded him. He's not particularly a fan of personal vendettas. It was amusing at first, but now it's just distracting.

"It's fine, coach. If he wants to get humiliated again, it's his choice." - Elliot boasted, making Felix's eyes glow in rage.

"Fine. Get on with it. I want you all to start prepping for the winter tournament." - Coach conceded, though he didn't look happy about it.

Oh my Goddess. I'm not usually scared of wrestling practice, but my blood is running cold in this moment. I can't pretend I'm not dreading this.

Felix faces Elliot with a raging disposition that I hadn't seen so far. The rest of the boys from the team are watching this play out. By now, the entire school heard about their fight earlier.

Both the fighters play it smart. But Felix is using his physical superiority really well this time.

Yes, Elliot is ripped. But Felix is an Alpha wolf. He is taller and stronger. He just never used his strength as well as him.

Round 1: Felix won. Elliot got startled by it. He's never lost a single round thus far.

But this only increases his willingness of showing off to the (future) Alpha.

Round 2 lasts 10 minutes before either of the boys get a good move. Like I said, wrestling is more about skill than strength. But neither of them are conceding the fight.

The coach is watching attentively to them as the rest of us.

Finally, Elliot manages to immobilize Felix and win the second round.

Round 3: now, they're giving it their all.

We waste 15 minutes of our practice time just watching the pair escaping each other's strikes.

Until finally, Felix growls at him and overpower Elliot, managing to keep him in place under his strong arms. Coach called the third round. Both of them get up from the mat and the boys give them a round of applause.

"You got lucky!" - Elliot told him, moments later.

"Sure, omega. Or I got better. Whether you like it or not, I'm your Alpha." - He retorted with a smug grin.

"Your dad is my Alpha. You still have a lot to learn." - He rebuked. But Felix was too pleased with himself to be bothered. He just gave him a grin he was holding deep inside for more than a month. And I'm just relieved they didn't kill each other, to be honest.

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