《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 5: There For You


Doesn't he get tired of rejection?

Every day that fucking Simon asks me out and every single time I decline, sometimes not so politely. But nothing can seem to dissuade him of wanting to go out with me.

When is it going to be enough for him? My Goddess... I thought I was determined but he's something else. I can barely glance at him that he comes grinning at me like I'm his dentist or something.

Jesus! Leave me alone already!

In other news, it's been a month since I got here and things are going well at school. I get along great with my omega friends and wrestling practice is just as normal for me as any other student. Finally!

Though to be fair, I'm still the only person on the team who's undefeated. And by now, I have fought off every single team member including Simon, not that he put up that much of a fight.

However, it's not all rainbows.

I still get glares here and there from some of the students, but specially from the future Alpha. He barely tolerates me because he has no other choice. But I can tell he'd prefer if I went away and never came back again.

Sorry, pal. That's not going to happen.

My parents are also adjusting fine to the new routine, but they're warriors so I'm not really surprised. The job is always the same wherever you go, only the boss changes.

Of course, this is a much larger pack than our previous one. So the scope is way bigger, but still... the work never changes: they have to protect and defend the territory.

Werewolves are deeply territorial.

You don't cross into another pack's turf without permission, not if you want to live anyway. Which is why my parents have gone trough the proper channels when they did.

I mean, it's a free country. But unless you're driving by, I'd ask permission first if you want to avoid any trouble.

Because our warriors don't let trespassers alive. No, werewolves are not exactly known for being soft and cuddly.

And any wolf would know this. Because all of us are the same: possessive and territorial.

Of course that only applies to other wolves as we don't kill humans. They live unaware of our reality and we don't attract needless attention to us.

"Does that boy still ask you out every day, sweetie?" - Mom asked me during breakfast with an amused tone and smile.

It's Wednesday morning. I don't always have the opportunity to sit with my parents for breakfast, so it's nice when I can. My dad laughs at this.

"Do you mean your future boss? Yes, he does. And I have done everything I could think of to stop him." - I answered with a sour mood.

"He is not our future boss. He's our future boss' boss." - Dad smirked.

It's so weird that this teenager is months away from being responsible for an entire pack's safety. But that is essentially the job of a Beta. He coordinates all of the warriors to defend the pack, ranking above them all.

Not only that, but he also chooses the Delta, which is the highest ranking warrior. The leader of them and my parents' boss.

But that is pack business for you. However, I'm sure he's going to be well prepared for his role by his dad, the current Beta. To be fair, both Simon and Felix have trained all their lives for these positions.

"That's not even the worst part. He keeps on calling me his mate, which irks me the most." - I admitted in a troubled tone.


"I see..." - Mom sighed. She has this bemused grin on her face that tells me she's enjoying this too much for my taste.

"Are you still undefeated? Even the pack warriors got word of your stunt defeating the Alpha twice." - Dad asked with a proud smile, shared by my mom.

"He's not the Alpha.... yet. But yes, I am. Do you even have to ask me that, dad?" - I bragged. I couldn't resist it. Especially not to my dad.

"That's my boy!" - He smiled at me, proudly. My heart swells with love as I bask in my parents' pride of me. I only hope that boy doesn't jeopardize my career.

Later at school, I greet my friends as I meet them in the patio. I'm so glad I found them. It can be tricky to start senior year in a new high school because all the friendships are already formed by then, but I found an instant family with the omegas from the club and I'm so thankful for it.

"So, how is your mate treating you these days?" - Brandon, one of the senior omegas asked me with an amused grin.

"He's not my mate. For Goddess' sake, don't encourage him!" - I rebuked with a defeated tone.

They all laugh at this.

"Can you imagine being mated to your future boss?" - Liv wondered with an amused tone.

"He's not my future boss. He's my future boss' boss." - I laughed, though it's very true.

"Hey, maybe play your cards right and he will make you Delta of the pack." - Rachel suggested it to my disgusted reaction.

"Ewl. I didn't train all my life to rely on THAT for a job. I rather earn my position, thank you very much." - I replied with an ugly grimace.

The bell rings and we go to our respective classrooms.

As soon as Simon sees me, he comes speedily at my direction.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" - I surprised him by talking first.

"Ask me anything." - He replied promptly with a wide smile.

"When is your birthday?" - I asked with an intrigued look on my face.

"It's in February. Why?" - He replied with a curious look.

"Oh, I just wanted to know when you're getting mated and stop my misery of having to reject you everyday." - I replied, making all the students laugh at this. Ashley snorted loudly. But Felix still glared at me.

"You mean when the Goddess reveals you're my mate?" - He retorted, not letting it get to him. I do have to admire his confidence, it's unshakable.

"I'm not your mate, dude. My mate isn't even from this pack, probably." - I rebuked, frowning at the realization.

He looks at me with pity but says nothing.

In the third period, I got startled by someone's voice inside my head. I hadn't mind link anyone in this pack yet, because there was never any need. Plus, it's a tool better used for emergencies than every day communication.


I sprinted from the classroom, making everyone and the teacher gasp at my sudden exit. But I had no time to explain. Better yet, I had no explanation to offer at that point.

But when I reached the male locker room, it all became clear. Brandon was terrified. He got struck by heat in the worst possible moment for an omega: naked and surrounded by other boys.

Because I'm part of the wrestling team, I don't take P. E. like most of the other students, so I don't use the locker room when they do.


Heat is part of the nature of an omega. It's nature's way of attracting a possible mate. The problem with it is that your body emits pheromones that attract ANY (male) werewolf around you.

And by attract, I mean it stimulates them sexually towards you. So you can see why Brandon is desperate. He doesn't have the strength to fend off any boy, let alone several. Worst of all naked in the shower.

However, everyone knows it's not okay to give in to these instincts. But sometimes it's not that easy to resist it. Especially for teenagers, not that it should be an excuse.

I got inside the shower area and Brandon was surrounded by sexually stimulated boys ready to go. I growled at them, distracting the boys off of him for a moment enough to take Brandon away from there. He looked absolutely petrified.

One of the boys grabbed his wrist to pull Brandon towards him and I knocked him down with a hard punch, startling the rest of them, who distanced themselves from us in reaction.

Because I'm also an omega, heat doesn't affect me. Which is why he called for me in the first place. After I knocked the boy down, I successfully pulled Brandon from the shower area. Then, I helped him get dry and dressed. He continued to look terrified the whole time, shaking with fear.

After I dropped him at the vice principal's office to be safely escorted home, I returned to class. Fortunately, he gave me a hall pass as I explained what happened and why I had to intervene.

But what happened to Brandon is the stuff of nightmares. No wonder he's terrified. I'm just glad I was able to help him. I haven't had my heat yet, but it didn't even occur to me that it could happen inside the locker room. It gives me chills to even think about it.

Later, I talked it over with my friends as word of what happened traveled fast around school.

"I mean, what are the odds? In the locker room? Really? I can't think of a worst place for heat to strike..." - Liv commented, shocked.

"Tell me about it. I have never seen someone so frightened in my life!" - I gasped, thinking about him.

I receive a group hug from all the omegas before we disband for the next class.

"Are you okay?" - Coach asked me as soon as he saw me.

"I'm fine, just a little shaken. But I'm okay to practice." - I replied, trying to put on a brave front.

"Just so you know, if you need any assistance, call for me and I will rescue you no questions asked." - He informed me with a modest smile.

"Thanks, coach." - I said with a weak grin.

After wrestling practice ended, we all went to the locker room to shower. Simon came over to me before I started undressing.

"I'm sorry for what happened to your friend. I guess it's easy for the rest of us to forget the danger omegas are in. Even if we think ourselves to be evolved creatures." - He told me with an empathetic tone.

"Everyone is evolved until the pheromone makes you hard. Then, you turn into cavemen." - I smirked. He chuckled uncomfortably.

Some of the other boys also laughed at this nervously.

"I want you to know that I understand what you're up against. And I'm your ally if you need me." - He spoke with a sincere tone.

"You'll never understand what I'm up against. But thanks for saying that." - I replied with a faint smile.

Later at night, I told my parents what happened and they were appalled. It's literally their worst nightmare. But they were overjoyed that I was able to help him. So was I.

If anything, I'm relieved I was able to be there for him. As I'm sure I'd like for someone to be there for me when I need it. Though hopefully not in the same situation, Goddess forbids.

Later in the weekend, I visited Brandon at his home and his parents thanked me for helping their son. I told them it was my pleasure. And I was happy to be of any help. He looked much better, fortunately. We talked for a bit and he's do to return to school at the end of the week.

Heats usually last a week or so.

On Monday, the issue was forgotten and everything was back to usual. I even saw that boy I punched in passing but he didn't even glance at me. He's either embarrassed or pissed at me. But if he's waiting for an apology he better sit down because the way I see it, he owes one to Brandon.

Regardless, life goes on.

"Good morning, mate. How are you doing in this fine morning?" - Simon asked me as soon as I entered the classroom.

"I would be better if you stop calling me your mate. There's a better chance of Ashley being your mate than I am." - I replied, making Simon, Felix and Ashley grimace. I mean, the death glares from Felix were next level this time. A lesser man would cower in fear and submission.

"Thanks for that, mate. Do you want my best friend to hate me?" - He sounded hurt for the first time since he started courting me.

"Wow. That's the first time I've seen your demeanor change. I have threatened your life and it didn't phase you." - I grinned in surprise. I was gloating over his misery but I couldn't help it. I finally got to him, I've been trying for a month.

"That's because my life doesn't matter to me as much as my relationship with my best friend does." - He replied in a matter of fact tone.

I look at him and saw raw vulnerability in his face for the first time since I've met him. He genuinely is concerned about being mated to Ashley, which I get it. That would rock his friendship with Felix.

"Fine, I accept it." - I told him, smiling. OK, I surrender.


Literally everyone inside the classroom gasped at the same time in shock.

"I'll go on a date with you." - I confirmed with a content grin.

"Yes!" - He shouted, sounding ultra excited.

"You won't regret it!" - He said, giddy and statically happy.

"One condition, though." - I amended, making him scowl instantly.

"What?" - He asked, dreadfully looking at me.

"You never call me mate ever again." - I proposed, confidently.

He stared at me for a minute in shock. His eyebrows were shot up in surprise.

"Done." - He spoke and stretched out his hand for me to shake on it, which I did.

He went back to his seat, gobsmacked. Liv grinned mischievously at me. And his friends congratulated him on the 'achievement'.

Honestly, there's only so much a single boy can take it. I'm several months away from being mated as I was born in the Summer.

I mean, theoretically I could be mated sooner if my mate is older than me. But I don't particularly like those odds. Specially considering I'm pretty sure my mate isn't even from this pack, like I've said before.

Besides, I need love just as much as the next guy. And there isn't exactly a line of guys forming to ask me out on a date. So, let's see what he is about and how this date is gonna go.

I hope he can surprise me positively, though I'm not holding my breath. I'm just glad to have an opportunity to go out, frankly.

For the rest of the day, he kept grinning at me all the time it became annoying. My other friends teased me about it, of course. Saying I finally yield to the Beta's charm. Whatever.

Fingers crossed he's a good kisser.😳

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