《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 18: Perfect


That took a turn.

Teenagers rising and standing up for what's right. Who knew?

Well, a lot of people really. Haven't you heard of Greta Thunberg?

Anyway, crisis adverted. Alpha Hollingsworth is such a politician, the way he maneuvered the crowd so expertly. He didn't even bring up the fact that his son faced a very similar situation to Ben's. He just got lucky his was interrupted earlier.

After that, the day got away from us and next thing I know, it's final bell. Simon didn't speak to me much afterwards, but I'm guessing he's giving me some space to deal with all this.

And to be there for Liv, which I am.

I've called her parents that day, visited her everyday since her heat stroke, bringing her homework and some distraction in form of gossip.

Thankfully, her parents love me so they're cool with me visiting her. Plus, she did the same to me. And I owe her big.

I'm not letting go of her hand.

In the next day, things started to settle down a bit, though Ben still got death glares by students all around the school. But that's to be expected.

To be perfectly honest, he got off easy. It could have been worse, way worse. I still don't know how far he went with Olivia that day. And I'm too afraid to ask her. Or too embarrassed. Take your pick.

But she's dealing with it the best she can. I just hope to Goddess he's not her mate. That would be a cruel joke on her part.

Our omega club has also showed up for their president. They have showered her with love and attention. Some of them also came to visit Liv during her heat. It's part of our shtick.

We're all together now inside the school, just before the first class starts.

"Guys, I just wanna thank you all for the support. I couldn't have gone trough any of it without all of you. So, thanks." - Liv told us with a radiant smile.

"I'm just sorry I couldn't be here faster." - I apologized, still feeling guilty about that.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. You're allowed to go on dates with your lovely hot boyfriend." - She smirked, making all of us giggle.

"I'm sorry he didn't get expelled, Liv." - Rachel told her with a sorrowed tone.

"I don't think he's a bad guy. It was an impossible situation. It wasn't like Brandon's or Elliott's. I was kissing him. I wanted it. I just didn't want him to go all the way." - She explained in a sincere tone.

She's such a bad ass.

Nicholas started crying.

"What happened, Nick?" - Liv asked him, worriedly.

"My parents are worried sick about next year. They're already talking about homeschooling me because of my upcoming heat. And I don't want that. But I won't have Elliott to protect me next year." - He sobbed and I winced. Nick is a Junior. So even though he's not worried about heat yet, he still have next year to contend with.

"I'm so sorry. But I'm not going anywhere. I'll be working for the pack. But maybe we can petition the Beta to let a warrior on standby during school hours to rescue any of us if need be." - I suggested, feeling terrible for him.

"That's an excellent idea. It's a good thing you know the future Beta very well." - Liv winked at me.

I blushed at her words and the rest of them giggled at me.


After this, the bell rang and we went to our respective classrooms.

Simon kissed me as soon as he saw me. After class, I gathered my things and came closer to him.

"I know I owe you a wolf date. I didn't forget about that. But maybe Saturday we can go. Now, I'm just scared of going far from school on weekdays." - I suggested to him, feeling a little guilty.

"First, you're not responsible for the safety of all omegas of the school. You'll go crazy if you beat yourself up about it. Second, I accept your invitation and absolutely will take you on a wolf date next Saturday." - He replied and I swooned.

"You're the best, did you know that? You're perfect for me. I don't know what I did to deserve you!" - I melted, causing him to kiss me passionately.

"You're perfect for me too. I'm scared of how underwhelmed I'll be if my mate's not you." - He told me, making me swoon again.

"Where's my wolf date, Mr. Alpha?" - Ash demanded of Felix, who gulped. I laughed at this.

"They're getting to know each other. I've seen you in your wolf form already." - Felix argued, looking at her with a frazzled face.

"Yeah, you're not seeing any form of me if you don't start taking me on better dates." - She shot at him, causing the entire class to laugh.

"Thanks, Simon. Thank you very much." - He glared at him, annoyed.

"Hey, it's not my fault you don't take your loved one anywhere." - He smirked.

"If I dated the most beautiful girl of the school, I'd take her everywhere she wanted." - I chimed in, making her smile wide.

"Thanks, Elliott. You're not so bad yourself." - She winked at me, grinning at the compliment.

"Let's go before I lose my mate." - Felix mumbled.

"She's not your mate yet, Hollingsworth. She can still find somebody better." - I provoked, causing him to flip me off.

Simon and I laughed at this.

Later at wrestling practice, Andersen was thrilled to welcome his best friend back, Ben. Me... not so much. But I didn't glare at him like the rest of the school.

However, I demolished him on the mat. But I do that to everyone. So, he's not special.

"When are you going to let me win, Elliott?" - Simon glared at me when we're inside the locker room after practice.

"Never! It's not in my nature." - I replied promptly, making him wince. The boys laughed at this.

"Yeah. I wouldn't want my mate to be stronger than me either." - Felix commented, looking at us.

"Does that mean you think I'm his mate?" - I asked him in a surprised tone.

"Maybe. It's possible." - He replied, taken aback by my question.

"Wow. That's the nicest thing you said to me, Hollingsworth. Maybe one day I'll let you win." - I snickered.

"Hey, I tell you nice things all the time!" - Simon glared at me.

"That was a joke, Simon. He'll never win again. No one will." - I smirked at him with absolute conviction.

"By the way, I saw your dad yesterday, Lockwood and damn, that dude is strong!" - Andersen remarked with an amused tone.

"He is. And you haven't seen him fighting." - I replied with a smirk.

"Yeah, I hope I never have to." - He laughed it off.


"Hey, Marcus. Remember the talk we had the other day... I hope what happened to Ben didn't scare you off your crush." - I told him in a light tone. My eyes almost pleading.

Ben looked at me wide-eyed, but said nothing.

"Don't worry, it didn't. I mean, they already had their heat. So, it's fine. I'm not scared." - He replied with a smile.

"Oh my Goddess! Really? Good for you!" - I smiled wide. I realize now who his crush is but said nothing to not spook him.

"I know you don't wanna hear this Lockwood, but I genuinely like her. I'm terribly sorry that happened. But I promise you I was never going to push her into something she didn't want." - Ben told me with a distraught look on his face.

I glared at him for a moment. Then, I took my things and went to shower.

After a few minutes...

"I know you liked her, Blackburn. I'm not saying you're a bad guy. I know it was a terrible situation. But she's my best friend." - I replied in a delayed message as the water caressed my body.

"I do like her. That never went away. I just hope she can forgive me one day." - He said, almost making me feel bad for him. Almost.

At lunch break, I was reunited with my fellow omegas. And it feels so good.

"So Nick, is your nemesis still flirting with you or it was just your imagination?" - I teased, making all of us laugh except for him.

"Well, you're not completely far off." - He replied with an amused tone. - "I mean, he got spooked after..." - He looked at Liv with dread.

She felt guilty and looked at him with pity.

"But no, there hasn't been any flirting whatsoever from anyone." - He concluded in a sad tone.

"Doesn't he know you're too young for heat?" - Brandon questioned him, puzzled.

"Yeah, he knows but I'm not worried. It'll happen when it happens." - He replied with a positive attitude.

"That's the spirit!" - I told him with a happy tone.

"What about you, Brandon? What about your crush?" - I asked him, curiously.

He blushed for a minute at my question.

"Well, he texted me to meet him and I..." - I could tell he's embarrassed to admit something.

"You what? Brandon, no one here will judge you if you had sex with him. It's your body. Your choice." - I told him, emphatically.

He gulped at my words.

"It wasn't like that! We just kissed and I... pleasured him orally." - He admitted blushing so much he's pink.

"Good for you. Just know that you are entitled to pleasure as well. It's not just him." - I looked him deep into the eyes when I said it.

"I know. You're right." - He replied, still blushing.

"Yeah... not all of us are lucky enough to get a boyfriend who's a sex god." - Liv teased me, making ME blush.

They laughed at this.

"You deserve a good boyfriend, Liv. I hope you get your mate soon." - I told her with an empathetic tone. She smiled at me.

"Speaking of mates, have you thought about him being your mate?" - Rachel asked her, making the rest of us gasp in dreadful fear.

We all stared at Liv for a reaction. To be honest, all of us must have thought about it at some point. Even her.

"I've thought about it, of course. But if he is, I'm not going to reject him. I can't. We'll just have to go through therapy together to overcome this. But like I said before, I don't think he's a bad guy." - She bared her soul with such honesty that is refreshing.

I started a round of applause for her.

Not much longer, we're back to the classroom.

On Saturday, as promised, Simon and I went on our long awaited wolf date. We made out in his car, stripped off our clothes and shifted into wolves.

Though once I saw him naked, I almost jumped him for another purpose. But I controlled myself.

We ran free for hours in the open field. His wolf is bigger than mine, but that's to be expected. Damn you omega genes. We're smaller in everything. And I do mean everything. Gasp!

Omega genes are recessive in werewolves as I said previously. Which is why omegas themselves don't birth others like us. Not necessarily. That's also why you can be born an omega even if your parents aren't, like mine.

It explains why there aren't that many of us. Our little club has only 15 members in a 200+ students school. But not all omegas in school belong to the club. There are some who try to go incognito as to pass for regular werewolves.

I get it. I don't judge them. But you can't fool mother nature. Your heat is coming. And when it does, you're gonna wish you have someone in your corner. Someone exactly like you.

That being said, theoretically, there are some herbs that act as heat suppressors. But just like the ones that act as birth control for male omegas, they're not safe for our reproductive system.

Now, I'm not saying all omegas must bear children. Not at all. But good luck telling your mate he won't be able to have kids because you fucked your body with herbs.

He'll resent you for the rest of your life. And there's no divorce among werewolves. There's one mate. That's it.

So yeah... it's no wonder we risk situations like what I went through, because the other option is a terrible one.

I for one wouldn't be able to live with myself if I had to look Simon in the eyes and tell him he wouldn't be able to have any heir.

Honestly, I know him well enough by now to know that would kill him. Specially considering he's a legacy Beta and therefore he'll want the same for his kid.

Also, quick reminder, you can't have children by anyone NOT your mate. Not if you want them to succeed in the pack.

Simon and I reached a small river that goes trough our town. We shifted back into human form and gazed upon each other, while lying naked on the grass.

We're also resting up as we just ran for hours.

"You don't know how hard I wish you're my mate right now." - I told him with a naughty grin, admiring his physical form.

He smiled at me.

"You don't how hard I want you to be my mate." - He replied, grinning mischievously. He always knows the perfect thing to say. I can certainly see why he's so successful with people. I mean, who can resist such a terrible combination of hot, handsome and well spoken?

"I can tell you want it very hard." - I snickered, noticing that he's hard right now. Both of us are.

Our sexual desire emanated trough our pores.

"I wish I could sit on top of you right now, riding your length until you come inside me." - I spoke, drunk on lust for my boyfriend.

He gasped at this.

"You're killing me, Lockwood!" - He smirked, laughing at our situation.

"I'm wet right now just thinking about your big cock inside me, filling me up with desire and passion." - I replied, making his body twitch with lust.

Simon jumped on top of me in a sudden move that got me startled. His body towered over mine and he looked at me with purpose.

I trembled a bit in fear. Have I teased him too much?

His eyes are glowing with lust as he coveted me, his smile mischievous and greedy. I shook in fear of the worst. But that only lasted for a second.

He slides down my body to position himself with his head just above my crotch. He quickly takes me into his mouth and I'm gasping for air.

My moans are muffled by my hands as he engulfed my erect dick with his voracious mouth. Simon sucked me well, though that's just the appetizer.

Sudden but gently, he sticks a finger inside my very wet hole and I'm flying high.

It's the most pleasure I've ever felt (aside from the last time he did that).

He licked my tip and worked his way to the base, then return with his tongue trough my shaft. I trembled with pleasure.

My entire body shaking as his finger went in and out of me. Then, there're two fingers. And I moaned loud enough to scare off the animal life around us.

After that, I couldn't resist it anymore. I came profusely, coating his throat while he sucked me with moaning pleasure.

"I love you so much!" - I melted after he removed himself from me. I'm in ecstasy, raptured by him completely.

"I love you too." - He grinned at me, affectionately.

"Can I have my turn now?" - I offered with a cheeky grin.

"Oh no. This is just the first course. I want something else. Let's go to the water for a minute." - He suggested, making me gasp in shock.

That's not the response I was expecting.

We bathed in the cold winter water for a moment and warmed ourselves by making out intensely on the grass.

Then, he prompt me to fuck him with water as lube and nature for company.

We had the absolute best time together.

I whimper at the thought of him being mated away from me.

Forget about his good looks, physicality and money. They're nice, but it's not about that.

It never was, really.

No, the reason why I tremble with fear of being separated from him is the personality. His mannerisms, the way he tries so hard without trying hard.

He always says the perfect thing. He puts me at ease and isn't threatened by my strength. He's emboldened by it.

Honestly, he's perfect for me. And I really do mean it.

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