《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 19: Friend Like Me


I got a serious tell off from my parents for being late for dinner.

By the time Elliot and I made love, bathed again in the cold river water, shifted into wolves, ran back to my car and returned to our respective homes it's past dinner time.

Not that I regret what happened in any way. Except for the fact that now I'm starving for running several hours and my parents are ranting about responsibility.

I'd care about what they're saying, but I love Elliott and regret nothing. Not that I'd tell them that. I'm not that crazy. Seriously, have you seen my dad angry? It's not a pretty picture!

However, dad grounded me and told me if I'm not home right after school I'm losing the car.

That certainly got my attention. Not the car, dad. As a teenager, it's my most prized possession. Plus, it's an old convertible in excellent condition. It really is my pride and joy.

"It's Saturday. It's not like I'm late on a school night." - I retorted, grunting.

"That's not the point, son. The problem isn't the time that you arrived. It's that we asked you if you'd be home for dinner and you said yes." - Dad argued, seriously pissed at me.

"It's about responsibility. And accountability. If you say you're gonna be home for dinner, then be. If not, let us know. No one is saying you shouldn't have fun with your boyfriend. But this is not a hotel!" - Mom chimed in, also mad at me.

I lowered my head in shame. I know they're right. I'm not disputing that. But I'm too happy to care, I just had a wonderful date with my omega.

I devoured my first coarse and repeated it. I'm glad mom always cooked plenty of food.

"Wow! Did you run til Houston?" - Mom snickered, looking at my second plate. I had told my parents I was going for a wolf run with Elliott.

Funny enough, a lot of times teens keep their lives secret from their parents. But I was never made to shame my sexuality or my choices in romance. And though I don't give them a play by play, they always know where I am and who I'm with. It's also why we have such a trusting relationship, not that they approve of unmated sex. No parent do. But at least they're not hypocrites about it.

"No, just till the river. But it's further than I remembered." - I replied as I stuff my mouth with a juicy stake.

"That's because the last time you went as far as the river you were 14." - Dad smirked.

"Sounds about right. But I'm glad I had the chance. Elliott's wolf is beautiful. Just as I imagined." - I melted at the thought of him.

"I'm glad for you. You deserve to be happy, son. Just keep in mind--"

"I know, dad! It's all I think about! I don't have any other nightmare than being mated to someone else. You don't need to remind me!" - I barked at my dad, cutting him off angrily.

"Your father means well, Simon. He only wishes you to manage your expectations." - Mom interjected, looking at me with an empathetic gaze.

"I get it, mom. I do. But it's too late now. I love him with all my heart and that's not gonna change any time soon." - I replied with a worried tone. It's the truth and I can't shake him off. I wouldn't, even if I could.


My parents gasp at this. They both sighed and started getting the dishes to the sink. They've never heard me saying that about anyone before. Last time I had a 'serious' relationship, I was between 13 and 14. And it was nothing like this.

"Well, at least his heat has passed. If I get a call about you the way Felix called me about Blackburn, I'd die." - Dad comments after a minute, closing the dishwasher.

Mom gasped at this. Even my little brother who doesn't particularly understand the case looked wide-eyed at me.

"Tell me about it. They'd bury me next to you if I ever did that to him." - I spoke in a deep dark tone.

"No one is burying anyone in this family. Stop it you two, okay? It's done!" - Mom snapped at us, looking mad at the mere implication.

I stayed late watching Netflix in my room, but not before I called Elliott to check on him after dinner. But his household is different than mine. He didn't get in trouble for being late because his mom is working and his dad ordered them a pizza.

I forget that warrior's life is very different than a Beta's. Warriors work on 10 to 12 hours shift and have no weekends off. I mean, protecting the pack is a 24/7 business. There are no breaks.

Which is a good thing that we have 100 warriors on the force, so they can take turns. But Beta is a planner, a gatherer of information and intelligence so that he can execute the best plan to safeguard the pack.

That also explains why his job is 9 to 5, while others are around the clock. However, in case of an emergency he's always on call. 24/7.

So is the Alpha. But that's a different matter. Alpha is like the president. He's always available and always present, which is why he and his family lives in the pack house. So he can be reachable at any time, by anyone who needs him.

But on the other hand, all his expenses are payed by the pack, including the house. And he still gets a salary. Like my dad. Well, no one works for free. Everyone have mouths to feed.

My dad is just lucky his wage is a drop in the bucket at our household. But my mom is very proud of her mate. As she should. Like he is of her.

On Monday, I picked Ashley on my way to school like always and greeted a very happy Felix.

We're one week away from his 18th birthday.

Also this is the last week of school before the holidays break. Finally.

Ash kissed her future mate and I hear Elliott talking to his friends not far from us. Not far from my wolf hearing, that is.

"How is the birthday party coming along?" - I asked him with a cheerful tone.

"Great! Mom is ordering the cooks around, taking shopping trips to the mall. She's very excited!" - He replied, sounding thrilled.

I'm so happy for him. It's the biggest milestone in a werewolf's life, their 18th. Because that's when they become eligible to find their mate. It's a rule the Moon Goddess imposed on us. It used to be 16 earlier. But over the centuries, societies changed and rules did as well.

It's funny that we can't sniff out our mates yet at 17, but if an 18+ years old finds us, we know it instantly. Our wolf does, I mean. The mate in question discovering us triggers what it's called the mate bond.


Basically, it's the link between mates. It connects the two of them, making you sense what the other mate is feeling. It really is a special connection that only werewolves get to share.

It's also why is so difficult to reject your mate. Even if you do, the connection never goes away. Not really. You'll just think about that person for the rest of your life, like a bad break up you can't get over.

However, when they do accept each other, that's when the fun begins. The completion of the bond. It's when you have sex with your mate and after climaxing, you bite each other in the neck, leaving what's called a mate mark. A visible proof that you're taken.

Wolves are deeply possessive creatures. We like to mark our territory and mate for life. That's probably why we mark our mate as well. It signals that this person is committed to another one.

And if there's one thing any wolf respects is someone else's mate. I'm not saying there has never been cheating in werewolf society. But it's difficult to cheat when you're so connected to your partner that they can sense when you're... overly excited.

"Wow! Hollingsworth's birthday is officially the talk of the town. Am I invited too?" - Elliot commented as we reach closer to where he was. He turned away from his friends to greet me with a hot kiss.

"Everyone within my mating age is invited. It's tradition." - Felix replied in a dry tone.

He's not particularly happy that Elliott is coming. But I rather skip it than not be there with him. And that's saying something for me! Plus, every single pack member from 16 to 20 is required to attend the Alpha's heir birthday. It's when the future Luna gets revealed. And no one will miss that, it's the party of the year.

"Well, I'm touched. I can't wait to see what ugly lady you're gonna be mated to." - Elliott snickered.

Felix's eyes glowed in anger towards him.

"Stop poking the bear, my love. Please!" - I pleaded with Elliott in a frightful tone.

Felix's biggest fear is to be mated away from Ash. And my boyfriend reminding him of that one week away from his birthday is not helping matters.

"You're no fun." - He jokes, facing Felix's death glare. Not that he's bothered by it at all.

"Just so you know, I'm not accepting the bond until you take me on a wolf date like Simon did Elliott." - Ash told Felix in a joking manner, though she's speaking seriously.

Felix gasped.

"I will this Saturday then. My party isn't until Sunday anyway." - He replied in a sweet tone.

"Why is your party before your birthday, by the way? I've never seen this before!" - Elliott asked him, curiously.

Felix glared at him once more.

"It's tradition to have your 18th birthday party on the eve. So that at midnight, we count down to my birthday and I discover my Luna." - Felix replied, looking at Ash affectionately.

"How romantic! Is your party gonna be like that too?" - Elliot asked, looking at me intrigued.

"My birthday falls on a Wednesday. I can't because it's a school night. But I would if I could." - I replied in an amused tone.

He laughs at this. And we go to class.

After the second period ends, Elliott comes up to me.

"You know, even though we're on borrowed time until February, if by some miracle I'm your mate I'm gonna kidnap you to Tuesday on a Wednesday." - He snickered, making Felix grimace next to me. Ash giggled. I laughed out loud.

"I'm going to Tuesday you so hard you'll be the happiest omega on Earth!" - I replied, causing people to be gobsmacked around us. Liv included.

By now, everyone knows what Tuesday means.

"You always know just the perfect thing to say. I love you, Simon Cortez!" - He melted.

"If you two don't stop talking about Tuesday, I'm gonna get queasy." - Felix said with a disgusted look on his face.

"Hey, I'm buying your present today. It can be a jewelry or a homemade card. Behave!" - I threatened him, making everyone laugh. He glared at me.

"Speaking of which, do you want to go to the mall with me after school? I need to buy the Alpha's gift." - I asked Elliott with a content grin.

"It's Hollingsworth's dad's birthday too?" - He asked me with such a serious tone and look on his face that it took me a minute to get the joke.

Though Felix glared at him right away.

"Handsome and funny. You're deadly, Lockwood." - I smirked, looking at him in awe.

"Oh, you have no idea..." - He bragged as we walked to the next class.

"I have some idea, I saw what you did to those Juniors." - I replied once we're in the hall walking. All four of us.

"That was child's play. I just pictured Hollingsworth's face and they kept going down." - He snickered, causing me to glare at him.

"If you stop poking the bear, there might be a gift in it for you today." - I attempted to bribe him.

"OK, now we're talking about it! Hollingsworth is my favorite person now. I even think he's gonna be mated to Ashley and not the lunch lady." - He joked.

"The lunch lady is out of his mating age." - I replied, not getting the joke.

He laughed at my innocence.

At lunch break, we're discussing present ideas. Since Elliott doesn't eat with us, I'm free to talk with my best friend without distraction.

"What do you want, Felix? A smart watch, a new phone, name it." - I enticed him with my ideas.

"Surprise me. You know you have better taste than I do." - He replied, making me smile.

"I do, yeah. But since it's your 18th, I'm kind of trying to aim a little higher. Is there anything you want in particular?" - I asked him with a pleading look.

"Simon, your friendship will always be the best gift. I don't want anything. I mean, not anything you can give me." - He said with a concerned tone. Then he looked at Ash, who smiled at him as she ate.

I get it. Felix was never one for material stuff. Or frivolous things. What he really wants is for Ash to be his mate. I'm actually touched by his commitment. Though I'm not strictly speaking surprised. I know my best friend.

Since I'm grounded by my dad, I had to ask special permission to go to the mall after school. But he had no problem with it since it's for Felix.

But I took my boyfriend along and we made it a date. I so love his company. And we had a blast. Since I didn't know what to buy Felix, I roamed the shopping center for inspiration while enjoying Elliott's company.

We also kissed a lot. We ate some sandwiches and had milkshakes. It's a wonderful but simple date. I managed to buy Felix's present and we left the mall just in time for dinner.

I don't wanna overplay my hand.

In the next day, I bragged about finding the perfect gift for him but he didn't flinch in curiosity. He told me whatever I got him it must be good. He trusted me.

Damn! I love my friend.

Plus, he's finally going to finish his month long detention for his incident with Elliott.

By Friday, he's pure nerves. As his birthday nears, his skin crawled with anxiousness.

"Are you excited, Hollingsworth? You're finally done with detention after today!" - Elliott asked him in a good mood, as we walked towards the classroom.

"I'm excited to close this embarrassing chapter of my life and never come to any close contact with an omega ever again." - He replied in a tense tone. He was stiff as a board.

Elliott gasped at his words.

"You do know that heat comes every six months, right? It'll strike again." - Elliott teased him, much to my dismay.

"Yeah, except by then I'll be long mated and it won't affect me in the same way it had. And nothing in you will make me lick your gross sweat." - He replied with more honesty than either Ash or I were prepared for.

Elliott grimaced at the remembrance.

"Thanks for the memory. I've never dreamed about being licked in the middle of the school gym either." - He snapped at him in a fowl mood.

"OK. Let's not talk about that day again, shall we? It's triggering for some people!" - I interjected, making them both stare at me.

I'm deeply uncomfortable. And it does bring back some bad memories. To Ash too, though her face is doing all the talk for her.

After this uncomfortable start of the day, the rest was a breeze. I mean, how much worse the last school day of the year can get?

On Saturday, I went on another date with Elliott to celebrate the beginning of our winter break. We had an absolute blast back to our makeshift drive in.

It's private, quiet and just the ticket for us to make out intensely and enjoy each other's company. I had the best time.

But we didn't stay for too long. I dropped him off at his house before 9 p.m.

We had a party to go tomorrow and I wanted us to be well rested. It promises to be a rager. I can't believe my best friend is finally going to discover his mate. I'm so excited for him.

Wishing him the best of luck for tomorrow!

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