《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 14: I Want Love


It didn't start this way.

I was infatuated by him, that's all. But somehow that fascination - and his refusal of my advances - turned into something else entirely.

Or better yet, HE turned my feelings for him into something else. I was glad just playing the field. I didn't think I was going to fall in love with anyone mere months away from being mated.

Honestly, who needs the heartbreak?

Not me. Not Mr. I Never Had A Boyfriend. It figures that I decide to do that just when I shouldn't. I mean... really?

But that's life for you. It throws you for a loop and now I'm too into him to give up on it. I don't want to. Not at all.

In fact, nothing would give me more pleasure than to be mated to my beloved omega. I want him and no one else. Funny how life works, ain't it?

I never wanted to settle down. But now that I'm on the verge of it, I just want to do it with him. And only him.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. It's early December and I don't get mated until February. I still have plenty of time to have fun with my omega. I'm just in my head about it. I guess the faster February approaches, the more nervous I get.

I suppose it's normal to be nervous. It's only the rest of your life we're talking about.

It's a weird thing that werewolves don't get to pick their partners in life. Really weird. But we don't have a choice in the matter.

I mean, technically we do. You can reject them. No one is forcing you to do anything against your will nor anyone can push you to accept your mate. It really has to be YOUR decision.

However, if you do reject them know this:

You will be alone for the rest of your life.

Even if you get the occasional booty call or professional help (wink, wink), you will NEVER have a real partner in life. Not unless you abandon werewolf society and get yourself a human.

And even in that case, you'll NEVER forget your mate. For the rest of your life, no matter who you have sex with or how many years you live, your mate will NEVER get out of your head.

And I do mean ever.

So yeah, no wonder people accept their mates at face value. Because if it was easy to reject them and remake your life, NO ONE would accept them in the first place.

We live in a small town with over 20.000 werewolves. And I don't know a single person who rejected their mate. Of course, I know adults who haven't found their mate yet. But that's a different story. There's no deadline to when you can find your mate. It can take years.

But my point is: it's not really a choice, is it?

Oh and one more thing.

In case you do reject them, kindly know that any child you do sire, be there with a human or another werewolf, will be considered an unmated pregnancy and offspring.

In practical terms, this child will NEVER be accepted in werewolf society. They will be shunned from any event, acknowledgement or contact with any respected citizen in our city.

Not just this pack. Even if you move away, no one will accept you in their pack without contacting your former one. And they will find out, trust me. My dad has a network of Betas throughout the entire East Coast of the country. And some on the West as well.


It's the biggest taboo in werewolf society, like it was said before.

Exactly because it's a huge deal for werewolves to procreate out of the mate bond. It's considered almost unholy. An offense to our Moon Goddess. Which is why Elliot for one is terrified of unmated sex. Because if he falls pregnant by someone not his mate, well...

So forget about my child being the new Beta after me. If I don't accept my mate, there's a good chance I won't make it to Beta in the first place. Let alone have a child to succeed me. And if by some reason I ascend as Beta before I find my mate - which is possible, though not likely - and I reject them, I can't have children by anyone else. And if I do, they can NEVER be Beta like me.

It's a strict set of rules and those who don't abide by them don't survive. Not in this pack, not in any other I've ever heard of.

But it's your choice to accept your mate or not.

Sure, Jan.

"Are you okay for Tuesday?" - Elliott asked me the following Monday. We have so much fun just using this word as code for...

"I'm excellent. Ready to go!" - I replied enthusiastically. He grinned at this. Then, he kissed me.

We're at school, just before the first period starts. I'm about to take my seat in the classroom.

"When are you going to tell me what Tuesday means?" - Felix asked me with an annoyed tone as soon as I'm in my seat next to his.

"Never." - I smirked. He scowled at this. Ash laughed. And all the other students are puzzled about it.

We've been trying to get back to our friendship slowly over time. It has been working fine. I can't stay mad at him forever. It's not fair to him. I know him well enough to know he really was "drugged" by the heat. Plus, it's kind of a double standard to forgive Elliot and not him.

"I'm joking, Felix. I will tell you after Tuesday." - I continued after a minute, making myself snort not on purpose. It's just a coincidence of words.

But Elliot laughed out loud. Everything said in class is heard by everyone. Wolf hearing. Even at the cafeteria during lunch break we hear people talking all around. It's distracting. But you have to focus on the people closer to you to not go crazy.

And I do wanna tell him things. I miss talking to him. There's no one else I can bare my soul to.

It's ironic that Elliot just arrived here in town and already has a ton of friends but Felix and I only got each other, mostly. I mean, we're friends with all the boys from the wrestling team too, but it's different.

Regardless, Tuesday is coming. And I want love. I miss being intimate with my omega.

The classes go by normally as we go trough the motions, probably counting the days til winter break. Specially Felix, whose birthday is in the beginning of the break, just before Christmas. And he's eager to confirm Ash as his mate. Fingers crossed.

"Happy Tuesday, Simon. I love you!" - Elliot greeted me in the next morning with a passionate kiss on my lips and I melted.

"Happy Tuesday, my love." - I replied, twinkling my eyes at him, who grinned wide.

"" - Felix told me in the mind link and I laughed out loud. Elliot stared at me in confusion.


"Sorry, it's something Felix said in the mind link." - I explained to him as I laughed.

"I completely forgot this option is available to me too. I should have mind linked you when I was in heat. I could've had phone sex." - Elliot snickered.

"Then it wouldn't be phone sex because you wouldn't be using a phone." - Felix argued, making Elliot grimace.

"Thanks for that explanation, Hollingsworth. You're a credit to the public education system." - Elliot smirked and I laughed out loud again. Felix frowned.

"I'm so in love with you, I fear there's not gonna be any space left in my heart for my mate when I find them." - I declared, making him melt. And Felix scowl.

"Awn. You're so sweet. But you're months away from being mated. Let's enjoy now. Before some skank turns 18 and discover you before you discover them." - Elliot snickered, making me giggle.

"Man, I'd pay money to see your face when Simon gets mated away from you." - Felix jabbed at him, making me grimace. However, I didn't have time to say anything before Elliot darted for the attack.

"Don't worry, Hollingsworth. You'll get your turn when you discover that Ashley is simply too gorgeous to be your mate and yours is a much uglier lady to match you." - Elliot jabbed at Felix, whose eyes glowed in anger. Ash held back a laughter at his words. She's right next to us.

"Show some respect, omega!" - Felix was livid staring at Elliot. He has this way of using the word 'omega' talking to him that makes me wince every time. As if it were an insult.

"Respect is earned, Hollingsworth. I've told you that time and time again. And you should know by now that I'm not scared of you. I never will be." - Elliot replied without missing a beat.

"OK, stop right now. Let's go to class before both of you get expelled and ruin my Tuesday." - I interjected, turning my omega away from the future Alpha before they 'anticipate' wrestling practice.

Despite that bumpy start, the rest of the classes went by fine. At wrestling, Elliot begged coach to pit him against Felix but no dice. It's not a place for personal vendettas, he answered. They glared at each other but said nothing. Coach is right, anyway.

"Lockwood, why were you so eager to go against Alpha? Are you trying to kiss him again?" - Andersen joked once we got inside the locker room after practice, except he's the only one who laughed.

"He kissed ME you fucking idiot! I didn't have the willpower to deny him otherwise I would've murdered your fucking Alpha for the turd he is!" - Elliot shouted at him, making all of us gasp in shock. But Felix's fuming at this.

"Are you okay? You're edgier than usual." - I asked Elliot as the rest of the boys stared at him wide-eyed.

"I'm fine. I just don't like to be reminded of the worst day of my life." - He replied and I sense Felix wince at his words.

"Yeah, try explaining to your girlfriend that you kissed a guy and to your best friend that you kissed his boyfriend." - Felix muttered under his breath.

"I'm not saying it was easy for you, Hollingsworth. I'll stipulate that it was the worst day for the both of us " - Elliot said in a much calmer tone to Felix, who smiled uncomfortably at him.

We gathered our things and went to shower quietly. None spoken after this.

After school, I dropped off Ash and turned around to Elliot's house. I'm a man on a mission. And my mission is to get some.

I showed up at his doorstep carrying a small grocery bag. I barely had time to ring the bell and Elliot came crashing down at me with a kiss.

"What's this? Did you bring food? Because we have food in the house." - Elliot questioned me with a puzzled look on his face.

"No, it's not food." - I laughed at this. He gestures me to come inside and I do.

"It's some supplies for the love making." - I continued with a naughty grin.

"OK, kinky." - He replied, making me giggle.

"Nothing like that, really. Just basic necessities. You're such a virgin!" - I poked fun at him, who scowled.

"Well, not anymore after today." - He smirked, grinning wide.

"Is it okay if I take a quick shower?" - I asked him as we walked into his living room.

"Of course, should I join you?" - He wondered with a naughty grin.

"Not now, but give me 5 minutes and you can go in." - I replied promptly.

We went upstairs and I carried the bag into the bathroom. I took a nice shower, preparing myself adequately for bottoming.

It maybe my first time doing it, but not the first time having sex with a boy. So I know how it goes. Afterwards, I dried myself off and Elliot took a shower as well.

I took the bottle of lube that I bought out of the grocery bag and brought it to his bedroom. It's so fitting that omegas don't need lube, they have a natural lubricant called slick that wets their bum when they're horny.

Kind of like he was when I fingered him.

Now, I'm not gonna lie. That was hot as hell. And I do wish I could fuck him good. But I understand his worry, what is at stake here.

It's worse than simply being rejected by his mate. If he falls pregnant by me and he's not my mate... well, Armageddon. For the both of us.

And it's simply not fair.

We get on to the bed and I start by kissing his chest, slowly licking his nipples that cause him to moan in pleasure. I work my way up to his neck and then lips.

We make out for a while, while we caress each other thoroughly. Suddenly, Elliott pushes me to lay on the bed and start licking his way down my body, from my neck to my navel.

His tongue work is masterful. But nothing compared to when his mouth reaches my hard cock. He engulfed my length in such a way that had me moaning loud.

He worked his way so purposefully that I had to refrain from coming right then and there. But he left me dripping in precum that he unceremoniously licked off of me.

He licked his way to my balls and I gasped as he took them to his mouth as well. Then, he carefully flipped me and licked the back of my neck, causing shivers down my whole body.

He continued licking his way down, past my back to my ass and as he stuck his tongue there, I trembled with pleasure. A shriek passed my mouth, muffled by the sheets of the bed.

He continued ravishing me with his tongue, making my body shake uncontrollably from the pleasure. No one has ever done this to me. Usually I'm the one doing the work and I'm fine with it.

At least, I thought I was fine until someone suggested otherwise. It's funny how our world can change perspectives. It only takes one person to come and change it for us.

His tongue was unapologetic, unhinged and unstoppable. I gasped loudly at the pleasure he proportioned me.

When my leaking hard cock was on the edge of premature ejaculation, I warned him so that he can switch up.

He applied lube on us both and carefully positioned himself at my entrance.

"I'm going in gently. Any discomfort and I'll stop, okay?" - He told me with a sweet caring voice.

"Okay." - I replied promptly. At this point, I was so ready for it. Or so I thought.

He pushed himself in me as gently as promised. But no matter how you prepare for, it hurts. I grunted under my breath and he stopped. He asked me if it was okay to continue and I said yes.

When he finished entering me, he stayed quiet for a moment, I'm guessing so that my body accommodates his intrusion.

It worked. Because once he started thrusting, I soon found pleasure I never knew I'd experience it.

He went in and out slowly and I moaned as his pace picked up.

Soon, he lifted my ass up to change positions and he was giving it to me harder.

I screamed in pleasure - which startled him - but I didn't let him stop. I couldn't. He grinned mischievously at me, though I couldn't see him in this position. But I could feel it.

His thrusts got more confident with time and as he picked up the pace, so my moans became louder.

He switched positions again and suddenly he was facing me forward with my legs up his muscled torso. I'm static seeing his gleeful state.

His pleasure while he penetrated me.

He announced he's coming and started going harder, deeper and I skyrocketed trough my orgasm when his hand reached my leaking cock to jerk me off.

Our moans are louder than ever as our bodies surrendered to each other in pleasure and ecstasy. This is by far the most pleasure I've ever felt during sex with anyone.

After he removed himself from me, we quickly made our way to the shower. We cleaned each other up with banter and returned to bed.

"My Goddess, you're so good for your first time." - I told him with a static smile.

"Thanks. You're not so bad yourself." - He smirked, making my heart skip a beat.

"I'm gonna say this right now. Let's grab a quick snack and get back here. I need that again. ASAP." - I suggested, though my tone broke no argument.

He laughed at my words.

"Agreed." - He replied, grinning.

I'm gobsmacked at how much fun we're having together and how good the sex is. Honest to Goddess, if he's not my mate I have no idea whoever could make me as happy as I am with him right now.

Because bitch... I'm in awe. And I'm amazed at how much I needed this, to be honest.😍

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