《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 13: When You Say Nothing At All


When I returned to school in the following week I didn't know what I'd face.

I didn't know if anyone would blame me for what happened, if there'd be pitchforks or the omega efforts would be damaged in any way because of my trifle with the (future) Alpha.

But what I found more than anything else was curious stares.

Some people congratulated me on surviving a sexual assault, even though no one asked me if I considered myself a victim of it. Though that's probably semantics at this point.

Liv welcomed me with a big hug, but that's who she is. And she's been there for me throughout my heat, from live streaming the classes for me to bring my homework everyday. She's the best friend I could ever asked for. And a blessing since I moved into this pack.

Fortunately, no one looked at me angrily or annoyed. I guess people saw me more as a victim than anything else. Not how I see myself, but I'll take it. Better than to be hated, I guess. Though I don't know why would I be hated come to think about it. I didn't get their precious (future) Alpha expelled from school.

But that had nothing to do with who he is. I simply owed him one for speaking out on my behalf when he did. Plus, I don't really blame him. Anymore that I would any other boy from the team that could've been with me at that time.

It just so happened that it was him. Bad luck.

Simon barely spoke to me since last Tuesday. So, I don't know what I'll face when I see him.

I get reacquainted with my club omegas, we talk about various things, get all the latest gossip. It's back to business as usual. Brandon told us that his crush didn't kiss him anymore after my heat and joked asking me if I didn't want to go trough it again.

No, thanks. Good one, though.

Liv said that flirting with her tutored pupil has grown more platonic than she wishes and I feel bad for her. She deserves to be happy as much as anyone. And I wish her the best. Maybe go after someone else, who knows. Though it's easier said than done.

When I got to class, Simon smiled at me wide. It felt nice, but he didn't say anything to me apart from good morning. Not even a kiss. Felix stopped glaring at me, probably because he's too uncomfortable to even glance at me. Right back at you, dude.

After the first period ended, I went up to him and stared deeply into his eyes.

"Are you sure you've forgiven me?" - I asked him point blank. The rest of the classroom stared at him as they prepared to leave for the next class.

"There's nothing to forgive, what happened wasn't your fault. Why?" - He replied, looking confused at me. Almost as if I was talking crazy. Though deep down, it really wasn't my fault. I just feel that way somehow. However...

"Because you're distant. First, I couldn't get you off of me no matter how hard I tried. Now that I want you close, you're barely talking to me. I know I fucked up. I'm not denying it. But are we gonna be okay again or should I consider us done?" - I spat at him in one breath.

I'm not interested in beating myself up about it. It happened. It wasn't anybody's fault. If you want me, then say it. I have no interest in platonic anything. Nor do I have the time to pine over someone who doesn't want me.


That's not gonna happen.

Simon gasped at my words. I guess he didn't expect me to be so direct - specially in front of the entire class - but I don't care. I'm not cheating on my mate. I have nothing to hide. From anyone.

Simon stared at me with a blank expression for a minute without saying anything.

"Goodbye, Simon. It's nice to meet you." - I said and turned away from him.

"I love you!" - He exclaimed, making me turn back to him. The whole class was gobsmacked at this, specially the omegas present like Liv and Brandon. Only Felix isn't surprised by the declaration.

There isn't a bigger smile than mine on Earth in this moment.

"I'm sorry I've been distant, but I don't want us to be done. I love you, Elliot Lockwood." - He confessed, making me melt completely into his loving gaze.

"I love you too." - I replied, then kissed him passionately.

I'm glad we're at school now because if we weren't... I'm not responsible for my actions.

Nevertheless, we are and had to proceed to the next class. Holding hands, feeling giddy and silly. Like two people in love.

After the third period, I gathered my things for wrestling practice. And as I did I told Simon:

"Just so you know, I didn't forget about Tuesday. I still want that." - I smiled mischievously at him.

"Today is Wednesday." - Ashley spoke looking confused, making us laugh out loud.

She got annoyed at us laughing at her but said nothing, just frowned in annoyance. Felix too.

"I want Tuesday too. With you I want Tuesday every day." - He sounded so enamored, looking at me so affectionately that even his "metaphor" made me giggle like an idiot.

None of the people around us understood that, but it's kinda the point.

Felix stared at us but said nothing. I guess his relationship with Simon is still a little rocky. But I'm not meddling in that whatsoever.

"I probably shouldn't say this, but I know the coach will never put me against Hollingsworth again and I'm gonna miss defeating him on the mat." - I smirked, making Ashley laugh uncomfortably. Felix was caught off guard by my comment and for the first time today had to look at me directly. Simon just furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"Thank you for not getting me expelled, by the way." - Felix told me as we walked towards the gym.

Simon, Ashley and myself gasped at his words. And probably every student around us in the hall. No one is used to see this side of him, I guess.

"I owed you one for my suspension being lifted. Besides, I don't really blame you. I know you'd never be caught dead kissing an omega anyway. So you weren't in your right mind." - I put him at ease. I have no interest in making him feel bad. Not at all. I don't think myself as a victim. Even though I probably am, but I don't see it that way.

"Tell me about. I have never been so sick in my life afterwards." - He mumbled, making me grimace.

"TMI, Hollingsworth. I wish I could crush you badly today." - I glared daggers at him.

He smiled at this. And we get inside the locker room to change clothes. Fortunately, I have another singlet to use since he ripped mine off. But I'm buying another one with the money he wired me.


"Are you feeling well?" - Coach asked me as soon as I got back from the locker room.

"Perfect, coach. Ready to crush overgrown boys." - I smirked, causing him to laugh.

All of the boys from the wrestling team are taller than me, not just Felix and Simon. It's a downside of being an omega. But fortunately it never stopped me before and it's not stopping me now.

I demolished all my opponents as always and by the time we go back to the locker room, I'm feeling reinvigorated.

"Wow! You came back with a vengeance." - Simon complimented me once we got inside and started preparing for the shower.

"Hey, I need to give people a show if I wanna become the first omega Delta this pack has ever seen." - I replied with a boastful smile.

Simon laughs at this.

"You do realize that if you're my mate I can't make you Delta, right?" - Simon questioned me with a fearful tone. As (the future) Beta, he will choose the next head of warriors.

"I know, but I highly doubt you're my mate. Not that I don't want you to be." - I answered sheepishly. He grimaced.

"I'm sorry for saying that, I just don't think my mate is in this pack. And even if he is, I doubt the Goddess is giving me the rich, hot, handsome and hung guy." - I continued, making he and all the boys gasp at my bluntness.

Simon blushed hard and I giggle at this. I mean, they may have not seen him hard but we've all seen each other naked. A lot.

"You're so honest, it shocks me every time." - He speaks under his breath, still blushing.

"Sorry, not sorry. Life is too short for not speaking your mind. Plus, I ain't lying." - I flirted, playfully with a naughty grin.

"I've never met an omega quite like you." - He said after a minute, as we directed ourselves to the shower area.

"Yeah, I'm one of a kind. But I was raised to not let my breed get in the way of me fighting for what I want. So, just because I'm the shortest guy here, doesn't mean I can't be the fiercest." - I told him with a confident smile.

"You're fierce, I'll give you that." - He winked at me as we showered.

Afterwards, we went to the cafeteria for lunch break.

Slowly, things are returning to normal and back on track. As the end of the year nears, our lives start to fall into a nice rhythm.

In the days that followed, Simon and I got our relationship back into a comfortable position. We kissed, we flirted and I shocked him with my radical honesty.

We even made a date for next Saturday. The first after my heat.

I catch up to classes in no time since I basically didn't miss much thanks to Liv's efforts. But I'm a good student and have no problem studying hard. Plus, I had nothing to do during my heat other than study.

I mean, apart from the occasional visits from other omegas from the club.

Soon enough, it's Saturday and I'm anxious to see what this date is gonna be.

Much to my surprise, Simon took me to his house. Yes, his house. I've met his parents, younger brother and baby sister. She's so adorable I nearly drooled goofing off with her.

His mom was nice to me and welcoming. His dad was polite, but I got the sense he's not much of an omega fan, so to speak. But he spoke very highly of my parents. Small blessings, am I right?

But no one was rude to me whatsoever.

I'm thoroughly surprised that he would take me there this early in the relationship. But I'm not complaining. No one ever introduced me to their parents before in a romantic capacity.

Not that I had any serious boyfriend before. So I found it very sweet of him.

We had a nice family dinner and got to talking. His dad commended me on my winning streak with the wrestling team. But he said he's not super surprised given that my parents are some of the greatest warriors he's ever met.

I blushed at the compliment from the Beta. He's not one to give away easily, I gather.

Afterwards, we had a quiet time in his room with the door open - per his parents demand.

"I confess I was surprised when you told me the date was at your house. I never would've expected it." - I said, lying on his bed comfortably next to him.

"I wanted you to meet my family too. I'm not ashamed of anything and I don't keep secrets from them. Not really. So I wanted to show you off." - He replied, making me melt.

I kissed him for a good time after this. But we're very aware of the open door, so we're behaved.

"I do appreciate the sentiment. And I love you for it. Actually, this makes me feel even more love for you." - I told him after a minute we stopped kissing.

"Thanks. I wanna make it clear how much you mean to me." - He declared and I swooned. Hard.

I kissed him for several more minutes.

But when we're feeling overwhelmed by our fire, we stopped. Not much longer, he dropped me off at my house.

"Thanks for tonight. I loved it." - I thanked him as I stepped down from his car.

"You're welcome. I love you." - He replied, smiling contently.

I waved him off and entered my house. Then, I told my parents all about my night at the Beta's house. They were so pleased for me.

This is magical, honestly. Not where I thought our relationship was going but I'm in awe.

I guess it's the little things that matter the most. The gestures, the attitudes, things left unsaid.

He conquered me slowly but positively with his good boy demeanor, incredible dates and fantastic sex so far. But more than anything, he really demonstrated how much he cares for me.

Honestly, it's the best feeling in the world.

I like being an outspoken person.

But I concede that sometimes we speak volumes with the simplest gestures. Or at least it's what I've learned with Simon, the boy who completely conquered my heart.

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