《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 16: Til It Happens To You


We continued going towards the classroom, then Felix decided it was a good moment to get cute. And dropped a bomb on me.

"Hey, look at the bright side. At least, if you stop Tuesday'ing you won't be at risk of getting blocked from Beta." - Felix told Simon when we're already sat in class.

"What?!" - I gasped loudly.

The entire class stared at me and Simon. At this point, even the slowest student got the innuendo we're referencing. It's common knowledge that the only thing that can derail a person's career is an unmated pregnancy. Not only their career, but their life in general.

Simon glared daggers at Felix, who shrunk on his seat in embarrassment.

"Would that really happen?" - I asked Simon from my seat. The teacher enters and starts the class.

"Yes, it would." - Simon replied in a deep uncomfortable tone as he tries to avoid all the stares that are now piercing his good boy façade.

After the class ended, I was still reeling from Felix's statement. Though I should probably have thought of it before. It makes perfect sense. It would take a huge thing for him to be blocked from Beta, short of an actual crime against pack law.

"Is that why you didn't push for you know what?" - I asked him as soon as I collected my belongings from the desk.

"Not really. But it helped convince me when my dad told me it could happen." - Simon replied, honestly.

"Oh my Goddess! I was so focused in what could happen to me that I didn't even stop to consider what could happen to you." - I genuinely gasped at the realization.

"It's okay. You'd still get the far worst end of the stick." - He smiled weakly at me and we walked towards the next class.

"I know. But I couldn't live with myself if you're blocked from Beta. Not to mention Hollingsworth would try to kill me or have me blocked from warrior out of spite." - I replied, making him gasp.

Felix and Ashley are walking ahead of us, so they listened to that too. Though it wouldn't be technically my fault, I'm pretty sure Felix would do anything at his disposal to hurt me if I got Simon blocked from becoming Beta. Though honestly there's nothing he could do to me that would make me feel worse than hurting my beloved Simon.

"At least you're not stupid, omega." - He snickered while still walking ahead.

"My grades are better than yours, turd." - I jabbed at him. Simon wasn't pleased with me but said nothing.

"Anyway, we'll just have to get better at it. And probably come up with another way because Tuesday is off." - Simon snickered, making me giggle.

"Hey, we're teenagers. We're resourceful. We'll just have to do whatever regular teens do, it's fine." - I grinned at him mischievously.

He kissed me, the stared at me in contentment.

When I got to the gym for wrestling practice some time later, Andersen was looking at me funny. He didn't say anything at first, but I could tell something was on his mind. He barely even look at me unless I'm the one defeating him on the mat.

As soon as practice is finished and we went to the locker room, he came up to me sneakily.


"Lockwood, can I ask you something?" - He spoke in a low tone, though there isn't a low tone possible in this environment for other werewolves not to listen in.

"Sure." - I was perplexed, but curiosity is killing me like a feline.

As we opened our lockers to gather things for our shower, he continued. And I can already tell everyone is curious about what he'll say, specially Simon.

"Say I have a crush on someone... an omega--"

"I figured as much." - I interrupted, giggling. He glared at me, so I stopped.

"Is it offensive if--"

"Yes!" - I interrupted him again, except this time my tone is dead serious.

"You didn't even let me finish!" - He shouted at me impatiently, with his eyes widened.

"You're gonna ask me if it's offensive to ask them for sex, am I wrong?" - I raised my eyebrow at him in a suspicious glance.

"Well, not like that!" - He raised his arms in a defensive stance. Like he's somewhat offended by the implication. I can tell he's coming from an honest place. Like he's genuinely interested.

"Listen, Marcus, here's the deal. Omegas like sex just as much as the next person. However, it's a way bigger deal for us than it is to regular people like you or Simon. That means no self respecting omega is gonna let you fuck them if you've barely even talked to them." - I explained in a serious tone.

He gasped at my words. All the boys do. But I'm honest to a fault.

"However, here's what you do need to know: if your crush is a girl, she has birth control pills available to her just like any other female. So you two can have sex safely without a problem. But if your crush is a guy, there isn't any safe birth control pill for us. That's why it's so dangerous for omegas like me to have unmated sex. You can and should use a condom. But nothing is 100% safely guaranteed." - I continued, as I can see the wheels turning in his head with all this information.

"In both cases, you should talk to them. See where their minds are at. But don't ask for sex. Wait for them to offer you. I promise you that if you treat them nice, they'll blow your mind. Just ask the Beta." - I concluded, making Simon blush the reddest so far. He's not one to boast, apparently.

Andersen stared at Simon for a minute in shock, but he looked away in embarrassment.

"Did that answer your question, Marcus?" - I asked him after a minute of silence, before we go to the shower area.

"Yes, it was very informative. Thank you, Lockwood." - He grinned at me and went ahead.

"Yeah, thank you for that Elliot. Thank you very much." - Simon snickered as we walked towards the shower.

"Hey, I make no apology. Or your mind wasn't blown by Tuesday?" - I smirked, making him smile naughty at me. He kissed me and said nothing. Though anyone could scent our sexual tension in the air, specially now that both of us are naked. But I don't give a fuck, as long as we don't get "too happy". You know, boundaries.

Later at lunch, I catch up with my friends for the latest gossip. Liv surprised us by saying her tutored crush had kissed her at last. I basically applauded her for it. That took a while. She said she was inspired by my ultimatum to Simon the other day and told him to either get in or get out.


Honestly, I was thoroughly impressed. But so happy for her.

Nicholas told us his nemesis (one of the boys from the 'terror patrol') is flirting with him and we really gasped. I mean... what the fuck?

I'm gobsmacked. Brandon, on the other hand, is definitely friend-zoned by his wrestling boy crush. I felt bad for him. I told them one of the boys asked me about an omega today and they all gagged at this. But I didn't say which one as to preserve his privacy. Plus, who knows what he'll do with the information, if anything?

But the real gag was when I told them about Tuesday. They're all shocked and said I was a trailblazer. But I told them I'm hardly the first, I'm just open about it. Though I asked them not to comment about it outside our circle and they completely understood. I so love my friends.

"Hey, I have a crazy suggestion. What if I go with you when you drop off "Luna" and we go on a wolf date after?" - I asked Simon back in the classroom just before the final class starts.

He got surprised at this. Felix glared at me for using air quotes when I mention the word 'Luna'. Luna is the Alpha's mate, the first lady of the pack, if you will. But that can only happen AFTER she is confirmed as his mate. Since I know Felix desperately wants her to be, I teased him. And yes, only a Goddess given mate can be Luna. It literally translates to Moon (from Latin).

"I loved it! Let's go... I mean, do you mind if he tag along with us, Ash?" - Simon asked her like the polite boy he is. Even though it's his car.

"Not at all. The more the merrier." - She winked at me. I like her. She's way too good for Hollingsworth, if you ask me.

"Great! See you after school!" - I winked at him, already grinning at the prospect of another date with him.

"I can't believe you're going on a date when I have to serve detention till the end of the month!" - Felix whined to his best friend, making a pout.

"Would you prefer I have you expelled? I can talk to the principal if you'd like..." - I snickered, looking seriously at him. Both Ashley, Simon - and the entire class - laughed out loud. Even the wrestling boys snorted at this.

Felix glared at me so harshly his eyes glowed with anger. But I just laughed at him, right before I took my seat.

I love my life.

Much later, I'm kissing Simon passionately inside his car. He drove for a few hours until we're at the outskirts of the city, where there's only open field and vegetation. It's perfect for our wolf date.

It's when two werewolves go to a deserted place to run free in wolf form. They can run, they can tease each other, they can even do other stuff - if you're that girl! - or whatever they want. But the point is to enjoy each other's companies in our animal shape.

After some heavy make out session, we start to strip off. Unfortunately or not, one needs to be naked before shifting into wolf. Unless you want to ruin your clothes when you shift and I'm not the rich one of this relationship.

On the other hand, no one is complaining to see Simon naked (again today).

I'm down to my underwear, when I'm startled by a voice in my head. This will probably never get normal for me. Not unless I practice more this type of communication.

"." - Liv says in the mind link, sounding worried.

I steady Simon's hand from removing his underwear, who looks puzzled at me. But I'm too focused to speak to him now.



"Drive to school now! Hurry!" - I ordered Simon, who gasped in shock but did as told and started the car immediately. He didn't even get redressed.



"Oh my Goddess!" - I shouted, startling Simon at the wheels. He looked at me desperate for information.

"What's wrong?" - He questioned me, worried sick.

"Liv was kissing a boy at school when her heat stroke and now they're alone and she can't get him to stop." - I explained to him, almost in tears. Simon gasped at this.

"?" - She sounded misty in the mind link. I could feel her struggle even though I couldn't see her.


I was dreading this already. Chills run trough my spine.


"Simon, I don't think we're gonna get there in time before..." - Tears flowed trough me like never before.

"Felix is at school. Tell him to help." - He suggested, shocking the life out of me. I've completely forgotten about him.




Silence fell afterwards.


He didn't say anything else. I hurriedly got dressed while Simon drove back to school. I pray that Felix got to her before the damage is already done. I can only pray.

When we finally returned to school, I jumped out of Simon's car and ran towards the library. Simon stayed behind as he's still in underwear.

I rushed to the girl's bathroom to find a naked Liv crying on the floor. I got her clothes to cover her a bit and hugged her, tearing up myself.

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't be here fast enough. Did he... did Hollingsworth get here in time or..." - Honestly, I couldn't bare to finish the sentence. I was wrecked. Liv is catatonic, she only cried.

I dressed her carefully and stayed with her on the floor for a while.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, I just need to get..." - Felix entered the bathroom, looking at the boy's clothes still scattered around the floor.





Felix collected the clothes lying on the floor and left without speaking a word, though I could feel his lustful gaze towards Liv as well. I'm guessing this is her first heat too, so it's the most powerful. I'm just glad he was able to help her instead of...

I mind linked Simon telling him to go home. I'd make other arrangements. This isn't something he could help me with. It's an extraordinary circumstance that only a few can relate. While I tried my best to comfort my friend, I know her journey now is a difficult one. But I'll be there every step of the way, for as long as she needs me.

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