《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 26: Mama


I may be a genius.

I do feel much more relaxed about facing a new day at school. Who knew?

I mean, more tranquil to face the awkwardness of the locker room with my naked mate. My mate. Gasp!

Is it weird that I still can't grasp with the fact that I got mated to an omega? A male one. But a freaking omega nonetheless.

I mean, come on... Really? Why are you punishing me, Moon Goddess? Have I offended you in any way? Because I would apologize gladly if I did.

If it meant I would get a different mate. Anyone else... I'm not that picky. Just not an omega.

You thought I'd say not a boy, didn't you?

No, that's not the turnoff for me. Not that it helps the matter, but I would prefer NOT an omega.

However, if I was mated to a (cis) boy NOT an omega I couldn't be Alpha. So, it is what is.

At first, I was so focused on not being rejected.

Then, I was focused on being there for my mate. Strengthening the bond and all that.

After that, I got possessed and told him it was alright to kiss me, basically. I mean, not literally. But in so many words...

Now, we just had Monday - see what I did there? - and I'm gobsmacked that it was even my suggestion. Though, to be fair, he made the first move. Once we're already naked alone together.

But I can't say that wasn't the highlight of my week. And by week, I mean the last 3 weeks. It's funny how it didn't start that way. I didn't ask him here to do anything naughty.

But the mate bond, y'all. It's impossible to resist it, especially when we're together in close proximity.

"Are you getting along with your mate? I saw that he came back here after school." - Dad asked me during breakfast at the dining room of the pack house in the next day.

It's just our family here as always.

"I am, dad. I mean, it's not ideal to be mated to an omega. But I'm making the most of it." - I replied, sheepishly.

Dad smiled weakly at me.

"Not ideal to whom?" - Mom asked, looking me dead in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, mom, what?" - I stuttered a bit, not getting her question.

She stared me down as she ate her pancakes. She put the fork down and started.

"You said it's not ideal to be mated to an omega. Not ideal according to whom? By whose standards are you measuring your mate up? That's what I'm asking!" - She elaborated, sounding peeved. Dad kept quiet and avoided looking at any of us.

"You know what I meant, mom." - I said with a playful tone, deeply embarrassed.

She looked at me curiously.

"No, I don't know what you meant, son. If you had said it's not ideal to be mated to a boy when you're never really interested in them that way, I would've understood it. But what's wrong in being mated to an omega?" - Mom backed me up into a figurative wall.

She glared at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, mom. I mean no offense." - I tried to apologize my way out of this conundrum. Operative word: tried.

"I'm not offended. I'm not an omega. I'm not a geneticist either, but to the best of my knowledge omegas have been known to produce warriors, scientists, teachers and all sorts of productive members of our society. There's no reason to believe they can't produce an Alpha's heir. So I ask you again, why is not ideal that you're mated to one?" - She ranted, not letting me off the rook.


Both my siblings are gagging at the raging mom. We're not used to see this side of her at the house. I mean, not usually. Unless we did something wrong.

"I guess you're right, mom. I should have said it's not ideal to be mated to a man. And I have no idea why was I even paired with one." - I argued instead, trying to appease my way out of this predicament.

She smiled at me.

"I agree with you, son. But maybe our sexuality is not as set in stone as we thought it'd be. There are lots of humans who don't discover they're attracted to the same sex until later in life. Much later. But the Moon Goddess sees everything into us. And she can't afford to pair us wrong. Just be glad you're not mated to a cisgender regular boy or you wouldn't be able to be Alpha, which is why she paired you with an omega in the first place." - Mom argued, making all of us gasp in shock.

Zach, Jess, dad... Their jaws are on the floor at this moment.

"Mom, you're the best. You know that?" - Jessica said, in awe. Mom smiled at her.

"See, you need to understand something, son. The Luna is not a trophy mate. We're not here just to visit new moms, grieving widows or help out down on their luck pack members. A Luna is an equal to the Alpha. Your dad may have the muscle, but I have the brains." - She touched my dad's shoulders, who smiled proudly at her.

"Which is the reason I understand why you were paired with the only omega known to existence to take on an Alpha and win. You needed an equal. Someone who could call you on your bullshit, like I am doing right now." - She smirked, shocking us all.

I'm so gobsmacked at her that I can't even eat anymore. I'm beyond gasped.

"I love you so much." - Dad declared to his mate, looking at her with admiration.

I left the table in silence and went to brush my teeth before school. When I got downstairs again, mom was waiting for me.

"You need to know that I didn't say any of that to embarrass you, honey. I only meant to challenge your preconceived notions of what a mate really is. Specially an Alpha's." - She stated in a calm voice.

"Consider me challenged." - I smirked. Then I kissed her on the cheek.

I went to the garage with the twins and got on my way to school.

That was a lot. My mom is on fire today.

"I had never thought about your mating from that perspective. Mom's a genius." - Jess commented inside the car as I'm driving. Both she and Zach were still gobsmacked at mom's speech.

Yeah, she is. I guess it takes one to produce one. But now, come to think of it, what I did was nothing even close to smart as my mom just did. I only got lucky.

Simon and Ash greet all 3 of us and the brats are off to their lives. Ash notices my troubled look and questioned me if anything is wrong.

"It's nothing. I said something wrong today during breakfast and mom schooled me on the reasoning why I got mated to Elliott. Honestly, you should have seen her, she was on fire. Changed my whole perspective." - I replied, pensive.

"Your mom is awesome, indeed. So, I believe you. She's much smarter than she leads on." - Ash commented, reminiscing about her time with my mom in past occasions.


Since we dated for years, Ash had plenty of time to hang out with my mom around the house and in some festive occasions.

Elliott greets us as he came closer to where we are in the school yard.

"How are you doing?" - He asked me with a smile.

"I'm better after our talk yesterday. I loved Monday." - I replied with a cheeky grin.

He laughed at this. Simon and Ash grimaced.

"I loved Monday too. That was the best Monday I've ever had." - He said, making me smile wide.

"Me too!" - I agreed enthusiastically.

"Seriously people? It's bad enough you reassigned the word Tuesday. Now you're doing the same with Monday too? Come on!" - Ash shouted at us, very pissed off.

We both laughed out loud at this. Simon just scowled at this dialogue.

"Different days. Different meanings." - I smirked, grinning.

"If you don't stop re-signifying days of the week--"

Ash was interrupted before she could finish that sentence by a boy with shining eyes towards her, which in turn made her eyes glow like never before.

I can't believe this!

Ashley discovered her...

"MATE." - The boy declared in a deep, husk tone. He looked at her in a crowded school yard like she's the only girl in the world.

"MATE." - Ash stated in a deep, husky voice. She stared at him with a wide smile, like the rest of the world and its problems just dissolved.

In this moment, no one else mattered. Just the two of them. She stepped closer to him, who did the same to her. We gave the couple some distance, walking back a few steps. Though we couldn't look away from them. It's a moment for sure.

They take each other's scents, inhaling deeply. It's the most wonderful thing in the world, your mate's smell.

"I, Patrick Huntington, accept you Ashley Nicole Williams, as my mate." - He declared once their eyes got back to normal.

"I, Ashley Nicole Williams, accept you Patrick Huntington, as my mate." - She replied with a wide grin.

And then they kissed each other. I mean, she kissed him. It's tradition, the boy says it first but the girl makes the first move, if she wants. Consent is key, always.

They kissed like there's no tomorrow, passionately, lovingly. Until the school bell rang, awakening the love birds that classes are about to start.

They parted lips, he grabbed her hand and they walked inside the school together.

Patrick Huntington is part of the wrestling team. He's a legacy kid as well - most of the boys are - but he's the son of the pack Delta (highest ranking warrior).

Which means that when the boys go to warrior camp, his spot is all but guaranteed. I mean, it's the Delta who chooses the new warriors. And nepotism is a real thing.

We're a dynasty after all.

I kissed Elliott and we walked inside too. Simon looks devastated, but I'm happy for her. Now, she can be fulfilled too. She so deserves to be happy indeed.

By the time first period ended, all the students talked about was their surprise mating. Which is a welcome break from them staring at me and Elliot for not having completed the bond yet.

Poor Simon. I think he somehow thought we'd swap mates or something. But the Goddess doesn't work that way. She doesn't care about petty werewolf rivalries. Not that we have any.

I mean, aside from the fact that I'm mated to the one he loves. But that's not my fault either.

"Are you okay?" - I asked him after the third period ended. I'm worried for him.

"I am. I never really saw myself with her, so it's fine. I just thought the Goddess would have a sense of humor. But not so much." - He snickered in a dry tone.

"Yeah, I agree with you. But they are out there. I promise you. It's coming for you too." - I consoled him with a weak smile.

"Thanks, Felix. I know this wasn't easy for you, being mated to an omega." - He offered me a supportive smile that warms my heart.

Elliott, who's in class too, frowned at this. And he's not alone. His fellow omegas are displeased as well.

"I'm fine. My mom gave me a speech today that omegas are part of our society and they are able to provide with an Alpha's heir just as any other werewolf." - I told him as I gathered my things for next class.

"I'm glad my worth has been reduced to a breeding stock. I wonder if Ashley's hot mate is reducing her to a live stock too." - He smirked in a terrible mood. He looks so pissed off at this. I mean, really mad.

The entire class glared at me, including Ashley and her mate. Because of course they'd be here. They're seniors too. Elliot sprinted out of the class.

"That wasn't the point she was trying to make, I just phrased it wrong." - I told him with a remorseful tone as he walked out in a hurry. Olivia's right behind him, glaring at me.

"Wow, Alpha. I feel bad for Elliott who got mated to you. I mean, really? He's adequate for breeding? Is he a horse?" - Patrick smirked, grimacing at me.

"I have never felt so relieved to being mated away from you, Felix. Jesus, what the actual fuck!?" - Ash scolded me, looking the most disappointed I've ever seen her at me.

I gasped at this. How did I translate my mom's empowering omega speech to a talk about breeding qualities? I think my mom's brains may have skipped a generation.

People glared at me now from classroom to classroom in such disappointed stares that I nearly cried from the shame.

By the time we reached the gym, it's all anyone ever talked about instead of Patrick's mating.

But everyone congratulated him and her on the pairing. From all our classmates to the boys in the wrestling team. Even the coach.

As for me, more glares. The only one who isn't glaring at me is Simon.

Inside the locker room, Elliott was quiet. All the boys were uncomfortable. The only happy one is Patrick with an unshakable content grin. Good for him, I guess.

"I swear that wasn't the point of the talk. The opposite really. She was really empowering of omegas." - I tried to reason with him in a defeated tone.

"It's fine, Alpha. Let me know when you want to seed me, that I'll make myself available for you. It seems that's all I'm good for." - He snapped back at me. Then, he left for the shower area.

I'm devastated at this. This is the most hurt I've ever seen him so far. And he NEVER calls me Alpha. Not once since he came to this pack.

Even Andersen glared at me. Today there was definitely no one hard for their mate whatsoever. In fact, for the first time since we got mated, I felt a repulse coming from him.

It killed me. More than anything I've ever felt before.

All trough the cafeteria, no one talked about anything other than the mating and me. I had lunch with Simon alone since Ash went to her mate's table. It's fine, I don't need the pile up.

When I got home, I cried on my mom's welcoming arms. I told her about what happened today at school and she glared at me for saying to him that part of her speech.

I also talked to her about how it got completely misconstrued and everyone is hating me now.

She comforted me as only a mom could. I'm so embarrassed at all of this. And it wasn't even my point. But she said it's okay to figure out and it's alright to make mistakes.

The important thing is to never settle and always seek improvement. And that comes with knowledge. And I should research about omegas since I was mated to one. Get to know more about them. You know, do the work.

I agreed with her and soon enough, it's dinner time. That was certainly an interesting topic of conversation with my dad, who grimaced at the news. My siblings already knew it since they go to the same school as I do.

It's so bad even sophomores are talking about it. But I will take my mom's advice and do the work to try to repair the damage to my relationship. I can't let this stay this way.

I need to fix this. Whatever it takes.

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