《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 25: New Touch


I can see it behind their eyes.

After the first period ended, as we walked trough the school corridors, all the students kept staring at us surprised. It's like I could hear them thinking: 'why these teenage mated boys haven't completed the bond yet?'

I didn't think it at first, but once Simon said it made perfect sense. I can see it as they stare at us shocked. I know we're teenagers, people. But have some empathy!

I was in a relationship til the day I got mated and so was Felix. That's not taking into account he has never even kissed a boy before mated. I mean, he kissed me on the day of the heat but that doesn't count. It could've been anyone, as it's been said.

But the stares continued after the second period. The third period.

At wrestling practice, all the boys were pretending they're not shocked to see me there still. They know I can't be a warrior anymore. But I'm not quitting the team 5 months away from graduation.

"Coach, I know my circumstances have changed but I'm not quitting the team just because I can't be a warrior anymore. Plus, I'm the best one you got." - I argued before he even asked me.

All the boys winced at my words. They're a tad jealous, but I'm not saying anything new to them.

"I know. Relax, Lockwood. No one is forcing you to quit the team. This is still a high school and not warrior camp." - He snickered in a good mood.

Warrior camp is when all the applicants for a warrior position are gathered and seized up. It happens during summer every year. Warrior spots are limited and not all students are guaranteed positions. There's even a waiting list if a job becomes available, but don't hold your breath.

I haven't trained in 2 weeks, so I do need a workout. It's sad that I can't be a warrior like I always dreamed, but I've already cried about it. It is what it is.

I can't be paired against my mate, so I'll never fight Felix again. But I wouldn't want to anyway. I have nothing left to prove to anyone. But I still win every fight against all the boys who I sparred with today. I've missed this!

Defeating overgrown boys is my happy place. And I needed this for what it's about to happen.

"Luna, can I ask you something?" - Andersen questioned me once we're inside the locker room after practice. I glance at him, dreading his question already.

"I'm not Luna. If you're gonna ask me why I haven't completed the bond yet, don't." - I replied in a dry tone, making Simon and specially Felix wide-eyed at me.

Marcus laughed at this.

"No, that's not what I wanted to ask you. No one has the right to question you about the completion of the bond. It's a matter for you and Alpha alone." - He replied, making me gasp at his level of maturity. All the boys did.

"Ask away." - I said, relieved. Though maybe he should've asked me that instead of...

"Did you like Tuesday with Beta?" - He asked me point blank and I gasped in shock.

Simon and Felix looked at him gobsmacked at the question.

"Yes, I loved it very much. Why?" - I replied in a surprised tone. I'm not gonna lie now just because my mate is here.

"It's because I'm afraid if I get involved with one of you, he'll ask me to Tuesday and I don't like receiving, I'm more of a giver, you know?" - He said in a playful tone. But despite all the metaphors, I got his question clearly.


"I do know. But even if you get involved with one of us, it doesn't mean he'll ask to Tuesday you. Most omegas like to be Tuesday'ed. I like it as well, I was just too afraid of getting pregnant." - I explained honestly to him, who gets relieved at my reasoning.

Simon and Felix are shocked at my honesty. But really? At this point...

"I understand." - He spoke, looking pensive.

"My advice to you is talk to your partner. Keep the line of communication open. But don't ask him for Tuesday right away. You have to offer him something before you get to that point. No omega is gonna want Tuesday with someone they don't trust." - I advised him, sincerely.

"Thank you, Luna! I mean, Lockwood." - He replied with an enthusiastic grin.

"You're welcomed!" - I smiled at him. Honestly, I'm happy to help any fellow omega. Even if indirectly.

"You're so open about this it's scary." - Felix commented with a surprised tone, glancing at me.

I took one look at his naked body and gasped. I've seen him a hundred times before. But now...

"It's just sex. Nothing scary... so far!" - I replied, blushing.

"Yeah, I'd prefer not to hear that you 'loved it very much'." - He snickered, then got ready to walk to the shower area. Simon gulped at this.

"I'd prefer not to be so attracted to you as I am right now, but you can't always get what you want." - I replied, making him gasp so hard he got a whiplash. Simon looked at me wide-eyed. The rest of the boys ignored me forcibly, but everyone is blushing.

I walk behind him to the shower area, holding my towel in front of my erection, trying hard not to blush at the situation. Though it's impossible, even for me.

"And here I thought this day couldn't get any worse!" - Simon snickered, once he saw my hard self at the shower. The rest of the boys didn't look past my waste line. Felix was also hard. But they didn't look past his either. Neither did Simon.

"Trust me, Si. It can always get worse. Don't forget you're less than 2 months away from being mated. That's not gonna be fun for me too. Specially if you're mated to whom I think you'll be." - I replied, not letting it get to me. I'm embarrassed, yes. But I don't lose and I make no apology.

The hot water caresses my aching body and I try to concentrate on other things, but seeing my mate naked and hard is not helping matters much.

"Nice try, Elliot. But you don't care about her the same way I care about your mate. And you won't have to watch us shower together." - Simon smirked, making even the most uptight boy laugh.

"I'd pay to watch that." - Marcus joked. Sort of. Simon glared at him.

"I understand, Si. I'm not saying you don't have a point. I just mean... this is a process." - I conceded. When you're right, you're right. And nothing for me will be as bad as it is for him now.

"Wow! Their stench is so strong even with all the vapor I can smell it." - Marcus commented with a disgusted look on his face. He's referring to the sexual attraction between me and Felix at this moment. Like I said, werewolves can scent it. All of us, from anyone.

"You're right, Elliot. It can always get worse!" - Simon smirked.


After the most uncomfortable shower ever, we got dressed and proceeded to the cafeteria for lunch. I went to my omega table and Felix... well, he has the most awkward lunch ahead of him. I'm so glad I have my club. Now more than ever.

"Hi. I've just had the most uncomfortable shower ever. How are you guys?"

They asked what that was about and I told them what happened. They all gasped as I narrated it. Even Liv is uncomfortable listening to the story.

Aside from that, I got various updates from everyone. There were four more heats happening during the holiday break from omegas of the club and we're thankful for it to have occurred in a controlled environment.

Liv is doing well and has been trying to move on from her episode as much as possible. Though now is difficult for her to connect with another boy not her mate. Even though her next heat is not due for another 5 months. I told her to take her time.

Nick hasn't heard back from his nemesis crush and has been moving on to other endeavors. Brandon has been gearing up to ask as much as he's given, on my advice. Rachel has been dating since the holidays, but doesn't want to tell us who it is just yet.

Oh and every single one of them asked me why haven't I completed the bond yet, except for the people who were at my first class.

The answer is always the same. Though now I can see it's gonna get real awkward with the shower situation. But for now, it's the new normal.

After the final bell, Felix approached me in the classroom.

"Can you come with me and my siblings to my house? I want to talk to you alone if I may." - He looked so deep into my eyes that I got flustered.

"Yeah, sure." - I replied, nonchalant. Though I'm shitting myself at the upcoming topic.

After today, I can see it's not gonna be an easy one. Whichever it is.

I greeted his siblings, got onto his car and he drove. Later, we're inside his room at the pack house. All werewolf bedrooms are soundproof because of wolf hearing. If it's not this way, we can't rest and sleep because of the noise. Our ears are very sensitive.

"Does it have anything to do with what I said earlier today?" - I asked him a bit worried, though I shouldn't panic before I hear him out.

"What? No, not at all." - He replied, looking at me as if I was talking crazy. OK, then...

"Wait, did you think I asked you here to censor you?" - He inquired with a concerned look on his face all of the sudden. Though he wasn't exactly relaxed until a minute ago either.

"Good question. I don't know, maybe?" - I replied, slightly uncomfortable.

He laughs out loud.

"You only speak the truth and you told your personal experience. About your talk with Simon later, I completely understand where he's coming from. And your point of view. There's nothing for me to censor. Nor would I want to. It's still a free country." - He smirked.

I laughed mildly and sighed in relief. But now I'm curious, why did he call me here?

"Wow. Very mature of you, thanks. So, what did you want to talk about?" - I asked, curiously.

"Well, I wonder if we should make some sort of plan to deal with the..." - He trailed off for a second, blushing intensely.

Then it hit me.

"Wait? Do you want to complete the bond already?" - I gasped in shock.

"NO!" - He yelled, startling me. I don't know if I should feel relieved or insulted. I glared at him anyway.

"I'm sorry. I meant to say if you want to make a plan to deal with the awkwardness at the locker room." - He explained in a low tone, blushing.

I exhaled deeply and inhaled again. I'm shocked. This is a much lighter subject that I thought.

"I see. Yeah, sure. What do you propose? Shower in our underwear?" - I joked, though he isn't laughing.

"Not really. I don't think it'd work." - He replied in a serious tone. I don't think he got the...

"It's a joke! We'd look ridiculous!" - I rolled my eyes. He still seemed nervous.

Felix fidgeted with his fingers for a minute, thinking. This silence feels more uncomfortable than before. But things are about to take a turn...

"Take off your clothes!" - He suggested, though his tone is demanding. He started to strip off.

"What?" - I'm baffled.

"Now!" - He demanded in a raised tone.

OK, bossy. I did as told. I need to see where this is going anyway.

"See, it's just a body! We need to get comfortable being naked around each other." - He said, looking at my nude self with a contemplating face.

I gazed upon his nude body, but got hard in seconds. I tried to hide it in shame, at first, but what would be the point anyway? Plus, he's hard too by now.

"Fuck! I thought we'd be cool at this point." - He said angrily.

"I don't think you understand the scope of how powerful the mate bond really is. We're in our first month of being mated. It's the strongest period when our link is strengthening, pulling us together towards completion." - I explained, trying to distract myself from the naked mate in front of me.

He sighed frustrated. Then, he sits on the bed, still naked and hard. I sit in front of him in the same situation.

"I don't think we're gonna get comfortable around each other naked this soon. And specially without..." - I stopped myself, but it's too late.

He looked spooked at me.

"Do you want to--"

"No! That's not what I was suggesting! I'm just making a point. We're not gonna get comfortable naked until we do." - I cut him off, blushing.

"I take your point. And you're probably right. I just wish there's a way to make this less awkward for us." - He stated, sounding defeated.

"If we're awkward just now with the two of us alone, imagine among 20 other boys and Simon." - I smirked, making him laugh nervously.

He stopped laughing for a moment and then gazed upon me, all of me. I blush before his intimidating eyes. But I don't cover myself. I'm past this point now. I do the same to him.

Our eyes explore each other, every nook and cranny we never allowed ourselves to exam before. Our exploratory gazes lead us to become harder than ever. Our eyes glow with lust, drunk on our pheromones.

I stretch out my hand and touch his naked torso tentatively, but he makes no objection. I run my hand trough his skin, sending shivers down his spine. He trembles at my touch and I relish at the rush it brings me, having power over him.

But I quickly discover how the tables can be turned when his own hand reaches my shoulder blades, causing the most powerful chill run trough me. A moan escapes me at the pleasure it gave me, causing him to giggle.

We explore each other's bodies with our hands, ever so curiously. Our hands roam our torsos, causing various reactions that I can see is making his hard cock twitch with lust. Mine too. It'd only take...

"Do I have your consent to--"

"YES!" - He cut me off happily.

I touched his hard dick with my hand, making him moan loudly.

"Do I have your consent to--"


His hand covers (some of) my hard length and a moan escapes my mouth. Pleasure drives me crazy as we jerk each other off with purpose. My eyes don't know where to land, on what part of his naked body to look at, to admire, to explore.

He smiles mischievously at me, his eyes glowing just like the night we got mated, lost in a pool of desire like mine. It doesn't take much for our climax to be achieved. We can feel each other coming. Our hands do the work but our souls are so connected that our orgasms complete each other.

Our essences flowed out of us with a loud moan in unison, making us gasp at how much pleasure there is to be had between us, when we let go of our shame, our prejudice, our hang ups. We only need to be free and unbothered to enjoy each other's companies.

We cleaned our hands with his sheet and collapsed on his bed, side by side.

"Damn, that was fun!" - I gasped at how much pleasure I had with him. It's been a while.

"Yes, it was!" - He agreed enthusiastically. He grinned wide at me while I shone my pearly whites.

"Thanks for suggesting we take off our clothes. It really helped!" - I snickered.

He laughed hard at this.

"Yeah, it really did. Too bad we can't do that right before we enter the locker room." - He smirked.

"But it's a good effort, though. I feel much more comfortable around you." - I told him without being able to stop smiling.

"Me too!" - He raised his voice in great enthusiasm.

We laugh at each other's silliness. Some time later, we get dressed and he dropped me off at home. I told him I was fine walking, but he insisted on driving me. What can I do, disobey the Alpha?

He kissed me one more time at my doorstep, before I entered. I marveled at how delicious his lips truly are.

But he's right though, I do feel much more at ease with him now. I think he's on to something. Maybe we can repeat this process soon to test out his theory, you know, for scientific purposes.😏

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