《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 21: Crying in the Rain


After my eyes turned back to normal, I ran away from the party so fast no one could catch me. Not that anyone tried, I guess. But I had to wait until my wolf scented Felix enough for my eyes to stop shining.

It's very dangerous to deny any werewolf the opportunity to smell their mate once they're found. You can go feral, which means you shift and your wolf takes over. No, thanks.

I got home - which is not that far from the pack house - out of breath and trembling, my parents got startled by my presence. They saw me tearing up and asked what's wrong.

'Did I have a fight with Simon,' they asked. If only...

I'd pick any fight over this. With anyone.

It took me a while to stop crying enough for me to tell them what happened. Once I told them I got mated to Felix, they're floored. They never would've thought it possible.

Yeah. Tell me about it!

I cried on their arms for the longest time. Then, I've slept in their room. I haven't done that since I was a kid. I'm completely devastated.

In the following morning, he's at my doorstep. But I wouldn't receive him, my mate. Gasp! It's difficult to even put into words my disappointment. My shock. My repulse.

My dad politely declined his visitation on my behalf. Mom was working. Warriors never stop. Nor they get Holidays off, unfortunately. But I'm used to it by now.

Since I'm on break from school, I took my mom's car and visited Liv, who's still gobsmacked from yesterday. But then again, everyone is. And I do mean the 20.000 werewolves of this pack. This has never happened before.

No Alpha has ever being mated to a same sex person. Nor to an omega, for that matter. It's almost unheard of. I mean, it is unheard of in the South. I'm sure in New York or California things are different.

Liv welcomed me in her home with open arms.

"How are you doing?" - She asked me with a fearful tone.

"The worst. I can't begin to know how I'm going to face Simon after this. I mean, I thought he would be mated away from me. I never stopped to think I could be mated away from HIM!" - I gasped, raising my voice unintentionally.

She hugged me for a good while and I cried again. I stayed all afternoon at her house, not that my dad would mind. He just cares that I text him to inform where I am. Always.

I talked at length with Liv. It's a great comfort in an impossible situation. Somehow, I left her house feeling a little more relieved. At night, dad told mom about the visitor I refused, but she didn't comment on it. Thankfully my face is doing all the talking for me.

On Tuesday, I went shopping with my mom for Christmas. We had great fun together just like we did when I was a kid.

But since we only have one mall in our town, I had to deal with lots of people there congratulating me on my mating. I wanted to throw up every time they mentioned it.

But I wasn't raised to be rude to anyone. So, I smiled politely and thanked them. This is my new normal, I guess.

Mom was my rock, comforting me throughout. But we can't ignore people standing in front of us, not for the lack of trying.

Everyone has an opinion about it. Though they wouldn't dare to criticize me to my face. And if they think I'm happy about this, take one good look at me. My face says it all.


Some time after we returned from the mall, Felix came by to my house again. I had my mom reject his visitation.

On Wednesday, both my parents worked so I stayed alone inside the house.

I mean... I tried to.

"You can't ignore me forever, omega!" - Felix shouted angrily from outside my door.

"Yes, I can. Or do you need an audience for my rejection?" - I snapped back at him from inside.

I could feel his heart palpitating at this. In fact, it's practically galloping by beating so fast.

"If you reject me, I can't be Alpha. You know that, right?" - He said after a few minutes of silence. Of course, I know. I wasn't raised in the freaking jungle. There's no Alpha without Luna.

"Not my problem!" - I replied in a short temper tone, feeling his hurt in my core.

I could feel his pain as clearly as day. Because of the mate bond, it's affecting every fiber of my being.

"You also can never be a warrior like your parents." - He shot back, knowing well enough this would kill me.

At this, I opened the front door. My eyes are glowing in anger. He's taken aback by my furious disposition, but Felix looked vulnerable.

"I can't be a warrior whether I reject you or not. Do you think I'm new to this?" - I asked him in a fiercely angry tone.

"Do you think I wanted this? You? I've been crying for 48 hours straight!" - He spoke in a vulnerable tone. I could see - and feel - he's hurting.

"Join the club!" - I shouted, livid. I'm not making this any easy for him. In fact, he should've known that by now.

"I'm not too proud to beg." - He offered, making me laugh at his commiseration. That'd be fun, but that's not what I'm about. I don't relish in his suffering, not at all.

"There's no amount of begging that would make ME accept YOU as a mate. Though I appreciate the offer." - I replied with deep sorrow.

He unraveled at this. His tears flowed unstoppable. It took me a lot to not jump outside and comfort him, make my mate feel better.

"I beg you, Elliott. Don't reject me! I've been training my whole life to be Alpha. Don't do this to me, please!" - He knelt down at my doorstep, completely wrecked.

His deep pain is entrenched all over me. I can barely breathe at this moment. I can't help but cry as well. I can't hold it in, no matter how hard I try.

"Please leave me, Felix. I need to start lunch." - I demanded, though he seemed too destroyed at this point to even move.

Rain starts pouring from the sky. A monsoon descended upon Regency Falls as if sensing its future Alpha is in deep pain.

But Felix doesn't move. He lets the rain drench him, like he has no more will to live. It's heartbreaking, indeed. He's sobbing copiously.

I wanted to close the door, but couldn't leave him like that, wet, humbled and taking rain at my doorstep.

I picked him up and brought him inside the house. What other choice do I have? He's still a person. And I can't leave him like this. I just can't, my heart can't take it. I mean, technically he IS my mate after all.

I'm wrecked.

After Elliot ran away from Felix's birthday party, I couldn't look my best friend in the eye. I couldn't look at anyone, to be fair. So, I left the pack house as well.


I got home and cried to my parents, telling them all about the upside twist of the century. The first omega and male mated to an Alpha in pack history.

They're completely gobsmacked. Even in their wildest dreams, no one would've thought it'd be possible. Not really.

That's not taking into consideration Felix is - to the best of our knowledge - straight. So why would a straight guy be mated to another boy? And an Alpha at that.

I'm dumbfounded. My parents are too. So is the entire pack at this point.

I went to sleep to check if this isn't an elaborate nightmare, where I've just lost my boyfriend to my very best friend. It's funny, I had nightmares about being mated to Ashley. But I could never have imagined this. Not even in dreams, to be honest.

On Monday morning, I wake up late. But since I'm on break from school it's not a problem. I fixed myself some breakfast, as mom was busy with the baby and my younger brother who is also on Holiday break. My dad's working as Beta business runs without pause.

But I knew that. I've grown up with dad always working. It's not a problem because mom can take time from hers or work from home. There're advantages of being the boss. I mean, one of the bosses. She's an heiress, not an owner.

After I washed my bowl, I didn't know what to do with myself. My plan was to go to Elliot's house and maybe Tuesday. But that's not happening anymore. Ever. Not that my feelings for him have changed in any way, shape or form; but I can't mess around with a mated person.

I would never. Specially Felix's mate.

I can't believe I just thought of that. Felix's mate. In what world does an omega get to be Felix's mate?

I gotta hand it to you, Goddess. You have a sense of humor, I'll tell you that. A cruel one, but dark humor is still humor. If by any chance Ashley reveals to be my mate, I'm gonna crack up.

"Are you okay, Si? I mean, how are you dealing?" - Mom asked me later as I helped her with the baby.

"I'm getting there eventually. I had all these plans for the holiday break. Now they're all shattered and I can't even talk to my best friend about it." - I replied in a defeated tone, feeling the weight of all this 'mating gone wrong'.

"I'm so sorry, honey. But he's still your best friend. That hasn't changed." - Mom said in an empathetic tone. I smiled at her. She's not wrong, but I can't face him right now. Both of them.

I distract myself with Netflix and junk food, enough for me to sleep and wake up on Tuesday.

However, since I slept early yesterday, I wake up earlier than expected today. Much to my discontentment.

I get downstairs for breakfast and dad was still setting the table. Johnny is up too, but kids always wake up early. Mom had the baby on her arms, feeding her. They got surprised by my presence at this hour. But life has a way of surprising you constantly.

"Are you going to see the mates at all, or are you going to ignore them forever? Because school will be back in 2 weeks." - Dad wondered, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I have no idea how am I gonna get over this mate business. If ever." - I replied in a saddened tone. Mom sighed at this.

"You'll get over it. When you get your own." - Dad opined, starting to eat the eggs and bacon he prepared himself. I poured myself some cereal and milk. Johnny is eating cereal as well. Mom is too busy feeding to eat.

"Yeah... I don't know, dad. I can't barely function with the knowledge of their mating. Let alone when I have to witness them together. I don't know if I can be his Beta anymore." - I declared, making all of them gasp at my words. Dad's brows are shot up and his eyes widened. He's in shock.

"What? Are you quitting Beta over a boy? Are you crazy?" - Dad shouted, making the baby restless and startling Johnny.

"I can't quit a job I never had. But I have other options. I can work for mom." - I told him and saw his face grimace so hard like I've never seen before. Mom's also gobsmacked at me.

"You do know that he didn't choose his mate, right? He didn't ask to be mated to your boyfriend! And if you punish your best friend by refusing to be Beta, you'll never forgive yourself!" - Dad's livid, though he made a good point.

He stuffed his mouth, kissed his mate, the baby, Johnny and left. If looks could kill...

"You know nothing would give me more pleasure than my son working with me, but your dad is right. If you refuse your Beta position over this, you'll never forgive yourself later. Once you're mated, all this will seem trivial. It'll be like... Elliot who?" - Mom said, looking worriedly at me.

I giggled at her last phrase. But I get her point across as well. Though right now, the pain is real.

Very real.

I took my car and went to see other friends from the wrestling team, though all they talked about was Felix and Elliot. It's all everybody is talking about, no matter how much I wish they wouldn't.

Aside from this, I distracted myself for another day.

On Wednesday, I woke up early again. But when I got downstairs, my dad didn't even look at me.

Not even a glance. I winced at the rejection I'm not used to. We do fight sometimes, but it doesn't get this bad. He hasn't talked to me since yesterday.

"I'm sorry, dad. I was being stupid. I can't quit Beta over this. It'd kill Felix more than anything!" - I told him with a weak smile. My mom is right. I can't see it right now, but if I lose my friend over this it'll feel much worse later on.

Specially at his ascension ceremony, who we both dreamed of since we're kids. It's when we're sworn in as Alpha and Beta of the pack.

"Thank you for seeing reason, son. I'm not saying what you're feeling isn't valid. It is. And you are allowed to feel bad or to grief for your relationship. But you shouldn't derail your life over it. This too shall pass." - Dad stated with an empathetic tone, looking at me with a sweet gaze it made me warm inside.

I smiled at him, before I made myself some eggs and bacon. But he gave me his instead and made another batch for himself. Johnny is eating cereal and the baby is being fed by mom.

I decided to visit Felix and try to get this horrible thing passed between us.

I reached the doorstep of the pack house, greeted the warrior standing by, but couldn't go in. The door was open - the door is always open during the day, it's tradition - but my body refused to step inside.

I even scented Felix inside, but that only frightened me more. I turned around and left.

I walked away slowly, leaving my car parked at the pack house's garage. I didn't feel like driving now. I just walked and walked for a good time. I started crying thinking of all that has passed on Felix's birthday. And all that I lost. I had lost the best thing that has ever happened to me and I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to Elliot.

As the tears fell down my face, I started hearing voices distantly. Familiar voices.

Little did I know, I walked right into Elliot's house. I stopped just before he could see me.

They both could see me, apparently. Felix's there too.

"Yes, I can. Or do you need an audience for my rejection?"

Ouch! I'm hearing their conversation play out and it's gut wrenching.

I wanted to be there for my friend, for my boyfriend, but couldn't move. I could only stand there and listen in.

Felix knelt before Elliot, humbling himself before his mate. But Elliot isn't budging.

I can hear Felix crying, clearly as if he's near me. It broke my heart.

I know what being Alpha means to him. I know what will happen if Elliot rejects him. I know it well. Rain starts pouring in and I watch as my best friend gets drenched in water and misery.

Honestly, it's difficult to watch. I cry at the scene. As much as I'm broken by them together, I can't wish mate rejection on anyone. Specially on my most beloved friend.

I don't have it in me.

That's not taking into account that if Felix doesn't become Alpha, I don't get Beta. Another Alpha will choose their own Beta. But right now that is the least of my concerns.

He'll never survive this. Or the shame. This will be death of him.

I cried hard. I couldn't stop it even if I wanted to. Then I watched as my best friend gets lifted by his very strong mate and carried inside the house. And I cry some more.

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