《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 3: I Like Boys


Everywhere I go, people stared at me in school.

Seriously people, it was just a fight. I didn't win the freaking Olympics. I know he's the future Alpha and everything, but he's just a boy. Alpha is a position, it doesn't make him better than anyone else. Nothing does.

My parents raised me on the concept that there's no substitute for hard work. And stilled in me since very young that nothing is guaranteed. But all can be accomplished if you set your mind to it.

However, some barriers are insurmountable. There are facts of life that are universal truths.

For instance, I know Felix will be Alpha. And Simon will be Beta. There's no getting around this. Werewolf packs are dynasties and sons succeed their fathers. It's fine, I want to follow in my dad's footsteps too.

And I have no desire to be Alpha or Beta, never did. That's never been my reality. But nothing will stop me from becoming a warrior. And I will trample over anyone who stands in my way, including the future Alpha himself. I don't care what it takes.

"I can't believe you signed up for the wrestling team. I know your parents are warriors but I just never thought you wanted to be one too." - Liv commented to me as we walked out of school towards the buses.

"It's all I ever dreamed of. It's the whole reason for my parents to move here in the first place. I mean, one of the reasons. They're also worried about my heat." - I admitted to her, a bit embarrassed. Though I shouldn't be, it's nature's mating call for omegas. Even though none of us choose this for ourselves, it's a known fact about omegas and as old as the first werewolf who walked on Earth.

"Don't worry. The school have protocols for when one of us get struck by heat. But mainly you are escorted out of the premises as soon as possible for your protection. Then, you're home schooled until it passes." - She assured me with a serene tone.

Unfortunately for us, only omega werewolves get struck by heat, which is the main reason why we're discriminated against, even though we have no control over it. When heat takes over us, powerful pheromones are emitted by the omega in question, affecting the brain chemistry of everyone around us.

It's next to impossible to resist it, unless you're already mated (and completed the bond). But that's not even the worst part. No, our brain chemistry also alters during heat, making it impossible for us to refuse anyone. Our consciousness remains, but a drug like induced sex drive removes our power of consent, making us susceptible to anyone's advances. And the consequence of that is always the same.

"I get it. I'm not worried so much anymore. It's just that my parents told me so many stories of ruined omegas who got unmated pregnancies and are shunned from their packs that I legitimately got terrified of sex growing up." - I chuckled awkwardly.

She smiled at this uncomfortably but with a relatability that put me at ease.


I am worried about it. But I'm not let it cripple my life. Heat can strike tomorrow or in 9 months. There's no telling when it will happen for any of us, but it'll definitely happen before 18, that's guaranteed. Anyway, I only just turned 17 a couple months ago. It is what it is.

"Trust me, I'm scared too. But in my case, it's worse. I don't have the same option that you do." - She replied with a naughty grin.

"What option?" - I asked her genuinely intrigued.

"Really? Are you going to make me say it? You can use your little hose and I can't." - She answered and I laughed out loud.

"Really? Little hose? What are you, four?" - I laughed so hard I got out of breath. She poked me in the side, frowning in annoyance. We got up on different buses and went back home.

When I arrived at my house, I was alone until my parents arrived in the evening. I did my homework first as I had some catching up to my lost first week of school. Then, I made a snack for myself and ate it.

Afterwards, I decided to start prepping dinner to help my parents along. Unfortunately, warrior shifts go from 10 to 12 hours, so there's not enough time for them to cook dinner when they get home. But I'm used to it by now and help around the house as much as I can, when I'm not training myself.

At some point, my conversation earlier with Liv replayed on my mind.

It's funny, I have dated before. It's not like I've never kissed anyone in my life. Though it was never serious or anything like that, I've always been terrified of getting naked in front of another boy in an intimate situation.

Which is not to say it hasn't ever happened. But the furthest that I allowed myself to go was to jerk each other off. I didn't even think about what other option I had. I was too scared of giving myself away to anyone and end up pregnant. I still am.

But I guess she's right, isn't she? I do have other options at my disposal.

And no, I don't mean girls. They never really interested me, though it would definitely make things easier for me if they did. Ewl. Sorry I said that.

No, I like boys. I have always liked them since I can remember. This was never a struggle for me.

Ironically, my struggle now is to keep rejecting that damn ridiculously hot player at school.

I have no desire of being a notch under someone's belt. Not that I'm a saint, but I've never involved myself with anyone with an agenda in mind. Not that I know for sure that he has one, but his reputation scares me. A lot.

By the time my parents got home, I'm already in bed. They eat the dinner I left for them in the stove and come up to my room to kiss me goodnight. I know I'm probably too old for this, but fuck it. I love my parents and will not apologize for it.


The next morning at school, I meet Liv as she's talking to her friends from the omega club she introduced me on Monday. I greet everyone and they did me.

"How is the most talked about omega in school doing?" - Brandon, a ginger omega with small build and short hair teased me. Though I'm not much taller than him, strictly speaking. We're a short bunch, us omegas.

"I'm not the most talked about omega. I just got lucky, that's all." - I downplayed it, blushing.

I didn't get lucky. I've trained for that moment all my life. But I don't gain anything by bragging at this point. I just wanna move on.

"Sure, lucky." - Liv smirked, looking at me suspiciously.

"I still can't believe you beat the Alpha! That has never been done before, let alone by an omega..." - Rachel, a slim, beautiful brunette omega chimed in, still baffled at this.

"I haven't beaten the Alpha. I beat Felix, that's all." - I argued, trying my best to not let it get to my head. You know what they say, the higher you climb...

"And he's humble on top of it. I hate you already!" - Brandon snickered. All of us laughed.

The school bell rang and we all went to our respective classrooms. I walked with Liv as we shared the most classes apparently. Plus, not all omegas in the club are at the same grade. But it's nice to be among them. There's a feeling you can't describe in being with people who share the same struggles that you do. It's like an omega support group that I never knew I needed.

After the first class ended, Simon came up to me again.

"So, champion. How about a date?" - He asked, grinning at me much to his friend's displeasure.

"I'm not a champion of anything yet. No, thanks." - I replied in a matter of fact tone.

"Seriously, what do you have against me? Is it because you're straight?" - He asked, making me laugh out loud. Liv laughed too, though we didn't get that far on our conversation for her to know me so well. I mean, I never said what I liked... until now.

"No, I like boys. But that doesn't mean I wanna date anyone." - I jabbed at him, who grimaced.

"Ouch! I'm not anyone! I belong to one the oldest families of the entire pack!" - He rebuked, raising his voice. I could tell his feelings were hurt by my comment. But that's not my problem.

"Good to know. Now, if you excuse me." - I said and picked up my belongings to go to the next class. The girl I know now as Ashley laughed at him once he returned to his seat to collect his notebook and the rest of his stuff. But Felix just glared at me from his seat.

The next few classes went by normally. But when I reached the gym for wrestling practice, I noticed there was an audience present that I hadn't seen yesterday.

I greeted the boys who I hadn't seen yet in earlier classes and the coach.

"Is there any event today that I'm not aware of?" - I asked the coach puzzled at the people watching us prepare to train.

"No. Apparently, Felix wants a rematch of yesterday and people got word of it somehow." - He informed me, frowning at the future Alpha. Hollingsworth looked guilty at him, but glared at me.

"I don't normally allow rematches, but if you're fine with it. I will allow it just this once." - He continued with an amused tone.

"Sure, coach. If he wants to." - I said sheepishly.

After I changed into my singlet, Felix and I faced each other off one more time on the mat.

I should have seen this coming, to be honest. His ego couldn't handle losing to an omega. But that is not my problem. And I'm here to make a name for myself. I have a destiny to fulfill.

We fought each other off 3 times with the crowd cheering HIM on. Loudly, I might add.

Though he came close once, I won over him all 3 times. Then, I got a round of applause from all the students present, including the boys in the wrestling team. Coach smiled at me, pleased with my performance.

After that, the audience left and I demolished each of the students paired to spar with me.

Later, we went back to the locker room to shower before lunch break.

"I guess you've finally found your match." - Simon snickered looking at Felix, who grimaced.

"No one is a match to me. But I can't deny he is good." - He admitted, begrudgingly.

Since we're all in front of our lockers, I'm not looking at anyone, just hearing them talk. But a giant smile gets plastered across my face, I can't help it. This is what I wanted, after all. To be recognized and respected, specially by the people who are here with me getting ready to shower.

"Yes, Alpha. He certainly is..." - Simon swooned as he watched me undress. Though I wasn't looking at him, I can feel his eyes on me.

I don't particularly like to be objectified, but there are worse things in life than be desired by a hot guy. And it's not like I can control his eyes or keep them off of me. I have no choice but to shower with the rest of the wrestling team.

Besides, if I'm honest with myself, I also like the view. There are more than 20 naked hot boys showering next to me, a feast for the eyes. And though I'd never admit it to any of them, I do like what I see. I like it a lot.

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