《Topping the Alpha》Chapter 1: Unwritten


It's a wild world.

When I was born, the hospital did a standard blood test to determine which type of werewolf I was. Being the son of both warrior parents, there was a high expectation that I'd follow in their footsteps.

Surprise, surprise: my test came back positive for omega.

My parents demanded another exam, claiming it couldn't be right. Neither one of them had omegas in their families, so it was impossible for me to be one. There's gotta be an error of some kind in the lab.

There wasn't. It turns out that if both your parents carry recessive genes, their child can 'win' the genetic lottery and be born a 'tad' different than expected. They were so disappointed by this.

It's impossible to describe being a disappointment to your parents by simply being born. Fortunately, my parents decided - once they got over the initial shock - that this tiny detail shouldn't be an impediment for me to be anything I wished.

They are both warriors. And warriors never give up, they persevere.

They decided that they'd raise me to be anything I set my sights on, including being a warrior like them should I want to, even though our pack doesn't allow omegas to become warriors. They say we're too 'weak' and that our heat can distract the other wolves from their duties.

Yeah... I know, right?

My parents were well aware of the stakes for me to succeed. Not to say that omegas can't have fulfilling lives, they can. In our pack, for instance, I know several who live great lives with their mates and families. There are ones mated to warriors, to prominent members of the pack. They all live comfortably and safely.

But it's not always the case.

Unfortunately, omegas can't predict when they go on heat and once they do, it attracts all sorts of unwanted attention to themselves. Especially in high school with a bunch of horny teenagers. It's horrifying to report that some omegas get sexually assaulted, leading them to have unmated pregnancies and get shunned from the pack.

Male or female, an unmated pregnancy is the biggest taboo in werewolf society of any pack. And more often than not, those omegas get rejected by their mates and end up living under terrible conditions with a pup to sustain and no help from the child's father, who doesn't acknowledge them whatsoever.

It's horrible. Some packs are worse. In some small minded circles, omegas get rejected by their mates unceremoniously. And I'm talking about the ones who manage to remain virgins until mated. Those who don't are ostracized and sometimes expelled altogether.

It's like we don't live in the 21st Century for some werewolves. It's ridiculous. Omegas are people too and they deserve everything anyone else has.

However, knowledge is power. And since my parents knew of how omegas could be treated, they raised me completely aware of my circumstances but also to defy the odds and prepare me for anything. Good or bad.

They certainly wouldn't raise anyone to be defenseless.

On the contrary, since I could walk I started training. My parents made sure I wasn't gonna be weak or a victim of any kind. They prepared me for the worse that life had to offer.

Started with martial arts, then hand to hand combat, self defense, you name it, I've trained it.

By the time I was 14, I had a black belt on Karate and Jujitsu. Not to mention, I hit the gym every single day since way before I first shifted into wolf at puberty. And once I did, my parents made me train harder than ever because I could heal faster.


It's not uncommon to see warriors' kids in the pack gym training with their parents, but I was the only omega to do so. And since both my mom and dad are fierce warriors, neither one of them was easy on me.

They kept repeating back to me: 'it's better to toughen up now than to be a victim later'. And that definitely stuck with me, specially as I noticed how I was being treated differently than my friends growing up.

Some kids like to throw around the word omega to me as if it were an insult. As if somehow it diminishes me, it doesn't. It just makes me aware of who my real friends are, who more often than not are other omegas like myself.

You know what they say, you can't know what it's like until you walk a mile in someone else's shoes. And no one knows what it's like for us, not even my parents.

By the time I was 16, I became a force to be reckon with. I studied, I trained, I got along with my friends. And most importantly, everyone in high school knew not to mess with me or I'll take you down, no doubt about it. My parents raised no victim. I'm a predator, not pray.

Still, my parents worried for me.

Fortunately, evolution made us omegas hold off on getting struck by heat until we reach mating age, which means I hadn't gone on heat yet. But as I neared 17, my parents got more worried about my safety.

Yes, they know the kid they raised but no one is all powerful. No one is unbeatable. They feared I get struck by heat at school, someone would get the better of me and I'd be ruined. Forever.

It's not a nice thought for any parent, especially one with an only child.

So, they started applying for jobs on other packs. Bigger ones that allowed better conditions for me than our own. Not that ours is bad, but there are no laws protecting omegas from... can't even repeat that.

As I approached 17, the age of consent - which means I'm eligible to be mated, though my wolf can't discover our mate yet. It can only sniff them out at 18 - my parents got more apprehensive. They knew my heat was coming and they got more diligent at finding another pack for us to move into.

I didn't necessarily want to move to another pack, I'm fine with this one, even though I can never be a warrior like my parents and it killed me inside. But I was fine with another career if it meant not jeopardizing my parents'. My dad was on track to become Delta of the pack, which is the highest ranking warrior.

But no one could dissuade them from moving away, not that our own Alpha and Beta didn't try.

Finally, they were approved to work for the Regency Falls pack, the largest werewolf pack in America. They were elated with the news, though it does mean my parents are starting over from scratch and possibly never being promoted to Delta like dad was going to be here.

But they didn't care if it meant giving me a fighting chance to become a warrior like them. When they told me this, I wept. And so did them. It was a moment, for sure.

Now, I'm 17 years old completed last summer but fortunately no heat as of yet. Our paperwork has already been approved and we start on another pack tomorrow. All of us.

I already missed one week of school because my parents didn't let me leave the house alone since I turned 17. At least, not until we arrive at the new pack.


"Are you ready, sweetie?" - Mom asked as we're having breakfast on Monday.

"As ready as I'll ever be." - I chuckled awkwardly as I ate my pancakes.

We arrived in town yesterday and moved to the new house promptly. It took a while, but we got everything ready. It's a nice house with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen and a 2 cars garage.

If there's an advantage of living in a small town is that you can live comfortably, plus it's not too far from the pack house where my parents have to report every day for assignment.

They start today as well.

"I know you're nervous, but it'll be alright. You'll see." - Dad told me with a confident smile.

"Sure, dad. Aside from the fact that I'll never find my mate because they're stuck 50 miles from here where I was born, other than that it's perfect." - I snickered.

"You don't know that." - Mom grimaced.

I glanced at her with a raised eyebrow but said nothing. Dad shot me a reprehensible scowl.

I'm pretty sure the Moon Goddess has other stuff to do in her life and way bigger fish to fry than worry about little old me, so she probably paired me with someone from my old pack.

And now that I'm here, I'll never find my mate and neither will that person find me. Whatever, I can't worry about that now or I'll go crazy.

My parents drove me to school and as I walk past the gate, I marveled at the nice infrastructure.

There are several groups of students talking and as I walk by, they look at me and whisper. It's as uncomfortable as I expected.

"Hi, you must be Elliott. Welcome to Regency Falls. I'm Olivia Pullman, but you can call me Liv." - A smiling beautiful blond girl introduced herself to me as I walked inside the hall. She stood in front of me, blocking my path so I had no other choice but to talk to her.

"Hi, Liv. How do you know my name already?" - I asked her, genuinely intrigued.

"Oh, the principal asked me to be your guide to our school. He told me a new omega was coming." - She replied with a chipper tone I'm not used to hearing this early morning.

"I'm guessing you're an omega too?" - I frowned at this. I've barely just arrived and already am pigeonholed. High school, am I right?

"Yes, I'm the president of the omega club." - She answered boastfully.

"There's an omega club here? Damn!" - I gasped in shock.

It's usually not a reason for anyone to be proud of and certainly not enough to announce it to the world. But I can't say that I'm mad about it. It's much better than to be ashamed of it, which is what I felt for the longest time.

"Yes, there is. We omegas need to stick together. You know, strength in numbers and all that." - She replied with an optimistic tone.

"Great. Well, guide me away." - I suggested to her, gesturing for us to continue walking with a radiant smile.

She walked me through the halls, my locker, handed me the combination, she already had my class schedule. I'm legitimately gobsmacked at the efficiency.

"I gotta admit, I was surprised to hear another omega was moving in here. It's incredibly difficult to join our pack, specially for one of us. Are your parents rich or something?" - She asked me after a while. I could tell she's very curious about it.

I laughed at this.

"I wish. No, my parents are--"

"Oh my Goddess, I found my mate!" - A male voice interrupted us as we walked the hall.

There's a brunette long haired boy staring at me not far from where we were. He was joined by another boy glaring daggers at me and the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life.

Naturally, I blushed at this. But neither our eyes were glowing, so he's definitely NOT my mate.

"I didn't know you had a thing for omegas, Si." - The second boy smirked, still glaring at me like I did something wrong.

"He's an omega? Damn! Are you sure? I think they got his test wrong." - He snickered. I understand he thought he's being funny or maybe trying to compliment me somehow, but this really pissed me off.

I glared so many daggers at him that he gasped. And I continued to walk on with Liv, who remained silent at the exchange.

"Let me guess, he's the player of the school." - I smirked, looking at her.

She giggled at this.

"Yes, he is. Imagine being handsome, rich and bisexual. Terrible combination." - She commented with a sting of jealousy in her tone.

"Don't tell me you two already..." - I questioned her with a raised brow. She gasped.

"No, nothing of the sort. He usually doesn't even look at omegas, let alone... you know." - She winked at me with some dread in her tone. She was distraught at this, I could tell.

"I know the type." - I acknowledged it with a sorrowed glance her way.

"Look, it's great here. No doubt much better than a lot of packs out there. But some folks, they think they're superior to us. They have a stick so far up their butts that they don't even dignify us with a simple greeting in the morning." - She explained as the school bell rang.

"Trust me, I know." - I shot her an understanding look her way. It's a look that all omegas know too well.

"Anyway, let's go to class. We have the first one together. Come with me." - She told me, back to her chipper tone. I smiled and walked on.

I took an empty seat next to her and waited for the class to start.

"Hi there." - The boy from before came closer to my seat and insinuated himself to me.

"No, thanks." - I replied in a matter of fact tone.

"But I didn't say anything!" - He rebuked, gasped at my reaction.

"No need, you can get back to your seat quietly. Not interested." - I replied, not giving him the time of day. People in class started to giggle at the interaction.

"But you don't even know me." - He retorted, sounding hurt.

"I'm good this way. Bye bye." - I waved him off, making people laugh out loud at this.

"Show some respect omega!" - The other boy from before interjected, glaring at me.

"Respect is earned." - I replied to him with my head held high in defiance. He let out a low growl from his seat at the front of the class, next to the beautiful girl from before.

"You're new here, so maybe tone it down a little. You don't know who you're messing with." - The boy stared me down, making the students uncomfortable all around the classroom.

"I'm not messing with anyone. I was just quiet here until I was disturbed by your friend. You can return to your seat now, boy." - I spoke with such confidence no one doubted my words. The boy next to me looked horrified, but he returned to his seat.

"Olivia, you need to teach your friend here some manners. He shouldn't pick fights he's gonna lose." - The boy told her, looking peeved. Liv cowered in fear at her seat and kept her mouth shut.

"I was very well raised, but I appreciate your concern. I also never picked a fight I couldn't win because I've never lost any." - I replied with equal amounts of confidence and glare his way.

When he's just about to come pouncing at me, the teacher starts the class by making me introduce myself to everyone. And while I was forced to go to the front of the class, he was back to his seat next to his very troubled friend and gorgeous girl.

After the class ended, the boy returned to my side.

"I'm sorry for my friend before. He's very protective of me. Please, can I invite you to lunch later?" - He said with a charming tone and playful disposition.

"I'm sure you're a wonderful guy, but I'm not looking for anything at the moment. I appreciate the interest. Please leave me alone now." - I told him emphatically.

He gasped at this, looking shocked like he was never rejected before in his life.

I got my notebook and other stuff and followed Liv to the next class.

"Can I at least be your friend?" - He insisted once we're back at the corridor.

"No, thank you. I appreciate the offer." - I said politely to him. Liv is mortified by this, but we carry on.

"Don't worry, omega. You'll be mine one way or another." - He let out a boastful, mischievous grin, looking at me like he's the predator and I'm the pray.

"I will never be anyone's, much less yours. And if you mean to take advantage of my heat, you would die before you lay a hand on me." - My eyes are glowing with anger. Even Liv was startled by this.

The boy gasped at my reaction.

"No, that's not what I meant at all! We don't rape omegas in this pack. I'm sorry that you feel this way." - He told me in a deeply hurtful tone. There's such sorrow in his face that I nearly wept.

We went to another class, but they all followed us behind probably because we had the same classes. But the boy stopped talking to me. In fact, he didn't even look at me anymore, thankfully. But the second boy kept glaring at me every chance he got.

Bitch please! Like I'm scared...

I'll write my own story, make my fate with my sheer determination. No one will stand in my way, not a player and much less a spoiled brat, whoever he is.

No, sir. I'm unstoppable! And I'm just getting started.

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