In Serial

My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices

8 183 46
Author: Type:Male

Poor. Jobless. Rich. Famous. Was I any of these? Who knows! I can't remember. The first thing I see before I know it, is a thing telling me to reincarnate. But what about my previous life? Was it good? Bad? Please tell me!

Eh? What do you mean by 'BTOOOM!'?!

... Let's not think about it.

So the new world is like a game? Stats? Titles? Levels? So confusing, but at least I get a gift! Let's see, it should be helpful... Ah I got. To help me along in the new world the only thing I really want is [Advice].

Note: This is a story written purely for fun and is not to be taken super seriously. Humor is geared around what I like, which tends to be from comics and anime. May not be suitable for everyone.

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