《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 7 - Bystander... Sorta


Chapter 7

The serpent man and the humans are staring at each other. It’s like the start of an Old Western Showdown.

Me? I’m just chillin here.

“Thiss iss your lasst warning. Leave now.”

“I’m afraid we can’t do that until we take you down.”

“Then sso be it. [Icicle Spear]!”

“Everyone, spread out!”

It seems the attack missed. The humans have scattered about and the Naga has begun weaving through the brush.

Me? Still just chillin.

I am curious who will win this fight though.

The fighting strength of the humans is unknown, so a guess would be impossible.

Is there a side you want to win?

Hmm. I’ve been with the snake, but it’s not like I’m attached to him or anything… but he treats me like I’m important.

The humans… I don’t know their intentions. I guess I want the snake to win?

“Kuh, not bad humanss, but how about thisss?! [Sandstorm]!”

“What the hell?!”

“Look out! It knows advanced magic!”

It’s a random thought, but how come the Naga doesn’t lisp when he says a skill?

There is an autocorrect function that allows a user to say a skill, even if they can’t pronounce it right.

I thought this was fantasy. Get that Sci-fi crap out of here, it’s ruining my experience.

“Jeff! No!”

“Guh!... and to think, after this I was going to ask her out…”

“That’sss one down.”

If he made a promise like that, he should have saw it coming…

Congratulations! Your level has increased by 4! You have been awarded 40 stat points! Base stats have increased!

You have 1,850 experience points and are 99% to the next level.

I’ll never forget you Jeff.

Level 20, here I come!

“An opening!”



Oi, Naga! You need to watch out! That guy almost stabbed you in the chest! Good thing you blocked with your arm.

At this rate, the Naga will most likely lose.

No way!

Maybe if I give him my magic he can power up? Let’s try it.

I try to force my magic into the Naga, but it doesn’t seem to work. It’s like a feeling of being constipated.

Hrrgh! Unnngh! Pffffft!

Skill acquired! [Magic Bestowal] has been added to the skill list.

Uuuuuuhhhhh… Just in time… how refreshing.

“Thiss power--?! I ssee. Regret your actionss humanss, for now you will be desstroyed.”

The Naga held out his hand and energy seemed to gather in it.

“[Seventy- Seven Spiraling Spires of Sandstone]!”

What the hell kind of tongue twister is that? And it was said without lisping! I’m starting to suspect he’s a fraud…

“Wh-what insane magic! I thought this was a normal Naga? Could it be a sub-species?”

“Now ain’t the time dude!”

“Hahahaha!!! Behold the power of my blesssing!”

“Rrgh… It’s impressive alright… however.”


“It leaves you wide open.”

That… is definitely a fatal wound. One of the humans snuck around and stabbed the Naga in the neck.

Lacking strength, I’ve fallen out of his grasp.

The Naga falls to the ground. His eyes are staring at me.

“…Sso thiss iss… the true end… My revenge… Forgive me… my husband…”

I quietly absorb the Naga’s soul…

Huh? Husband?

It was a GIRL?!

Congratulations! Your level has increased by 1! You have been awarded a skill point! You have been awarded 10 stat points! Base stats have increased!

You have 1,589 experience points and are 79% to the next level.

…What can I say, I have mixed feelings about this.

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