《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 6 - Don't Mind Me


Chapter 6

I’ve been able to recover my sanity a bit and learned what the skill and title do that I received not long ago.

First, [Soul Trap] Allows me to absorb the souls of recently slain creatures in my vicinity to add to my Soul Gauge.

This is pointless though, since I can’t use souls to fuel anything. Advice tells me I lack skills that use it as energy.

Second is the title. [One Who Reaps Souls] is basically a title that powers up any soul related skills and increases the Soul Gauge. It also however, is what is called an negative aligned title. I asked Advice what that meant and it basically said that if two people met and one had a positive title and the other a negative one, they would end up fighting.

So now I will have to fight those with a positive title? I didn’t even want this title in the first place…

The other party must know you have a negative title. Some rare skills allow one to view an opponent’s status, skills and titles. There are also items that can view the status. These are the most common ways to see someone’s title.

I’ll just have to hope I don’t run into someone like that… But with my luck, that’s probably futile.

“Another clear day. Time to hunt more of thosse basstardss.”

Oh yeah that reminds me, I’ve been with the Naga for about a week now.

His home is in a giant hollowed out tree, though the inside isn’t really fancy, I definitely got this cozy vibe. I’d give it a seven out of ten.

That aside, he’s been going out on a daily basis and been killing Orcs left and right.

Is he powerful? I don’t really know… He always kills them in one or two hits of magic, which he borrows from me, by the way.


Maybe the Orcs are actually weak?

“There iss one… [Earth Spire]!”


I’ve gotten used to the feeling of having my magic drawn out, but I’ll never get used to…

“Accept thiss offering.”

…being shoved into a dead body.

Excuse me, Mr. Naga? I’ve already absorbed the soul. What you’re doing is just nasty.

Congratulations! Your level has increased by 1! You have been awarded a skill point! You have been awarded 10 stat points! Base stats have increased!

You have 25 experience points and are 1% to the next level.

I also seem to level up when he kills things. I won’t complain though.

“Blessssed sstone, I humbly thank you for aiding me. Thesse disgussting creaturess corpssess iss all that I can offer.”

Sometimes this guy talks to me. It’s nice for me, but from the outside, I can guess he looks 100% crazy.

“Ah, what a wonderful crimsson color you have taken… Truly breathtaking.”

So I’m a crimson color huh? I can’t actually see myself so I didn’t know.

Wait, aren’t I crimson cause of all the blood smeared on me?!

The snake man looks up suddenly.

“…Who approachesss?”

“Not bad serpent. I thought we hid fairly well too.”

A group of elves—no wait, no pointy ears or green hair… four humans came out of the bushes.

“Flee before I am forced to take your livesss asss I have done with thesse Beasstss.”

“There is no mistake. You must be the dangerous monster roaming around here. Everyone be on your guard.”

Well… I wonder what’s going on?

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