《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 1 - My New Life


Chapter 1

A warm breeze blows against me. I slowly open my eyes and am greeted by the sunlight.

Where is this…?

I try to move my body, but it doesn’t respond. In a panic I look down, but all I see is grass.

What happened to my body?! And why is everything so huge?

It’s true. The trees and grass here are tall! I feel like a midget… or a gnome.

Suddenly a text box appears in front of me.

Welcome to your new life. Please be careful not to die again that would be troublesome.

Oh, right. I was reincarnated. And that last part wasn’t needed.

Even though I don’t remember much of my previous life, I do know that I was human… probably. So shouldn’t I stay a human?

Maybe in this world humans are small? No then they would be dwarves or something right?

To view your current status, please wonder ‘How am I doing today?’

HUH? The text box changed to something stupid.

Oh wait, status. That thing before said it was important right? Guess I better check it but… How am I doing today?


Lv. 1 Skill points: 1

Name: (None) Species: (Pebble)

Hp (Health): 10

Mp (Magic): 50


Str (Strength): 0

Def (Defense): 10

Int (Intelligence): 5

Mnd (Mind): 5

Dex (Dexterity): 0

Spd (Speed): 0



[Help from Beyond]



[One Who Seduces Women] [One Who Seduces Men] [One Who is Unfortunate] [One Who Went Out With a Bang]

So this is the status. I think I can more or less understand it? But there is a huge problem…

What the hell does it mean by Pebble as my species?!

You are a small, shiny and smooth pebble. Probably would go far if skipped across a lake or something.


Is this text box trying to start a fight with me?!

If I had hands I would-!

I am the advice from the Unique skill [Help from Beyond]. If you have questions I’ll answer them.

Really? I can’t help but doubt that but…

If that is the case, why am I reborn as a rock?

You’re a pebble though?

… Hey, stop nitpicking.

It is probably the price for getting [Help from Beyond] as your gift?

Why are you asking it like a question? Aren’t you supposed to know the answers to what I ask?

No, no I’m Advice. I’m not always right.

Hoh boy, what a complete letdown. This gift sucks. I want a refund.

… Well, whatever. What’s done is done.

I can understand things like strength and defense, but magic? So there is magic in this world, with wizards and witches? And I can use it?

Yes, any object that possess a soul and have a certain amount of Intelligence can use magic.

The excitement. If I had blood it would be boiling right about now!

You’re a pebble, don’t get your hopes up, it’s ridiculous.

Damn you Advice! Don’t throw cold water on my parade! I’ll cry you know!

So the reason for my Intelligence and Mind stats for being what they are is because I can think to a certain extent, I guess.

My titles are supposed to do something as well right? Like power me up and stuff? I wonder what they do…

[One Who Seduces Women] The owner of this title will find themselves irresistible to most women they come into contact with. It’s easier to get dates, threesomes, and lower repercussions from ‘One night stands’.

Well, that’s useless as a pebble. I’m guessing that the other one is the same but with men?


[One Who Seduces Men] The owner of this title will find themselves irresistible to most Men they come into contact with. It’s easier to get free drinks, sausages, and lower repercussions from ‘One night stands’.

…I want to throw up a little. But it’s okay, I’m a pebble.

[One Who is Unfortunate] The owner of this title will frequently encounter misfortune, however as each misfortune accumulates, the next time a fortunate thing happens it will be amplified by the number of misfortunes.

What is this?! What a terrible title! Was my previous life really so miserable?! I don’t think many bad things equal one super good thing.

[One Who Went Out With a Bang] The owner of this title will be guaranteed to always go out in style no matter the situation.

That’s not enough information! This one is dangerous, more so than the one before it! Go out in style? I’d rather stay bland, thank you very much.

I wish I could sigh right about now. A new life as a ro-pebble.

…A new life as a pebble. Is this what they call karma?

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