《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 21 - I Am Plebian


Chapter 21

The Free Trade City is even bigger than I thought. It’s located on a plateau that’s right next to the ocean. Not only that, but it’s basically in the middle of the continent and can distribute its goods to all the countries easily.

A perfect spot like this is almost too good to be true.

“Well it was built by a man almost 200 years ago. He was very powerful, and some say he sculpted the land to suit the city itself.”

“Someone amazing like that existed huh?”

“He’s still alive you know?”

“Eh? Really?”

What is the life expectancy of this world?

Depending on the race, some can live for thousands of years if not more. Life expectancy can only be applied by race, not as a whole.

Wonder how long I live then?

If you take care of yourself, you’ll probably live for millions of years?

…Wow. That really doesn’t sound appealing at all.

As we reach the gate, a guard comes out to greet us.

“Please present your citizenship card. Also can you let us lightly check the cargo?”

“Of course. Here you go.”

“Alright I’ve verified it. The lady?”

“About that, I hired her on as a worker. Can I trouble you to make her a card? I’ll pay the expenses of course.”

“Certainly. This way please and we’ll get started.”

I was led by the elven guard into a building. It wasn’t a lie that this place had all races. While we were waiting to get in, I saw Beast race, humans, dwarves, elves, snakes, lizards, and even a giant.

The guard whipped out a piece of paper and a pencil.

“Alright I’ll be asking you a few questions. What is your name?”



Shit! What was the Saintess’ name again?

Mariana Del Bolero… The least you could do is remember the first name.

“…Mariana Del Bolero.”

“Alright, age?”

I don’t know this one either… Let’s wing it.

“20… no 23?”

“Which is it?”

“Sorry, 25.”

“Alright, race?”


“…I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”


The guard looks me up and down with his eyes. I didn’t make a mistake I hope.

“Huh, never seen one that was still beautiful. Most are just skeletons.”

Whew, seems like it’s okay to be one.

“This may seem like a dumb question, but could you tell me your gender?”

“Female. I’m guessing it’s hard to tell with some races?”

“Yep. Thanks for understanding.”

He puts the paper into a machine. Wait, is that a scanner?!

I mean, it glows a weird red light and has bizarre symbols on it, but it’s basically a scanner that goes with a printer…

When it was done, it printed out a small card… I give up.

“Here you go. This is your card. Please do not lose this, as you will be charged the full amount to reissue one. It will let you enter and leave the city freely as well as allow you to buy property and join guilds.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it.”

“It was my pleasure. I’ll escort you outside.”

Back outside I met up with the Old man again. Looks like he waited for me.

“Everything in order?”

“Yup, I got the card.”

“Good. Now let’s get to the shop.”

The streets were bustling with people walking here and there. Lined along the sides of the paved road were plenty of shops with fancy signs.

I was getting excited. Real civilization! I know I was at the castle with Saintess, but this is more my style.


The Old man turned down some streets and the further we went, the less people I saw about. It’s actually pretty desolate…

[Bad Omen] has activated.

“…Say, you never mentioned what kind of shop you ran…”

“I didn’t? Oh, my bad. Well it’s right there. Go inside and take a look.”

The shop he indicated had a sign with nothing but three large X’s in a line…

Bracing myself for the worst, I opened the door and stepped inside.

“Well, what do you think?”

It’s a porn shop.

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