《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 19 - Oh My God, It's a Plan


Chapter 19

After taking a long nap, I stretch the arms and legs of the Saintess’ body. I open my eyes, but the bright sun makes me squint.

…Wait, I can see.

I touch my face. Everything is there. Hair, eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

The regeneration seems to have worked.

I didn’t hear anything about this… I feel like a fool for worrying over this.

By taking your magic, the Saintess’ body will regenerate, although the rate is considerably slow.

I laughed. “Well, the best problems in life are the ones that solve themselves.”

Oops I said that out loud. Oh well, no one is here anyway.

Listen, I’ve been thinking about what you said last night and I think I have a solution.

Last night… oh about having a goal and lacking a body.

Correct. While there are ways to completely take over Miss Mariana’s body and drive out her soul, I assume that you wish to avoid this course of action, right?

Yeah, I’m not too fond of those methods.

Love and Peace, baby.

In that case our options are limited. One way is to go along an evolutionary path that changes your form. Unfortunately, I cannot guide you into picking a path that guarantees such an evolution.

At first I had the same thoughts, but with what I tend to get out of evolving… let’s just say this will be fortunate if it happens.

I’ve also thought of another way, but…

You’re not instilling confidence in me here.

There are many unknowns involved. To call it advice would be inappropriate. I’m always looking out for you, so I’m hesitant.

Even though you sometimes screw with me, I do mostly trust what you have to say. I probably would have died already without your help after all.


Therefore don’t hold back and lay it on me. We’re comrades after all.

Pebble… I understand. I will meet your expectations. For this to work, we must find a person with the right skills for the job. I have a city in mind.

While listening to Advice, I can’t help but feel proud inside. It’s the feeling of knowing that your best friend is looking out for you.

It’s weird how this feels like the first time I’ve felt this…

Could it be in my previous life I… didn’t have friends?

Somehow I wonderfully killed my own good mood.

…And so when we arrive, look for… Hey are you listening? This is important.

Yes Honey… I’ll take out the trash after this show is over…

…I am not your Wife. I too have no gender.

Sorry, I needed a little pick me up. Please continue.

Anyway, the city I have in mind is one where all races gather. A Free Trade City, so to speak. I think we can find someone suitable there.

A plan… We have a plan!

I have a feeling that something I lost has been returned to me. It’s truly indescribable.

With light steps, I happily jog in the direction indicated by Advice.

It might be mean, but let’s hope the Saintess’ conscious stays put for now.

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