《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Intermission 1 - Mariana Del Bolero


Intermission 1

My name is Mariana Del Bolero.

Early in my childhood I was already a part of the Holy church that worshiped the God of Life. Being naïve and innocent I learned the teachings and practiced how to act in accordance to them.

Slowly I rose through the ranks of the church. It was due to my hard work after all.

Then one day I received an order from the Head Saint at the time.

“Sister Mariana, I need you to deliver this package to one of the Church’s benefactors. Here is the location.”

“Yes, Saint. I shall deliver this quickly.”

However when I arrived at the location…

“Hehe this one is nice. He gave us a good one this time.”

I was surrounded by vulgar men.

My mind had always been quick to act and I was able to put the pieces together quickly. This explains the missing Sisters that were a concern recently.

“Look she’s too scared to even scream.”

Without batting an eye I attacked.

“[Holy Smite].”

In an instant the men turned to ash. After all, I seem to be blessed with the gift of magic.

I returned to the Saint and he was surprised to see me.

“O-Oh your back. Did you forget something?”

“Indeed I did, it will only take a moment.”

When the Saint had his back turned that’s when I struck. It was over in a flash.

I exposed his evildoings using evidence found in his room and was hailed as the new Saintess. I didn’t particularly want the position but I then realized, God does not protect you if you only follow the teachings.

You must show God that you yourself have the strength to stand by his side.

So I took the position and used my power and authority to protect the Church and those who sought its guidance. I will show God that I am worthy.


“It seems the fighting with the Beast Race has begun to escalate…”

I muttered, while looking over a document. The Beasts are filthy creatures that proclaim they have rights. What foolishness, God smiles only upon the humans. However they refuse to tolerate us treating them as animals and slaves and have finally attacked.

Humans are weaker than the Beasts unfortunately, but we are smarter.

Even so, the difference in numbers is too much…

Upon consulting with the King, we reached a decision.

“Saintess, I will grant you the knowledge of this royal [Skill Scroll] that contains the skill [Summon Hero]. Learn it and summon us a savior.”

“It shall be done your Majesty. I have faith that God will grant us this boon.”


It will be my hard work though…

And after a month I was able to obtain the skill. All that’s left is to start the ritual, the only problem left is the magic power required to activate it.

The amount is staggering, a whopping 5,000 units of magic power.

Only dragons have that much natural power. It would take 50 magicians with 100 Mp to complete this summoning, and those with that amount are either on their deathbed or are gifted in magic. I hate to admit it, but I am at an impasse.

Let’s train the court wizards and increase their Mp as much as we can.

One day the King summoned me again.

“I have been brought a magical stone that is said to contain massive amounts of magic. I’d like you to confirm if we can use it in the ritual.”

“Of course, where is it?”

“In the summoning chamber.”

I headed there at once. But I didn’t have high hopes. Even items that can store magic could only hold up to 50 units at best.



Ugh, an annoying person has appeared.

“What Blake.”

“I’m against this.”

“Duly noted.”

This person is an average looking guy who is technically my aide. He doesn’t actually do anything though.

I brush past him and enter the summoning chamber.

“Saintess! Please I beg you to reconsider this!

“There is no choice… We must summon a hero, or the Beast Race will slaughter us all in time.”

“But you could lose your life! We can’t trust that Magician who brought that dubious rock to his Highness.”

“That’s why I have come here, to check its authenticity.”

I spot the stone sitting on a velvet cushion on a pedestal at the back of the room. As I come closer I notice it’s a dazzling black cherry color. Truly breathtaking, and for some reason I can’t help but think that this stone is the answer I’ve been seeking.

“Activate skill [Detect Magic (major)].”

My skill shows me the amount of magic an object holds.

T-This… Amazing… 1,000… 2,000… 3,000… At least 4,000 Mp is stored inside this stone. My skill can’t read any higher than that.

It almost seemed to sparkle from my praise and is telling me to hurry up and use it. I unconsciously let out a sigh.

“With this I’m severely relieved. The success of the ritual is guaranteed.”

“Then it was true?”

“Indeed it was. The timing of this stones arrival was perfect. Almost like a gift from God himself.”

“I see. God is surely smiling on you Saintess.”

He actually might be.

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