《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 11 - It's Dubious


Chapter 11

I am currently enjoying the sensation of soft velvet.

Aw, man this is bliss…

Hm? Movement skill? I’ve given up.

The reason for that is…

The cheapest skill that would allow you to move by yourself would be [Roll] which costs 100sp and is limited to being on unstable ground or an incline before it can be activated.

Flippin ridiculous…

Which is why I thought about using magic to move, like [Telekinesis] or [Teleport] and learn them manually.


Even if you know how the skill should work, if you lack the required stats you will be unable to learn them. Your Int does not meet the requirements.

Damn! It’s like the game is on Hard mode, and I can’t change the difficulty after starting!

That’s why I decided to appreciate the little things in life, such as this soft velvet.

I also think I’ve been taken somewhere. I can barely make out the sounds of conversation every once in a while, but the words spoken are too unclear.

I wonder if I can escape the box life.

…It’s cozy though. Think I’ll take a nap.




How long do you plan on sleeping?

Zzz… huh? Advice? What’s wrong, need me to go to the toilet with you cause it’s scary?

You’ve been asleep for three days, so it’s about time you woke up.

That long?! God, velvet is scary!

Also the ceremony is starting.


Looking around, the room is quite dark, with only candles for lighting. On the ground is some weird symbol in the shape of a circle.

There are people standing on the edges chanting something in a language I don’t recognize.

I appear to be on a pedestal overlooking the room.

From the doors opposite from me a man and woman walk through.


“Saintess! Please I beg you to reconsider this!

“There is no choice… We must summon a hero, or the Beast Race will slaughter us all in time.”

The guy looks like a random mob character. He’s acting important, but I get this feeling he doesn’t actually do anything.

The girl however is quite stunning. A nice and stylish figure with good proportions. Her long purple hair is also quite eye catching.

“But you could lose your life! We can’t trust that Magician who brought that dubious rock to his Highness.”

“That’s why I have come here, to check its authenticity.”

…I can’t even comment on that. After all, I think I’m dubious as well.

The Saintess comes over and sizes me up.

“Activate skill [Detect Magic (major)].”

Ooo I’ve seen that skill before.

After widening her eyes, she smiles happily.

“With this I’m severely relieved. The success of the ritual is guaranteed.”

“Then it was true?”

“Indeed it was. The timing of this stones arrival was perfect. Almost like a gift from God himself.”

“I see. God is surely smiling on you Saintess.”

I wish he smiled at me.

No, staying under the radar might actually be better.

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