《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 4 - Level Up!


Chapter 4

Right now, I’m enveloped in a soft sensation. It’s also wet and slimy. Actually I really feel gross.

To make matters worse, I can’t see a thing.

I didn’t die right?... right?!

“It sseemss I’ve been ssaved.”

I hear a voice. It has a pretty bad lisp.

Suddenly the world is moving! It’s shaking back and forth. An earthquake perhaps?

Something grabs me and I’m pulled with a *plop* noise.

Ah, the sun, so bright.

“Sso thiss iss my ssavior.”

I’m in the hand of a- Geh! It’s a snake thing!

It’s a type of Naga. It has a snake-like body and head, but has forearms and hands similar to a human.

A sentient snake man. It doesn’t eat pebbles does it?

“Ohhh, thiss sstone appearss to be able to sstore magic!”

How can he tell?!

Likely due to a skill.

Oh right. I can’t keep using common sense in this world huh?

“I wonder how much magic it can hold?”

The lizard’s hand starts to glow. I wonder what he is doing?

My body is starting to feel hot. It’s like sitting in a sauna.


Okay, now it’s getting uncomfortable. I wonder if he will stop soon. Please stop soon.

If this continues on, I estimate that the magic inside of you will grow too much.

That sounds bad.

You might disintegrate.

It is bad!!!

But the stupid lizard isn’t stopping! Stop! I might die!

You could put points into Mnd from your level up. It would increase the amount of magic you can have.

Nice idea! Then let’s do that. I put all my points into Mnd.

No… I didn’t mean all of them…

Really? M-maybe I messed up, but on the flip side I feel a lot better right now.

The magic that was almost too much to handle, feels really refreshing. Like sitting in a massage chair after a full workout.


“W-what jusst happened? Thiss sstone jusst… Incredible… With thiss my revenge might no longer be a dream.”

… I just heard some extremely dangerous words. But it’s not like I can stop him right?

As if to prove the point I was stuffed into a leather pouch on this guy’s waist. Or stomach? Meh, doesn’t really matter.

It seems you got your wish to have a more exciting life.

Hmm. That’s true I guess. But I was hoping for a more… normal excitement?

It’s not good to be picky. How about using your skill points to learn a skill?

Oh right!

Here are the skills you can learn at your current level.

[Magic Absorption (lesser)]: 5sp

[Magic Expulsion (lesser)]: 5sp

[Magic Armor (apprentice)]: 3sp

[Detect Magic (lesser)]: 2sp

[Resist Magic (lesser)]: 3sp

Oooo… Why is it all magic related?

It’s because you dumped all your points into Mnd. Look at your status.

I wonder how I am doing?


Lv. 10 (+9) Skill points: 10 (+9)

Name: (None) Species: (Pebble)

Hp (Health): 100 (+90)

Mp (Magic): 950 (+900)


Str (Strength): 0 (+0)

Def (Defense): 100 (+90)

Int (Intelligence): 30 (+25)

Mnd (Mind): 95(+90)

Dex (Dexterity): 0 (+0)

Spd (Speed): 0 (+0)



[Help from Beyond] [Bad Omen]



[One Who Seduces Women] [One Who Seduces Men] [One Who is Unfortunate] [One Who Went Out With a Bang]

… My magic is really high…

Then to prevent this from happening again let’s take [Resist Magic (lesser)].

Skill acquired! [Resist Magic (lesser)] has been added to the skill list.

Would you like to upgrade the skill to [Resist Magic (minor)] for double its cost?

This can be done at anytime should you refuse.

So for six skill points I can upgrade it? I have enough… oh sure what the heck.


Skill has been upgraded! Acquired [Resist Magic (minor)].

Title acquired! Due to your achievements, you have gained the title of [One Who Seeks Magic].

I seem to have gotten a title too?

[Resist Magic] skill adds to your Mnd stat. Due to having over 1,000 magic power you have gained a title.

…All according to plan… teehee. So what does the title do?

[One Who Seeks Magic] The owner of this title is slowly becoming one with magic. A small percentage of magic obtained, either through natural recovery or by absorption, is converted into health. Natural magic regeneration is also increased by a small amount.

Finally. I finally have a skill and title that aren’t worthless! If I could I would be shedding tears of joy.

Requirements met to evolve. Do you accept? This process is irreversible.

Even more things?! And to evolve nonetheless. Is this kind of thing normal?

Only non-humanoid creatures tend to evolve, though there are exceptions. It is generally a good thing.

Alright, I’ll trust you Advice. I accept.

Let’s evolve!

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