《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 14 - Roommates


Chapter 14

Just as I was thinking of the trouble I was in, something happened.


The body sits up and looks around the room. It seems the Saintess is awake.

“The Summoning… did it succeed?”

Yeah it succeeded alright. Almost cost us both our lives though…

“I see… so it was a success. That’s wonderful.”


Huh? “Huh?”

The Saintess looks around the room trying to find the source of the voice.

“Is someone there?”

Oi, Advice… She can’t hear me… right?

“I can hear you, so show yourself.”

…So it seems.

Show myself you say… wouldn’t you have to rip open your chest for that?

“What are you talking about? If you insist on hiding, I will call the guards.”

Oh boy, how do I explain this one… I guess looking at your status might help?

“My status? Come to think of it, I do feel weird. [Status Open].”


Is that how you check the status?

“Of course it is. Any imbecile knows that. Now let’s see I… Wh-What is the meaning of this?!”

Yeah Advice! What is the meaning of this?! ‘How am I doing?’ My ass!

You believed it so easily, I couldn’t help myself.

“How have I become a Lich?! Acolyte? What diabolical class is that!”

Guess I need to explain.

After a few minutes of telling the Saintess what happened, she broke down and started crying.

“I’ve been defiled… I can never be a Saintess again… God why hast thou forsaken me?!”

So from here on, best regards.

“I refuse to accept this Demon! [Purification]!”

What’s that supposed to do? It’s not like… Ow… Ow, Ow!! OW!!!

“Begone from my body!”

Quit it you pyscho! If I die, you die!


“Then so be it! Taste the strongest Holy magic in the entire continent!”

It’s a painful burning sensation, like that of standing too close to a fire.

Skill up! [Resist Magic (minor)] evolved to [Resist Magic]!

Now the burning sensation is gone. It just feels like a I’m outside on a hot day now.

“Why isn’t it working?!”

Heh, I’m not going anywhere. Better just get used to me.

“Khh! Then I’ll do what I must.”

The Saintess grabs a knife from a nearby weapon display. Wait a minute-.

“This is the end! Goodbye my country.”


…Right in the stomach… yet…

“There is no blood… And my status indicates no damage…”

Well, yeah. I’m the one keeping you alive after all.

“Then I’ll throw myself off a cliff. That should end it.”

Please don’t say things like that so easily!

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

“Saintess, are you awake? I heard noise from this room.”

“Ah, yes I am awake, but don’t come in! It seems I have been--.”

“Wonderful, then if you would like, the Hero would like to meet with you.”

“The Hero…”

T-That’s right. Don’t you have to support the Hero and save your country or whatever? It’s too soon to think about dying. I also don’t have plans to keep living in your body.

“…Is that true?”

Truly true. I only did it because I didn’t want to die from the summoning.


The Saintess turns her head and looks into a mirror on the wall. It’s weird because her eyes that used to be green, one is now red. I’m guessing that is the one I see out of.

“If you try anything funny… I will be sure to destroy you no matter the cost.”

I won’t do anything. Just pretend I’m not here.

“That’s impossible, since I can always hear you. Your thoughts are really random.”


I should be careful about what I think about from now on.

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