《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 3 - [Bad Omen]


Chapter 3

It’s been a few days now and I still haven’t gotten a decent skill. I am however almost to the next level!

Decent skill… can I finally have one?

While thinking that, I suddenly hear the snapping of twigs.

Something is coming! Isn’t this my big chance to get [Detect Presence]?!

I close my eyes and listen.

The sound seems to be heading this way.

It also sounds like more than one animal. Could it be a pack of wolves or something?

The sounds grow louder. They are really close now.

“Damn, not a single animal yet. What is going on?”

A voice! I open my eyes and see three young men walking towards me. They are humans- no they have long ears.

They are Forest Elves. Their most identifying feature is their green hair.

Elves. I guess this really is fantasy huh?

“How about we take a short break here then return to the village?”

“Sounds good. We need to report this to the elder.”

So there is a village nearby? I wanna go. I’m sick of being stuck here. Even if I can’t walk or talk, if I was in a village or town, I could at least people watch.

The question however… How do I get them to take me there?

“Ah, the breeze feels good today.”

One of them comes over. I desperately think in my mind, ‘Over here! Pick me up! I’m a cool pebble, I swear!’


Did it work?! He’s looking down at me! … That came out wrong.

“What is this?”

I’ve been picked up by the young man. He rolls me over in his palm.

Eh? What is this? It feels weird…

“This pebble is… How to put it… really pretty.”

What the hell are with those eyes?! I’m just a pebble you sicko!


“What’s up? Oh, pretty rock. Did you find that over here?”

“Yeah it was lying on the ground. I think I’ll take it home.”

I feel something like shivers on my body.

[Bad Omen] has activated.


I desperately try to move. If there was a time my latent power needed to awaken, now would be it!

Grrr!!! Guuuh!!! Raaaargh!!! I feel like I’m about to explode!!!

“Oi! Get rid of that thing! Before it’s too late!”


With a beautiful wind up, I was pitched into the air.

Ah, my body feels light.

I wondered if it would hurt to hit the ground. Such carefree thoughts I seem to be having.

The grass underneath me that looked soft, suddenly disappeared.

I seem to be falling down a cliff.

Eh? I was next to a cliff?

At this rate wouldn’t I shatter when I hit the ground?!

Could THIS have been what the [Bad Omen] skill was referring to?

Seems like it.

What do I do?! Advice help me!

… No, at this point it’s pretty much out of my hands…

I don’t want to die again!

My short life flashed before my eyes.

It was peaceful, staring at the sky every day. It seems like this is my comeuppance for being greedy huh?

I closed my eyes and waited for the inevitable impact.

Would it hurt? I hope not, I dislike pain.


“Kuh, sso thiss iss the end?”

Hm? Thought I heard some voices-


Am I alive?

Congratulations! Your level has increased by 9! You have been awarded 9 skill points! You have been awarded 90 stat points! Your base stats have increased!

You have 120 experience points and are 12% to the next level.

I’ve done well to persevere. Good job me.

You should probably thank your [One Who is Unfortunate] title.

I thought a lot of bad things had to happen to equal a good thing?

That’s not how it works. The quality is also important. Turning into a pebble is quite the misfortune.

Ah… that’s true.

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