《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 24 - It Was Too Convenient!


Chapter 24

I’m shrouded in yet more darkness. I could probably call it an old friend at this point.

Are you ready to begin? I will activate [Symbiosis].

Whooo… I’m ready Advice. Punch it.

Beginning [Symbiosis]… searching for viable targets.

Target found. Synchronizing magic wavelengths…

Error detected. Target is lacking a core soul.

That’s weird. I thought you said this would work?

Adjusting actions… WARNING! This skill is not authorized for body takeover! Upgrade skill immediately before proceeding!

I never heard anything about this!

I’m getting that hot feeling from before again. The magic must be going out of control. I have no choice, upgrade!

[Symbiosis] has been upgraded to [Synergy].

Reevaluating target… Accepted. Proceed?

Yes, hurry up.

Combining cores… done.

Combining skills… done.

Combining Titles… done.

Combining status… error.

What now?!

WARNING! Magic capacity overload! System error! System error! System error!

Something violently shakes me. It then happens three more times. What in the world is going on? I can feel magic rapidly leaving my body.

Emergency venting partially succeeded. Magic is still at excess levels.

Congratulations! Your level has increased by 1! You have been awarded a skill point! You have been awarded 10 stat points! Base stats have increased!

…Huh? What a weird time to level up. Can’t you see I’m a bit busy here?

Upon reaching level 30, you can now evolve again.

Like I said, busy!

Pebble, please evolve. I have miscalculated this body’s specs. At this rate failure is imminent. Also…

WARNING! Target body has a secondary unit! Attempting to split conscious.

An earsplitting headache suddenly attacked me! Like someone grabbing your head and trying to pry it open!

Argggh!!! It hurts like hell!

Wait, who the hell are you?!

That’s what I want to know!

WARNING! Soul fracture is imminent!

Would you like to evolve?




And with that I blacked out. The headache disappeared and I felt really at ease.

“Yo, it’s been a while.”

I look back to see that freaky creature I met in the beginning. The one who told me to reincarnate.

“Don’t tell me… I died, didn’t I?”

The creature was in his usual carefree pose of lying on his side. Is it laziness or arrogance I wonder?

“Nah, you’re fine. Right now you’re in the middle of evolving. I just thought I’d check up on you and see how you were doing.”

“Well, that is surprisingly nice of you.”

“You say it like I’m normally an asshole…”

It’s your own fault for the half-baked explanation in the beginning.

“I may have a slightly bad impression of you.”

“That so. Anyway, it seems you caught the attention of my buddy, the Death God.”

Oh yeah that title…

“It was pure coincidence.”

“He’s been keeping an eye on you, you know? Says the shit you get into is hilarious. It’s even starting to affect his work…”

“Isn’t that just slacking off?”

“It’s fine if nobody notices.”

Words fail to describe what I’m currently feeling right now.

“It’s good to see you are doing fine. I’ll send you back. Keep up the good work of not dying.”

I felt a hazy sensation and the creature disappeared.

Pebble, are you alright?

Oh, Advice. Seriously, what happened?

It is my own fault. I have risked your life. Forgive me.

We are still alive right? Then it’s all good. What about the body? Did it work?

It was a success. The evolution made it possible.

What a relief.

Strangely I felt really tired. Mental exhaustion maybe?

Whatever it is, I need a nap. I’ll figure out this body later.

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