《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 12 - Unwilling Participant


Chapter 12

“The preparations have been completed, Saintess.”

“Good work. You may step aside.”

The Saintess holds me in her hands and steps towards the circle.

[Bad Omen] has activated.

Oh shit…

“God of Time. God of Space. God of Life and God of Death. Grant this one the power to beseech our savior.”

Blue Energy has been sucked out of all the people in the room and gathered in the center of the circle.

“ The One, of chosen birth. Bringer of Light. Champion of Justice. I call unto you, with divine voice.”

I once again get the feeling of my magic being sucked out of me.

Mp decreased by 100…

Mp decreased by 100…

Mp decreased by 100…

Dang it, this is the most magic I have lost in a while. I’m feeling weaker as more magic is drained.

“Answer my call, come forth from the Void. Aid us in our hour of crisis. In the name of the Gods, I command, [Summon Hero]!”

A torrent of magic rips around us like a raging tornado. Some of the people have already fallen over.

…They didn’t die right?


“I-I’m fine… This much… is nothing…”

Even if you say that, you look terrible.

I’ve done some estimating and I have some bad news to share.

Ugh…Let’s hear it.

At the current rate, the summoning will end successfully. However, all participants will die.

…And? How does that affect me?

After their death from Mp exhaustion, you will be the only one supplying magic to the ritual. I predict that your body may not be able to handle the burden.

I’m in yet, another pinch.

Three things can happen.

First is continue on and shatter due to over burdening your body.

That’s a miss.

Second is to stop supplying magic to the ritual. This will save you, however the backlash from failing the summoning will cause a magic explosion. Being crushed is highly probable.


Okay that’s strike two.

Third is praying to God that some Deus Ex Machina type event will save your sorry ass.

I’m out!!!

Are these really the only options?!

Mp decreased by 100…

Mp decreased by 200…

Mp decreased by 300…

“Gggh… I… must… hold…on…”

The Mp rate is decreasing faster!


…Was that…

You’re beginning to crack.


What the Hell am I supposed to do in this situation?!

Do your damn job Advice and HELP ME!

Weeelll… There is another option.

Does it involve death as the end result?

No, you will most likely live.

Then just DO IT!

You can’t complain afterwards alright? Promise me okay?


I promise! Now hurry!

Beginning search for viable targets…


Target found. Synchronizing magic wavelengths…

Complete… Initializing skill [Symbiosis].

My vision goes dark.

I have the feeling of being spun around, like I’m trapped in a whirlpool.

I’ve never been good with rides that spun. I can feel the contents of my stomach trying to escape out of my mouth.


That feels much better…

“Hero! Welcome, we have been eagerly awaiting your arrival.”

“Koko wa doko?”

“Ah, that’s right. You can’t understand me. You there! Bring forth the [Ring of Language]!”

“Ano on’naknoko… Kanojo wa hakimashita ka?”

“Here, put this on.”

“Eh? Ring? What is this for?”

“Good I can understand you perfectly. I once again welcome you to our world, brave Hero.”

“Me? A Hero?”

“Indeed. Saintess, please welcome the Hero.”

The two people look over here.

Are they looking at me? No, that can't be right. They are probably looking at the Saintess.

I look around, but I don’t see her anywhere.

Come to think of it… My field of view suddenly got higher…

You’re sharing a body after all.


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