《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 15 - An Angel's Mask


Chapter 15

The Saintess got dressed and now we are walking to where the Hero is.

“To think my virgin body has been seen by a vile Demon…”

Well yeah, I see what you see. Strangely however, I wasn’t aroused or anything like that. Don’t get me wrong, the Saintess is very attractive.

It’s just that… a piece of the puzzle was missing. Not sure what though.

“Saintess. The Hero awaits in this room.”

“Thank you for guiding me.”

“If you need anything, I’ll be right outside.”

The Saintess opened the door and walked inside. The Hero was sitting on a couch looking around nervously. I guess suddenly being summoned is making him on edge?

‘I see…’

“Please be at ease Hero. There is no need to be so tense.”

“Ah! Sorry, it’s just that this is all new to me. I still can’t believe I’m supposed to be a Hero. I don’t have any special qualities that I can think of…”

“You must have some. Otherwise my magic would not have called for you.”

“I-Is that so?”

The Hero seems relieved. But can’t magic fail? I wonder if he might be a dud.

‘He better not be. I worked too hard for this.’

…Is this the Saintess’ thoughts?

“Allow me to introduce myself. I am Mariana Del Bolero. Saintess of this country. It is also my class.”

That’s quite a skill… Lying about your class while smiling like an angel.

“I am Hideo Yusshki. Normal Japanese High schooler… Um, is something wrong Saintess? You seem annoyed.”

“…No, it’s nothing.”

She cleared her throat and leaned towards the Hero. She gave him upturned eyes and emphasized her exposed cleavage.

What can I say, her technique is Magnificent.

“Hero Yusshki, the reason you have been summoned is because the foul Beast race is encroaching upon our fair Kingdom. They mercilessly slaughter and enslave our people, using the men as food and treating the women as cattle.”


“How horrible…”

‘Oh course it’s horrible, that’s why I said it to get your pity.’

“We lack the strength to fight them on equal footing. Until now, our strategies have barely been able to keep them at bay, but I fear that at any moment they will break through and annihilate us.”

She scooted closer to where the Hero was sitting.

‘And now, the finale.’

“Will you… Help us?”

The poor sap who fell hook, line and sinker, for her story, without even confirming if it was true, stood up and gave her a determined expression.

“I vow to aid you and this country with all my power! You may find me lacking, but I will do my best!”

What else can I say but, ‘Bravo Saintess, Bravo.’

‘So far things are going according to the plan.’

“Thank you Hero. I feel that I can sleep easier knowing you will aid us in our struggle for survival.”

The Saintess stood up and bowed towards him.

“I’ll take my leave here. For the next few months, you will be trained in the ways of fighting, and then sent to the front lines, but fear not, I and others who will be selected based on ability will be by your side.”

“Then I’ll look forward to that time.”

“I as well.”

The Saintess left the room. After hearing her thoughts, I’ve feel we’ve grown closer.

‘It’s your imagination Demon. I will never accept you.’

Aw, she’s actually shy isn’t she?

It’s quite cute when done properly.

Isn’t it?

‘Arrghhh! Just shut up!’

See? Her face is red. I bet she’s blushing.

It could be from anger though…

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