《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 25 - That's When She Knew...


Chapter 25

… I’ve messed up.

I wonder when it was. Was it when I joined the church? Summoned the Hero? Perhaps both of those combined. I’ll probably never know the answer.

After the night I slept at the base and we were betrayed, my emotions have been in complete turmoil.

At first it was fear. Every time I awoke, I was being eaten by a monster.

Then it was confusion. I was working in a despicable shop with no recollection on how I got there.

Then anger. I learned of the betrayal by the very Hero I summoned, and that the country where I grew up and lived was conquered.

Finally I felt empty. I began to question what I had been doing with my life. Everything I had worked towards was either destroyed or taken. I was in a daze most of the time.

The stone that I had used for the ritual, the one now inhabiting my body, kept on going with its idle thoughts.

I realized long ago that this stone was no demon. Its thoughts completely lacked malice and evil intent. Sure sometimes it would think a rude comment, but I grew accustomed to it. As time went on, I thought it a normal occurrence.

While I was wallowing in self-pity the stone never offered sympathy. I don’t think I wanted it either, but instead it continued with its idle and random thoughts. It was so carefree.

I wanted to be the same. After all I have nothing left. Why not just live how I like? Then and there I swore to do just that.

A while later the stone asked me the question of if I wanted it to leave my body.

I almost forgot such a thing. To be honest, I didn’t care at this point, but I didn’t let it show I thought that. I learned to keep my thoughts to myself if I was careful enough.


I was more concerned about my life. I wondered if I would die if the stone left, but I was reassured that as long as the stone existed, I would live.

I realized my life span quickly skyrocketed…

What was suggested as a new body was to go to a Machinist and have them make one, or we buy one. By a stroke of luck, the owner of the store had a dwarven friend with such talents.

After perusing the workshop I inquired to the price of the constructs.

…500 gold coins…

It simply is impossible.

After we were to leave, I spotted another one off to the side. The dwarf said it was a higher quality one but that it had failed due to lack of power. I completely understood his problem.

Curious, I asked its price. Surely it was even more expensive than the others, but to my surprise, it wasn’t even for sale.

The stone insisted it was perfect for it and told me to use my feminine charms to get it.

Seriously… what does this stone think I am? Besides, dwarves don’t tend to see humans as attractive anyway.

I then had an idea. Why not just put the stone inside and power it up? Perhaps the dwarf will even be so grateful and let us have it?

I reached into my chest and pulled out the stone. With [Pain Reduction] something of this level is trivial. I quickly put the stone inside the container and wished it luck.

Little did I know what I had wrought upon myself.

…This time I definitely messed up.

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