《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 16 - To the Battlefront


Chapter 16

The sun peeks through the curtains, signaling the start of a brand new day.

It’s been three months since the Hero was summoned and today is the day they go to the front lines. That means the Saintess is going to go to war, and by extension means me as well.

I can’t help but be nervous.

“Be quite stupid Demon, I’m trying to sleep.”

It’s morning though so get up.

“Just a little more…”

Guess I gotta be the alarm clock yet again today. Seriously, this girl is terrible in the mornings.

Punch it Advice.

Never gonna give you up~

Never gonna let you down~

Never gonna run around~ and desert you~

The Saintess shoots up out of bed while holding her head.

“NO STOP! I’m up, I’m up!!!”

Heh, another successful wake up call. By the way, after staying in the Saintess’ body for three months, our communication and familiarity have skyrocketed.

“I’m still not used to your ramblings. It messes up my train of thought.”

If we both focus on the same thing, we are actually pretty amazing. But if I get distracted…

“Or bored.”

Ahem, as I was saying, if I’m distracted it tends to be hard for the Saintess to keep focused. I think people are starting to suspect that the Saintess is actually crazy.

“It’s all your fault!”

See? She talks out loud to nothing. Weirdo.


Oh yeah, she was also able to explain away her red eye, calling it a side effect of the summoning magic.

I thought it was a flaky reason, but people bought it. Either summoning magic isn’t used much, or the Saintess has everyone fooled thinking she is a respectable person.

“I AM a respectable person.”

Hardly. I’m with you all the time, remember? Even if I don’t know a lot about things, even I could tell you’re a shady person. I seem to recall documents that ordered the assassination of--.


“Okay! You’ve made your point, now be quiet already!”

The Saintess finished changing and went to the audience hall. There stood the Hero and his companions. We are also included in that group. Their names were… eh, I don’t remember.

‘Hey, they are important people. You should at least remember their names.’

That may be so, but the only one who can hear me is you. So who cares if I don’t remember?”

‘Fine. You at least know my name right?”

One second... [Status Open]

‘Why you little…!’

“Hello Saintess, good morning.”

“Good morning Hero Yusshki. How are you doing?”

“I’m doing well enough. I’ve learned the basics and trained against some low level monsters. I might not be 100% combat ready, but I at least think I won’t slow you guys down.”

“That’s good to hear.”

Aw man, the Hero is actually working really hard to live up to the expectations placed upon him. It’s a shame he is being deceived.

‘It’s for the greater good. He doesn’t need to know troublesome things.’

You sure you don’t follow the Evil God?

“The King has arrived! Kneel before his Majesty.”

A ball like thing was carted in from the side.

... Oh God that’s a human.

‘You’re being rude to the King.’

How in the world did he get so fat?! There are too many folds of fat to count!

“Hero, I want to thank you on behalf of the citizens for what you are about to do. You are our hope in this time of darkness. I beg of you, please light the way for this country’s future.”

“It… will be my honor your Majesty.”

Ah… the Hero faltered when he said that. I don’t blame him. Nothing respectable would come out of my mouth after I saw something like that.

Saintess, you should close your left eye. I don’t want to go blind.


The Saintess covered her mouth quickly. Everyone looked over here for a second, but the talk got back on track.

“Now go forth my warriors. Bring home victory and our future!”

And in unison everyone shouted ‘Understood!’

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