《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 20 - I Fear Nothing!


Chapter 20

I have good news and some bad news…

The good news is the Free Trade City was relatively easy to get to. Not a single major hardship. Don’t get me wrong, I had to fight a couple monsters but I was able to deal with it.

How? Hehehe… I have gotten a skill, one that can attack!

“Kukuku… taste my [Life Siphon] monster.”

Inside the monster’s belly I activate the skill. It’s a wonderful skill that ignores defense and drains Hp. Its downside is that it requires physical contact, but that isn’t a problem right now.

I actually got the skill [Life Siphon (lesser)] for 5sp, but it immediately upgraded two levels due to my race. It was awesome.

Don’t be fooled though, I can’t fight at all. Every battle was won by being eaten first and then draining Hp. I’m seriously not treating this body very well.

Congratulations! Your level has increased by 1! You have been awarded a skill point! You have been awarded 10 stat points! Base stats have increased!

Whew that was pretty quick this time. Now to crawl out of here.

With some hardship I was able to use the one arm I had left to pull myself out of the monster’s mouth.

I lost my legs when I tried to run too. Looks like I’ll be waiting a while for the regeneration.

Damn monkey monster, you’ve splendidly delayed my plans…

Ah, yes the bad news. It’s the Saintess. Truthfully I thought she would have regained her body by now, but I’m still in charge.

Do not worry, she is still herself. The shock of having her head smashed took its toll on her. She just needs time.

That was a month ago. I’m getting worried.

Your treatment of her body is definitely slowing down her recovery rate.


It can’t be helped. Sacrifices were necessary!

She has actually recovered a few times already, but when that happened, either you were being eaten or were regenerating after the fact. The shock always made her faint again.

…I plead the fifth.

You’re still guilty.

No way! It’s her own fault she has bad timing.

The next day I was as good as new and continued on. Not even a week passed and I could finally see the Free Trade City on the horizon.

“It looks big…”

“Indeed it does missy.”

I was startled by a short elderly man riding a horse drawn cart. I appeared near the road when I came out of the forest it seems.

“Old man, are you heading there?”

“Yup, I’m a trader after all. Would you like a ride and some clothes? You’re in a pretty miserable state there.”

He’s right. There is barely enough shirt and pants left to cover Saintess’ breasts and crotch. We were wearing pajamas when we escaped the fort back then.

It’s amazing they held on this long.

“Sure, but I don’t have any money?”

“Is that so?”

He rubbed his beard on his face, thinking.

“Then in return how about helping out at my store? I’ll pay your entrance fee into the city as well as let you lodge in the house behind my shop. My condition is to work for at least a month, is that fine?”

“That’s quite the offer. What’s the catch?”

“What, I just want a pretty woman to attract customers to my shop and help you out at the same time.”

Hmmm… It’s very suspicious.

Should I accept?

While I can’t tell if he is lying, I can at least say that without his aide, entering the city will be difficult.

Between a rock and a hard place… heh.

That wasn’t funny.

“All right I’ll accept.”

“Wonderful! Here is a set of plain women’s clothes.”

I gratefully accept them and change behind a nearby tree, then hop on to the cart.

I can almost feel my luck turn around as we approach the city.

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