《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 17 - The Beast War


Chapter 17

I guess I completely underestimated what a war would be like. I thought it would be similar to the fight the Naga and the Humans had only with a lot of people… Boy was I wrong.

Mariana, based on enemy movements so far, an ambush will likely occur from behind. Please stay vigilant.

‘I understand Advice, thank you for the warning.’

“Everyone keep an eye on our rear, I feel like an ambush will come!”


It’s weird, I thought only I could talk to Advice…

I’ve been left out of the loop lately…

Congratulations! Your level has increased by 1! You have been awarded 1 skill point! You have been awarded 10 stat points! Your base stats have increased!

Thanks to the Saintess, I have been leveling up though. She grew a couple levels too supposedly.

It’s nice reaping the rewards without doing a single thing… Wait? Is that what the Reaping part of my species means?

That would be ironic.

“Ambush from behind! Too bad we are ready for them!”

“Nice going Saintess!”

“It was my pleasure! [Holy Smite]!”

The enemies we are fighting are actually just humans with some animal qualities added, like dog ears, cat ears, lion manes or bear arms. I would probably find them adorable looking, if they weren’t bearing their sharp teeth and ripping people in half.

I’m not even kidding about that last bit. Their strength is ridiculous.

“Alright the Hero has beaten them back!”

“Let’s return to the fort and rest. We earned it.”

“…Excuse me, Saintess?”

“Ah, Hero Yusshki. What is it?”

The Hero looks at the corpses of the Beast Race on the ground and then to the few that have been captured. They seem to be female Beast Race from what I can tell.


“Are the Beasts really as bad as you say they are?”

The Saintess’ face hardens.

‘What is this boy babbling about? It’s not a matter of good or evil.’

“Yes they are. You’re not having second thoughts are you? Listen Hero, if you hesitate, that will be the end. They will take advantage of it and kill you with no regret. You must stay vigilant.”

“I see…”

‘Good. It seems that issue is settled.’

…I wonder.

Later that week I kept noticing that the Hero would mysteriously disappear every now and then. One night everyone was going to sleep, I saw the Hero sneak off.

I found it strange, but didn’t pay it any mind.

It was a mistake though, since it was midnight when the attack came.

“Beasts have entered the fort! Everyone get—Kuuughl!!”

The whole place was in a panic.

It seems the Beast Race has attacked the fort and are already inside.

The Saintess was given her own room in the fort. The door to that room was broken down and three Beast men came in.

“There is one!”

“*Sniff* *Sniff* Are you sure? It doesn’t smell human…”

“It looks human, and that is enough for me!”

Saintess! Wake up! Use your magic and blow them away!

“Zzz… Mmm… I’m full… thanks…”

Dang it she won’t wake up. How clever of the Beast Race to attack when she is at her peak of uselessness.

If I could, I would take over her body, but she has to be in a state similar to fainted not just asleep.

“Regret your actions in hell Human!”

One of the Beast Race swung his club down and it splendidly smashed into the Saintess’ face.

I try not to look. I’m not good with gore. It’s nasty.


Blood and brain matter splatter all over the bed and wall.

“Haha! Easy! Come on, let’s go find others!”

They ran out of the room.

I actually don’t know what to make of this situation. The Saintess has become headless, but I’m quite alive and well…

The Saintess’ Hp has reached 0, however she is not dead. Due to the effects of the skill [False Life], in order for her to truly die, you will have to be destroyed.

So it’s like pseudo immortality? But her head… it’s gone…

Yeah… what to do about that…

Well, let’s put our heads together and see what we can come up with.

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