《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 18 - The Mediocre Escape


Chapter 18

Currently, I’m in a pickle of a situation. The base is under attack and the Saintess got her head smashed in.

What to do? I’m thinking escape is the best option right now.

You could always just play dead and wait for this whole thing to blow over.

I did consider that, but I finally don’t have to take a passive stance here. Escape would equal guaranteed safety.

I move the Saintess’ body and get up off the bed; however the real obstacle has begun…

How do I leave the base when I can’t even see? When her head was smashed I gained control but lost my vision.

I can still hear the battle outside though… this world seriously lacks consistency.

Be careful as you progress. Dead bodies that move are considered monsters.

Well, yeah I figured that much…

Okay! Let’s book it outta here!

I take a few steps forward and trip. This is hard. With lots of effort I was able to make it to the door.

The first hurdle has been cleared. As I step outside I can hear the voice of the Hero in the distance.

“To the Humans who summoned me, I do not regret my actions here today. You had tricked me with pretty words and false facts. Therefore I have switched sides! The Beast race is kind and gentle. No more will you exploit them! To victory! To freedom! Also, cat ears are JUSTICE!!!”

Good for you Hero, although next time don’t let your true feelings come out at the end your speech. It’s hard to take you seriously.

“That Goddamn traitor! He will pay for this!”

“Has anyone seen the Saintess? Where is she?”

Uh-oh, not good. I have to get moving. I pick a direction and hope for the best.


“What is that?”

“Shit, isn’t that a Zombie?! Quickly spear it and throw it over the ramparts!”


I’ve been spotted. I brace myself as I feel an impact on my stomach.

“Now push!”

I’m being forced back and when my legs hit something hard, I’m lifted up and thrown over what I guess is the base’s walls.

“Is it dead-dead?”

“I can’t tell it’s too dark, but right now we have a more pressing concern.”

“Right, let’s secure the Saintess and retreat.”

I get up and turn away from the noise of the base. If I go that way, I’ll have successfully escaped.

Luckily the surrounding area is mostly plains. Obstacles should not be a problem.

Let’s try a light jog then.

As I move my legs, the sounds of battle fade into the distance. As I don’t seem to be getting tired, I wonder how far I can go. Or more like, when should I stop?

Around here seems safe enough. How about a break?

Sounds good to me.

I flop down and lay on my back.

It might be a little late for this question… but what exactly is your goal in life?

My goal?

…Huh, never gave it much thought to be honest. I figured I would live as a normal person, but since I was a pebble that was pretty much impossible at that point.

Also since I couldn’t do anything, I figured having goals was pointless. Even now this is only a borrowed body.

So what is holding you back is the lack of your own body?

Pretty much.

I see…

I was confused at Advice’s questions but didn’t ask why it wanted to know those things.

Feeling a little sleepy, I decided to take a nap. Tomorrow I need to find a way to get my vision back.

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