《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 10 - I've Been Appraised


Chapter 10

Oh man, after being put to sleep, I feel really refreshed right now.

Hope nothing happened while I was sleeping.

“Hey Old man, I’ve come to have an item appraised!”

“No need to shout, I can hear just fine.”

Appraisal… Oh right, that was mentioned before. Does that mean we are already back in the city?

“So… Where is the item?”

“Right here.”

A hand grabs me and I was taken out of the pocket and placed on a table.

In front of me is an older looking gentleman with a long white beard and wearing a goofy pointed hat. It looks exactly like the hats garden gnomes wear.

Pfft… No, I’m not laughing… I swear…


“What’s wrong?”


The guy who took me out… what was his name? Adolf? Anyway, he has this confused look while staring at me.

He muttered something like ‘Was it always this color?’

Heheh… That’s right Abraham. I have evolved!

Into what? I have yet to find out.

“I shall begin the appraisal.”

I was lifted onto a thing that looked like a weight scale. The Old man pushed a button and bright flashing lights surrounded me.

Stay back paparazzi, stay back!

Whew the lights stopped. But now a board on the wall has begun to glow.

“Here are the results. Its price will be determined by its worth. However for such a stone, it might be better to take it to… a… Jeweler…”

“Old man, is something wrong?”


I see now. The scale is like a scanner, and the board shows the data. I thought it would show what I see when I think of my status, but it’s somehow different.

Appraisal does have the ability to show your complete status, however its level must be fairly high for that. Basic level appraisals show only the bare bones of status. Item appraisal show even less. It seems this scale is treating you as an item.


“You three! Where did you find this?!”

The Geezer started shouting. Could it be from what is displayed?

The Board shows this.

Item Classification: [Artifact]

Item Name: [Reaping Pebble]

Item Description: A black and red pebble that carries an enormous amount of magical power. It has the ability to harvest the souls of the fallen and ferry them off into the Death God’s Domain. The more souls it has stored inside, the brighter its crimson hue. This item is a catalyst and can be used to fuel spells.

Rarity: [SSS+]

Value: 11,784,398 gold coins

So I’m a Reaping pebble now. It’s quite sinister isn’t it?

I also wonder if I’ll ever graduate from a Pebble…

“W-we found it near a Naga that we slayed. It was over in the Viciti Forest.”

“The Forest? Could it be…? No I can’t say for sure… Anyway I have to report this to the King.”

“Hey! What about our money?”

“Here is 500 gold. Now beat it.”

“No complaints here. Later Old man.”

Oi, you three… He’s ripping you off you know?

“Now to put this in a sealing box… This is just what the King needed.”

I’m lifted up and dropped into a black box with a bunch of ornamental designs on it. The inside is covered in a red velvety cushion. It’s quite soft when I land in it.

The lid is closed and a sound of a locking mechanism can be heard.

You know… one day I will be able to decide my own fate. This going with the flow can’t last forever.

Until you can actually start influencing your surroundings, this will be your future.

I’ve decided… I must acquire a movement skill!

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