《My Life is a Series of Questionable Choices》Chapter 22 - A New Beginning


Chapter 22

“Mariana, baby I’ve returned to buy some things.”

“Buy them quickly, then get out.”

“Aw, you were so nice and accommodating in the beginning… Not that I’m complaining about this cold side of you, hehe.”

Mariana scowled and closed her eyes as if that would make the customer disappear faster.

After working in the Old man’s shop for about a week, I was starting to get the hang of things. I would be lying if I said the… merchandise… didn’t unsettle me at first, but once you get over that hump of embarrassment it became easier.

But then the Saintess finally recovered. I had to explain everything that happened since the night of the betrayal. I’ll omit most of it since the majority of her reaction was screaming.

Picture a nun, swearing like a drunken sailor. I wisely stayed quiet.

I thought she would want to run back and exact her revenge, but before she could, she learned what became of the war.

“Hey, hey, Mariana. Did you hear about Human-Beast war to the south? I heard after a decisive battle at a fort, the war totally turned in the Beast’s favor. It seems they already captured the human’s capital and won.”

“…I know that already.”

I found that out earlier. When I told her, she had this distant look in her eyes and didn’t talk much. One day, she just sighed really loudly and said ‘Screw the Gods. I’ll just do what I want.’ She looked really happy after that.

And then that happiness quickly turned to annoyance and anger. Since she regained control, now she had to deal with the shop and its customers. I thought her attitude would drive them away, but I seem to have horribly underestimated the perverts in this city.


“Hey Harry, come to restock today?”

“Oh Ted, yeah I also came to get a good dose of Mariana’s tsundere love.”

“Buy your shit and leave already!”

“Splendid today as well, Mariana.” “Thank you very much.”

Well the month is almost up, which means we will be free to do as we please soon. Once work was over and we closed shop, we went into the house part that was built into the back of the store.

The Old man was setting down some food.

“Good work today Mariana. Hope you like beef stew with brandy.”

“That sounds wonderful.”

The Saintess had a pleasant expression at the mention of alcohol. As a Saintess, she avoided it. But now, with her life in shambles she has become a total booze hound. Also something about her body being undead, she can’t get drunk.

However, I think now is the perfect time to tell her the plan.

Hey Mariana.


I think it’s about time I left your body. What do you think?

‘Normally I would agree immediately. But won’t I die if you leave?’

You should be able to live normally once Pebble has left your body. However the link between the two of you cannot be severed. If Pebble dies, you will die. This is also the only way for you to die at this point.

‘Hmm… well, how would you even leave? Won’t you need another living body?’

No, I have an idea for that. It requires the skills of a Machinist.

“A Machinist?”

“You interested in machines Mariana?”

“Huh? Oh, well…”

“I have a dwarf buddy who helps me fill out special orders for customers. He’s really good at making machines that look like people. They can even be programmed to do certain ‘functions’.”

“Well that is disturbing.”

“He makes normal ones too. Would you like me to introduce you?”

“…Sure, why not.”

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