In Serial

You Give Me Problems (Van McCann)

8 78 22
Author: Type:Male
Whoever you're mixing your drinks with, is dying to, go to town on you...
He was wearing his usual uniform of black skinny jeans and a sweater, although the sweater he was wearing now was especially significant. It was the one I fell asleep on a few nights after we'd met.
"Hi Van."
Carmen meets Ryan "Call me Van, it's more class" McCann at some seedy bar she gets dragged to by a new friend. To say things move fast is an understatement. But as fast as they move, as painfully slow they end.
While Van and his mates get the band rising quicker and quicker, Carmen can't help her feelings as she sees her striped sweater wearing messy haired cockish boy become the rockstar he swore he would.
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