In Serial

Human Mate (Under Editing)

8 141 49
Author: Type:Male
"Hey Garret can you help me with something?" Isabella asks.
"Yeah sure"
Instantly Isabella's lips connect to mine. My mind dint register what was happening at first, her lips moving against mine. Seconds before pulling away I get the worst pain in my chest. Almost like Isabella had caused it. When I pull away Isabella gives me a confused look. I growl at her for lac of respect.
When Isabella cowards away from the menacing growl, I get the best scent of Lilac and Vanilla. My mind goes wild wondering where the scents came from
I look into the hallway and the smell grows stronger. I see a small girl in the arms of my beta Dylan and jealousy rips through me.
Emily is entering her last year in High school. Her mom died when she was young and she has a very distant father. She is moving to Arizona leaving her cheating boyfriend behind and entering a whole new school. Not knowing what to expect, she just hopes that it's not like the torture she went through at her old school.
Garret King is the Alpha of the Lunar Eclipse pack. He has been looking for his mate since the age of 16. He's not the super bad ass alpha that many would suspect, but he sure looks the part.
What happens when Emily goes to this new school and Garret finds her?
More importantly what will she think of him after sense their first encounter isn't so lovely.
*Disclaimer: This cover photo is not mine, if you know the photographer tell me who they are and I'll give their picture credit*
*Criticism is accepted here*
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