《Human Mate (Under Editing)》Moving Day


Emily's P.O.V

"Emily wake your ass up!" I here my father yell.

Today is the day that I move for the 4th time. My dad says that this is the last time that we are going to move but I doubt it.

\When I was really little, maybe around the age of 7, my mom died of a brain tumor and moving has been really really hard without having a mom to talk to. It's not like I'm going to talk to my dad about girl stuff, I mean seriously that's weird.

I hear my phone go off, already having a feeling of who it is.

Drew- I'm gonna miss you X

Me- That's great

Drew- Wow.No "I'm gonna miss you to babe" Okay I see how it is.

Me- Drew we broke up. Why would you expect that from me.

Drew- Come on babe. You know I'm sorry.

Drew- Babe?

Me- Bye Drew

Finally moving away from him. After sending my last text I delete his number. Hopefully that'll erase him from my life.

I put my phone in my bag and head down to the car. Drew's my Ex boyfriend. He cheated on me when we started dating after about 6 or 7 months. I started talking to him a few months later because before we dated he was a really great friend and stood up for me when I was getting bullied in my old school.

He's tried to get me to get back together with him but I don't need him to go and cheat on me again nor do I love him anymore.

"You ready?" My dad asks me. I shake my head and we start driving. I live in San Diego and my dad didn't want to get a plane to Arizona so we are driving........ Yay me. Note my Sarcasm.


//Time Skip//

"Emily Wake up. We're here" MY dad shakes me awake. I look up to see a beautiful house. There is a group of boys out side the house right next to it playing Soccer. They looked about my age. Some might be Older.

I hop out of the car with my back pack and go to get my other bags out of the back. My dad heads into the house. All the boys stop to look at me. Great. This is a great first impression, sweatpants, messy hair, and a tank top. Eh who cares? They're just guys, I'm sure I won't be seeing them too much.

Dylan's P.O.V (One of the boys looking at her)

Me and a few of my friends were just playing some soccer when this car pulls up to the house that has just been sold. A really pretty girl walks out of the car. She didn't look like all the other cake faced girls at my school, she barely gave any of us a second glance before walking into the house.

'Hey garret, we have some new neighbors. They don't seem like rouges, they don't smell like it but do you know them?' I ask Garret our Alpha through my mind link.

'No. No one should be on our packs land without talking to me' He says. He sounds angry.

'If they're rouges, Kill Them' he says finally before cutting off the mind link.

Emily's P.O.V

I decided that it would probably be a good Idea to go to the mall because I didn't have very many clothes. I brought everything with me to this new place but before we left I threw out most of my old clothes due to them being too small.

After about an hour or two of shopping I walk over to the food court only to see the guy from earlier.......great.

"Hey! You're my new neighbor right?" One of the boys asked

"Umm.... Yeah" I say. What I didn't know which one was my neighbor. There were too many guys.

"Well my names Dylan"


"Pretty name" he says.

"Thanks. Well I have to go" I say. He says a quick bye and I rush out of there. Can this day get anymore awkward?

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