《Human Mate (Under Editing)》"Don't Touch Her!"


Emily's P.O.V

It has been about a week since Garret marked me. I've never been happier with how our relationship is going. Garret hasn't let me out of his sight. Even at school.

Garret was currently sitting next to me in math class helping me.

I'm so bad at math. Like let's be honest. Math got hard when they decided to add letters. Now they're even adding shapes, like HELL NO. I hear Garret let out a small chuckle beside me.

"I love your thoughts" He laughed out.

Garret told me about how when mates mark each other they can read each others thoughts or whatever but because I'm human I can't read his and it's really unfair. But it's also really fun to tease him. You know, like think really sexual things.

Garrets hand finds it's way onto my thighs. The sparks run up and down my thigh along with his hand.

I love the feel of the sparks, they send tingles all over my body.

"I know they do" Garret says.

Oh. I guess he decided to snoop into my thoughts. 

My brain told me not to but I thought it would be really funny to tease him. Don't you think?

As I sit back in my seat I focus on the sparks running up and down my leg, slowly letting dirty thougths fill my mind. 

(A/N I thought it would be funny for her to tease Garret with really sexual thoughts so you're welcome if you like reading this kind of stuff. If not you can just skip)

The way his hand runs up and down my thigh just makes me go wild. Pleasure courses through my veins every time he touches me. What I would do to have his hands go higher and higher until they reached my core.


Even his fingers turn me on, the way they move has me imagining dirty things. Like how they would feel plunged deep inside of me. How I would moan his name so loud that the entire pack house could hear me.

If his fingers could make me moan hat loud then I wonder just how good his big dick would feel buried inside of my pussy. As he completely wrecks me, and not being able to walk the next day. How he would make me scream his name as I reach my peak.

(A/N it's over)

I hear a deep growl come from next to me.

"Babygirl I suggest you stop thinking those things right now before I drag you back home and take you. It's not polite to give your boyfriend a boner in public" He says, his eyes pitch black.

"Sorry baby" I say batting my eyelashes at him. "I just can't help it"

Before Garret could speak the speaker announces my name calling me to the office.

Garret shakes his head at me, not wanting me to leave but I give him a small nod getting up out of my seat with all of my stuff because class was about to be dismissed anyways.

When I arrive at the office I gasp not expecting who was there.

"Where have you been!"

Garret's P.O.V

Fuck. Why must she think those things. Now Garret Jr. is out and about wanting attention. She's so getting it when we get home. 

The bell finally rang and I instantly went looking for Emily. I catch her scent but it faded when I heard the sound of a door shutting. I look over to see Emily being dragged out of the school by a man who looked older than her. Rage boiled within me as I quickly stormed out of school.


"Let go of me" I hear her voice. She struggles against the man.

Before I knew it Emily was on the ground clutching her cheek. The echo of a slap rung in my ear. I rush over to her.

"You WILL listen to me you bitch, where the fuck have you been!?" The man shouts.

"Get the fuck off of her!" I shout, grabbing Emily and lifting her up. She instantly shuffles her body into mine.

"She's my daughter, I can do whatever the fuck I want with her" The man, who turned out to be her dad said. "Now give her back to me"

"Don't Touch Her. Don't Ever Touch Her!" Me and my wolf both growl out. Because of the Alpha inside of me, her father cowers away, fear evident in his eyes but he still kept his chest popped out trying to show that he wasn't scared of me. Oh he's in for a treat.

"Get your hands off of my daughter. I will do whatever the fuck I want with her, you're just a child why would I ever take orders from you" He says cockily.

My wolf growled, not liking the disrespect this man was giving us.

"You listen here. If you ever lay your filthy hands on her ever again you're dead!" My wolf shouted making her dad fully submit to my command. I Picked up Emily bridal style, cuddling her into me as I walk to my car.

"Please don't let him get to me" I hear Emily's small sob.

"Shhh. I'm not letting anything happen to you. As your mate and your boyfriend I can promise you that"

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