《Human Mate (Under Editing)》Mates


Emily's P.O.V

"I would love it if you marked me-"

He didn't let me finish before his lips were on mine. The kiss was soft but passionate. I could feel all his love for me.

Next thing I knew his lips were on my neck pressing softly against the foul mark i had imprinted on my skin. His lips sent a fire through me sparking a moan to erupt from my mouth.

Before I knew it I felt his teeth dig into my skin. I let out a small whimper from the pain but soon the pain stopped and turned into pleasure.

He retracted his teeth from my skin. I felt drained and tired.

"Are you tired Baby?" Garret asks me. I gently nod my head not having the energy to speak.

"Okay, go to sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up"

I instantly fell back into a deep slumber when Garret wrapped his arms around me.


I felt small sparks of fire dance across my skin. It wasn't painful. It felt surprisingly good. Suddenly a wave of pleasure as I felt a soft pair of lips on my newly made mark.

I squirm a bit, feeling the arm across my waist tighten. The sparks increased as Garret's hand stroked my arm. I try to spin my body around so I can face Garret. Once I managed to successfully move my body the other way I come in contact with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"Good morning baby" Garrets raspy voice fills the once silent room. Before I can speak his lips were placed on mine. You know those cliche moments where a kiss will leave a person breathless and send them sparks, yeah this was one of those moments.

"Well good morning to you too" I giggle. Garret lets out a small chuckle before cuddling me once more.


All of the sudden the door bursts open only to reveal Alice covering her eyes with her hand.

"Okay I'm gonna count to 3 and then remove my hands. I swear to god if you guys are having sex I will actually kill you!" Alice says making us both laugh.

"Alice we're not having sex" I say to her making her release a sigh of relief.

"Okay good. NOW back to what I came here for" I give her a confused look.

"Garret get off my best friend so I can spend the day with her!" She says making Garret growl.

"No she's my teddy bear" Garret pouts pulling me impossibly closer. By instinct I cuddle deeper into him so I can feel the sparks.

"Garret I know the you marked her and all but I never get to spend time with her"

I gave her a confused look. How did she know that I was marked?

"Emily I can smell you, you smell like Garret" She says answering my question before I asked it.

I nod my head and go back to snuggling with Garret.

"Emily I swear to god if you don't get up we're not getting coffee.

"Bed Comfy. Pillow soft. Garret warm. Me tired" I say sleepily.

"Alice she'll be up in a little bit, let the girl sleep. I doubt she's gotten much of it the past week" Dylan says popping his head through the door. I silently thank him. Alice leaves the room with a huff knowing she won't be getting Emily out of bed anytime soon.

"I don't wanna get up today" She says quietly.

"I know baby, you'll get all of your strength back soon. Then you won't be as tired" I say to her, she nods her head before letting out a yawn.


"Don't you have work to do today though?" Emily asks me.

"Yes, but I don't have to do it at this very moment"


I stayed with Emily for the rest of the day, I didn't have to do the work, it wasn't even pack work it was just stupid "Becoming Alpha" Rules that I could just read anytime of the day. Yeah I know that they seems important but I already knew everything because my dad taught me at a young age.

My mate stirs in my arms making me feel more alert.

"Hello" Her groggy voice croaks out. "How long have I been asleep"

I look over at the clock. "3:27" I say to her. Her eyes go wide.

"Don't worry it's normal to be this tired when you're first marked" she just nods and lets out a small mewl of a yawn.

So adorable.

"Why does my skin feel like it's on fire whenever you touch me?" Emily asks.

"That's from the effect I have on you, baby. The stronger the effect, the stronger the feel" I whisper in her ear. I kiss her lips slowly, feeling the strong sparks.

"And i'm guessing I have a big effect on you" I growl lowly in her ear, nipping at the newly made mark. She let's out a small moan. The sounds sends pleasure straight to my groin and I groan in frustration.

"I love you"

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