《Human Mate (Under Editing)》Drew


Emily's P.O.V

I couldn't get the thought of him out of my mind. I know Garret will keep me safe but it still haunts me. He was always like this. The amount of times he would hit me because I looked too much like my mother.

He would always say I was a burden and a mistake. How he would take his anger out on me, claiming I'm the reason that she's gone. I never understood what he meant because no matter what her dying wasn't anyone's fault. No one can cause what she had.

"Stop thinking those things" Garret whispers in my ear.

"I'm sorry, I can't stop"

"I know you can't and you shouldn't be sorry. It just kills me to know that I wasn't there t protect you. I should've done more to that bastard when I had the chance"

He looks down at me, his eyes changing color for a few seconds.

"We will protect you" two different toned voices say.

I give him a confused look for a few seconds.

"We will protect you" He says again.

"Sorry babe, my wolf was trying to come out for a second" Garret says making my confusion subside. I guess that makes more sense. I'm still confused though.

"Um Okay" Garret laughs at my confusion.

The thoughts returned before a memory makes me snap my head up at Garret.

"What is it?"

"I need to go back there" I say and he growls.

"Why" He snarls.

"I left it there. I left my mothers ring, it was the only thing I had left from her. I forgot it"

I get it it's just a ring but, it's not just a ring to me. I was given the ring the day before she passed away, it was too big for me so I put it on a chain and never took it off. One day my dad saw it and forcefully took it off me. I wasn't aloud to have it but I know where he keeps it.


"I know it must precious to you but please don't go back there, even with me there to protect you I still don't trust that bastard" He begs.

I don't care if he begs me, I'm getting the only thing that I have left of my mother. I look Garret dead in the eyes. "I'm going" I say Getting up from our position on Garrets couch.

"No" He growls out in anger.

"What if he's not even there?" I ask him before opening the door.

Before Garret could respond I walked out of the door, Garret's car keys in my pocket. "Emily" I hear him growl behind me.

No. This is the only thing I will have left of her so I'm going to go get it. He can't stop me from that.

"Just let me come with you..... please. I couldn't live with myself if something were to happen to you. Please" he begs. I sigh and nod my head before getting into the car with him.

When we arrive at my dads house I see a car that I don't recognize. It seems familiar but nothing clicks. Garret growls "Who's that?"

"I'm not sure"

When I hop out of the car the front door to the house opens. I look over to the person. My eyes pop out of my head when I recognize who the man is. Garret sees me looking at him and pulls me to his side.

The name faintly leaves my body as flashbacks of what happened come back to me.


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