《Human Mate (Under Editing)》Drew pt.2


Garret's P.O.V

As soon as Emily hopped out of the car I knew something wasn't right. There was a person in her house but the smell was unrecognizable. I walk up to Emily before I see her body tense. The front door slowly opened to reveal a man, looks about my age but smaller. I could smell the werewolf in him. A strong one too but not stronger than me. Maybe a Beta.

"Drew?" I hear Emily faintly say.

"Emily, where have you been? You haven't returned my calls or texts!" Drew yelled. I am quick to let out a small warning growl. No one yells at Emily.

Emily stayed silent as the boy who I come to learn is Drew kept walking closer to her.

"Emily talk to me! I came here to see you and come to find out that you haven't been home for weeks! You had me worried sick."

"Don't talk to her like that" I say as a growl escapes me. Drew glares up at me. Ha, small child.

"And who are you?" He asks me. "I'm her boyfriend" I say lowly. I stand in front of Emily. I look of sadness flashes across his face for moment before turning into anger. Why is he mad?

"You already moved on?" Drew says. His eyes trailing over to Emily as she clings to my arm.

"Of course, what did you expect me to do? Sulk over you after you cheated on me" Emily states. My wolf growls at her having someone before us. I just feel sad for her. How could you cheat on someone so perfect. I wrap my arms around her, tightly.

"You know I didn't mean it" Lies. I said to myself. You don't cheat on someone on accident or cheat on someone and not mean to do it. I know I don't know the entire story but even if he was drunk, it wouldn't matter. Even a human could figure that out.


"Excuse me but I would appreciate it if you didn't talk to my girlfriend about dating" I say to him. It's taking everything in me not to let my wolf have full dominance.

"Well it's important so I would like it if you would stay out of it" He says. Quickly he tries to take another step towards Emily, obviously not getting the point of me being right in front of her.

Before getting any closer Emily pulls my arm back to my car.

"Garret lets go, I'll get it another time-"

"Emily, you're not leaving me again. Talk to me dammit!" Drew growls. His wolf was coming out. I looked over at Emily, her skin went pale not knowing what to do. I quickly push him away.

"Don't even think about attacking my girl!" I yell at him. "As Alpha of my pack I can ban you from ever crossing my land again, you attack my mate, I kill you" My wolf and I growl out.

Emily's P.O.V

"Emily, you're not leaving me again. Talk to me dammit!" I look up at drew. His eyes started to change their color from a light hazel to a bright yellow color. Garret pushes him away quickly.

"Don't even think about attacking my girl!" He yells. "As Alpha of my pack I can ban you from ever crossing my land again. You attack my mate, I kill you" Garret snarls. I small tear escapes my eye as I think about Drew harming me. None of this would've happened if I just kept my moms ring.

"A-Alpha?" Drew questions Garret.

"Did I stutter?" Garret questions back with anger.

Drew bows his head nervously, obviously understanding what he just did. Garret turns back to face me.


"Are you okay baby?" He asks.

"Yes thank you" I whisper.

Suddenly Drew's head pops up.

"Wait what do you mean, she's not your mate." Drew says. I look at him confused.

"Well maybe the moon goddess decided that you would no longer be my mate after what you did to me" I state.

"I was drunk-" Drew gets cut off by a loud vicious laugh.

"We can't get drunk and you know that. Our immune systems don't process the effects of alcohol like humans do"

Drew's face goes pale. He cheated on me because he wanted to, not because he was drunk. I even knew that. A faint whisper leaves his mouth "Emily please"

"Get off my land pup" Garret growls. Drew quickly runs and shifts before disappearing into the forest. Garret turns to face me once more.

"Come here" He whispers and in an instant I'm wrapped into his arms. Tears unleash from my eyes. I feel weak. Both Physically and Mentally. I don't know why I'm crying but I am. I used to always believe that a person never cries over one thing. It just takes one thing to have you unleash all of your pent up feelings, and this was my breaking point.

For the rest of that night I was in Garret's arms as he helped me through all the tears that I would shed.

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