《Human Mate (Under Editing)》Teddy Bear


Emily's P.O.V

Ever since Garret told me about him and his 'kind', we have been inseparable according to Alice. Garret has been wanting me to stay with him every night...... not that I was complaining.

There would be days when he wouldn't let me get out of bed. Of course those days were only on the weekends. I actually want to graduate school.

"Babe, Come BACK!" I hear Garret groan from the other side of the bathroom door as I change out of my Pajamas.

"I'm getting changed!"

"And? I wouldn't mind if you changed out here"


"Only for you" Even if his words were super cocky, they still managed to make a blush come to my face and make my cheeks look red. I walk out of the bathroom in only a shirt and underwear. I saw my jeans and went to go grab them before two hands were placed on my hips.

"I like you like this"

"Garret can you stop we have to get dressed for school"

"Well I don't care. I think we need a break after all....... So as your boyfriend I decide that you won't be putting pants on and you are going to cuddle with me all day."

Before I could respond, my feet left the ground and I was thrown onto the bed.

"And I'm not taking no for an answer" He says.

"Okay fine"

A smile spreads across his face.

"For the schools bad boy, your such a teddy bear when you're with me" He gives me a small pout making me giggle. He crawls towards me before engulfing me in his arms.

Garret's hand strokes my bare thigh making shivers run up my spine. Garret attaches his lips to mine softly, his hand cupping the side of my face, brushing his thumb over my cheekbone.


"I love you" Garrets says in between kisses. My eyes widen at this. Even when I heard him say it in the hospital I didn't think he actually meant it.

"Why so shocked, love? Don't think I mean it?" He says and I shake my head 'no'

"Well I do" He says before moving his lips back onto mine. His hand moves down to the back of my neck, bringing me impossibly closer.

"Regret wanting to go to school yet?" He asks.

"Of course"


Our kiss got more heated the longer it lasted. Garret's hand slides down my leg, rubbing up and down my thigh. My weight shifted as his body rolled on top of mine. Our chests pressed together, his arms wrapped around me not wanting to let go. Feeling his skin as my hands slide underneath his shirt.

Garret pulls away quickly. "We should stop. Your first time needs to be more special than this" He said rolling off me. I knew he was right but I also knew that we both just weren't ready yet. But that doesn't mean that I can't mess with him a bit.

"Who says it's my first time?" I ask, hiding my smirk.

I hear a slight growl that causes me to jump. I look over to see Garret, looking at me. His face turns from anger to a smirk, mirroring mine.

His body rolls back on to mine. His arms keeping him hoisted above me, barely putting weight on me. Well I was never a good liar.

"That's not funny babe. You're mine. No one get's to see you like that except for me" he said. He pits his head in the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent.

"Mine" he repeats into my neck. I put my hand on his cheek, lifting his head up.


"And you're mine" I say back to him. His lips find mine again. This kiss was slow and soft.

"Don't tease me like that" He says.

"I'm sorry" I say innocently with a small pout. Garret groans, sucking in my bottom lip.

"Can we stay like this everyday. Just me holding you and no school?" He asks

"Nope" I say.


"Because, Alice would kill me if I didn't show up to school"

"Well Alice isn't the alpha now is she." He states

"No she's not"

"And I don't think Alice has the power to keep you from me."

"Garret, I would like to graduate high school"

"Why? When you could just cuddle all day with me!" He argues. It's cute how he sounds like a little boy.

"Aww is my teddy bear sad that I would choose graduating over him?" He nods his head vigorously.

"Yes! I can never forgive you for this!" He exaggerates

"Fine. How about I tell Alice that I won't be able to hangout with her this weekend, and I can be here with you in this bed for those two days just cuddling? Would that make you forgive me?"

"Hmm......... Well, I guess that would work"

"Okay good"

His lips attack mine once again.

Needless to say that Garret wouldn't let me out of his arms all day.

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