《Human Mate (Under Editing)》"Don't be afraid.... Please"


Emily's P.O.V

The leaves crunched underneath my feet as I walk through the forest. The wind sent shivers throughout my body.

I hear a small rustle in the bushes. It's probably just the wind. As I look over towards the bushes I see this huge wolf. I hear small cracks and pops. The wolf shifts and starts to stand up. When the creature turns around it looks straight at me. It looked so familiar. As soon as our eyes lock, mine go wide...


My mind and eyes were consumed with darkness as questions filled my mind. The last thing I knew, my body hit the ground before I completely blacked out.


Garret's P.O.V

Beep..... Beep.... Beep

The constant sound of the heart monitor. My body feels like it's been extracted of all it's energy as I sit next to Emily, holding her hand while she lays on the hospital bed.

The pack doctor said she blacked out in shock.

What am I supposed to tell her huh? Oh hey babe guess what I am a werewolf and you're my mate? 

I was brought out of my thoughts from her hand tightening around mine.

"Baby? Please wake up. Show me those beautiful eyes of yours. Show me that smile that makes me want to kiss all over your face" I say trying to encourage her to keep moving her muscles. She has to wake up. 

Her eyes twitch before slowly fluttering open. They shut once more from the blinding lights but open again trying to adjust to the lights. 

"B-Baby?" I stutter trying to get her attention. Her head turns towards my direction before our eyes met. Her face held no emotion before her eyes went wide, as if memories flashed inside of her head. She scoots away from me enough so that she doesn't fall off of the hospital bed.


"H-how?" is all she manages to say. 

"Y-you were an animal then you turned into you a-and I just-"

"Emily baby. Please. I will tell you everything that you want to know." I tell her. She looks scared. She hesitantly nods still looking terrified.

"Just.... Don't be afraid...... Please"


As soon as she was about to ask her first question the door slammed open to reveal Alice and Dylan.

"My poor baby! Are you okay?" Alice asks her. 

Emily nods her head "Yeah I'm okay, just feel a little bit tired" Alice nods her head. I could feel Dylan's stare burning in the back of my head.

"Emily where is your dad? Does he even know that you're here?"

Emily shakes her head before muttering a small "He probably doesn't even care".

Who couldn't care for her? I see a small tear slip down her face. I'm quick to wipe it away. She flinches back a small bit but stills as my thumb brushes against her face. I know she can feel the tingles of the mate bond. Her head leans into my touch. The mate bond makes you want to be closer to each other, so even the littlest of contact you would still try to be closer.

Alice and Dylan talked for a while longer before they had to leave. It was dinner time at the pack house. I already mind linked them that I won't be there.


"Yes?" I said but she went silent. I knew she wanted to ask me so many things. She just doesn't know how to bring it up.

"H-How are you able to do that? Why didn't the wolf try to hurt me?"

"Umm..... Well Emily. Um, how do I explain this? Look Emily my family and many other families in this country are different from other people. W-we are werewolves Emily. I know you might not believe me but what you saw in the woods, that was real. That actually happened. Werewolves have been around for generations." 


I pause to just look at her. I admire her face for a second. She still looked shocked. 

"I-I didn't hurt y-you because you're m-my mate Emily. You're my mate, and I would never hurt my mate."

She arched one of her brows as if to continue.

"Every wolf has a mate whether she is human or wolf, it doesn't matter they are still your mate. A mate is basically your soulmate, the one that you are destined to be with. Everyone has a soulmate but wolves can sense theirs." She nods her head. 

"I understand that you are trying your best to understand this as much as possible but I don't want to over whelm you"

"So I'm your mate?" Emily asks me.

"Yes you are and I wouldn't want that any other way. You're perfect Emily. I've loved you ever sense I've seen you and my love for you has just been growing every single day" I caress her cheek with my thumb. Her eyes let one tear shed.

"No ones ever told me that"

"Well I'm glad to be the first person to tell you that"

I kiss away the tear that glides down her skin before connecting my lips with hers. I needed her kiss. It was my medicine, my drug, my addiction.

"So what does all this have to do with me?"

"Emily. My sweet Emily. Every pack of wolves have an Alpha and my darling you're looking right at him. In this case makes you the female ruler or as we call it a Luna. The perfect Luna that you were destined to be."

I kiss her once more. The kiss was filled with passion and love.

"I've loved you ever sense I've seen you. I remember it so well. You were getting a piggy back ride from Dylan and I didn't like Dylan being so close to my mate" I laugh at the memory. I see a small blush creep up on her cheeks.

"Well it's a lot to take in but I'm sure about one thing"

"And what is that?"

"I'm glad that I'm your mate"

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