《Human Mate (Under Editing)》Wolf Pt. 2


Emily's P.O.V

The week went by pretty quickly. Garret stayed by my side the entire week. No one bothered me. It's almost like he was my body guard.

Whenever I stepped away from Garret he instantly would pull me right back. I think it's really cute.

It's also quite convenient how we have almost all of our classes together. Garret was such a teddy bear but he was also very tough. It's like he was a different person when other people were around us.

I look over to see the same group of girl glaring daggers into me. As if Garret senses my discomfort he glares back at the girls and they all turn away.

The final bell rings and school gets dismissed. Garret offers to drive me home.

As soon as I walk into the door I am met with my dad frantically pacing around the room. His eyes move over to mine and anger fills his face.

"Emily where the fuck were you!" he roars.

Of course he didn't know where I was. He didn't even see if I was okay when I went to the hospital!

"Well you gonna answer me or do I need to get the answer out of you!" he yells. I was shocked. Did he really just say that?

"Well if you must know I was at the hospital. But of course you wouldn't know that as of seeing that you never came to see if I was alright!" I say. Before he can respond I trudge up the stairs.

"Mother Fucker!" I scream as my toe hits the edge of the door. I hate stubbing my toes.

"Honey are you okay?" I hear my dad ask. Damn! Why are parents so bipolar. One second he's basically threatening me and the next he's being sweet.


I should really just go for a walk. Yeah a walk. That'll make me calm down my thoughts and NOT make me want to punch my dad square in the face.

Garret's P.O.V.

All day I have been keeping Emily near me. I only ever want her near me. My wolf was at ease with her around. I really wanted to rip the heads off of those girls that were looking at Emily. Like they hated her. They can all just go back to hoeing around.

The rest of study hall Emily was resting her head on my shoulder while I was reading one of my books. She would occasionally see what page I was on but continued with her math homework.

"Um Garret?" I hear her say and my head pops up.

"Can you help me with this problem? I'm stuck on it"

"Sure" I say concealing my excitement. I take every opportunity I can get to help her cause she would always scoot closer to me and I would be able to feel the small sparks and I know she could to.

"So what do you need help with kitten?" Her cheeks never fail to heat up when I call her that.

"Um, how do you find the X intercept of this scattered plot?" She asks. (A/N That's what I'm learning right now. I'm not that good in math so if you think it's easy that good for you)

I quickly explain and she just nods in agreement. I know she probably didn't understand anything I just said but at least she was trying to make an effort.

After the last bell I drive Emily home. I wanted to make sure she was safe so I stayed a few minutes after she got inside. I instantly hear yelling and my wolf growls at the thought of someone yelling at our kitten.


The yelling stops and after a few minutes I get a message from Dylan that I had a meeting so I had to leave.


After the meeting was over my wolf wanted to go for a run.

We always like to go for a run around Emily's house. Knowing she's near makes us happy and we need to protect her.

About an hour or two into running my wolf finally gets tired. As I'm shifting back I hear a twig snap. Once I'm in my human form I see Emily staring at me before collapsing to the ground.

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